424--Quiz 2 (infectious diseases) Flashcards
Foreign organism found in the body.
Stage of infection
- incubation
- prodrome
- illness
- convalescence.
Common treatments
Hydration ABX Antivirals (ex: Acyclovir) Antipyretics Antipruitics (ex: antihistamines)
Sepsis S/S, therapeutic management, & Nx care
S/S: inconsolable crying, rash, D/V, poor feeding, decreased output, seizures.
Therapeutic management: aggressive IV fluids & ABX.
Nx: (implement therapeutic management), infect prevention, ed.
Bacterial infections–list
Scarlet fever, cat scratch fever, DTP
Scarlet fever
= Bact infect Grp A (untreated strep).
S/S: sunburn appearance, sandpaper-like skin.
Tx: PCN, fluids
Cat scratch fever
= Bact infect cat saliva.
S/S: HA, fatigue, lymphadenopathy.
Tx: self-limiting, supportive cares (ABX maybe).
Nx: stnd precautions.
= Bact infect.
S/S: * pseudomembrane covering oral cavity & pharynx, hard to swallow, airway obstruct.
Nx: resp status.
= Bact infect 10-30 caughs in row w/ whooping sound @ end.
Nx: req’s booster b/c vaccine wears off.
= Bact infect.
S/S: musc spasm starting in jaw, generalized most common.
Nx: resp status, CV status.
Viral exanthems–general info & characts
= Viral infects. Skin rash w/ distinct pattern makes for ID. Not hospitalized but quarantined.
Nx: antipyretics, 2nd’ary infect prevent f/ scratching.
Viral infections–list
Rubella (German measles) or rubeola (measles), varicella, erythema infectiosum (5th’s dis.), coxsackie (hand/foot/mouth), mumps, polio, & rabies.
Rubella (German measles) or rubeola (measles)
= Viral infect.
Nx: CONTAGEOUS, 10-12 day incubation, 3-5 day prodrome (S/S: fever, cough, then *koplik spots in mouth, then widespread rash).
= Viral infect.
S/S: pox (discrete, isolated, painful, blistery, scar).
Nx: 2nd’ary infect prevent f/ scratching.
Erythema infectiosum (5th’s dis.)
= Viral infect peaks late winter, “slap cheek dis” or “parvo virus.”
Nx: noncontagious once rash appears, adults can get it, dangerous if preggers.
Cosackie (hand/foot/mouth)
= Viral infect peaks summer.
S/S: lesions painful, blister.
Nx: self-limiting.
= Viral infect parotid gland(s).
Nx: antipyretics, fluids, ice packs for orchitis (inflamm testes).
= Viral infect CNS can ==> paralysis.
Nx: resp status.
= Viral infect NS, bat bites.
Nx: if infected, seek care w/in 24 hrs; if illness develops, prognosis is poor.
Vector borne–List
Lyme’s, rocky-mountain spotted fever.
= Vector borne DEER tick.
S/S: bulls-eye rash, early prodrome (fatigue, jt pain, severe HA).
Tx: 7-14 days ABX.
Rocky-mountain spotted fever
= Vector borne seen more out West can ==> partal paralysis LEs.
S/S: pink rash turns red & spotted
Tx: ABX.
Parasitic infections–list
Scabies, head lice, pubic lice.
= Parasite.
S/S: *itching at night, tunneling rash.
Tx: Permethrin (pesticide wash head-to-toe).
Nx: spreads thru fam.
Head lice
= Parasite close contact.
S/S: extreme scalp itching, nits (eggs), thread-like rash btw fingers & moist areas, eczematous eruptions in infants.
Tx: Rid shampoos.
Nx: ed, recheck, wash in hot, cleaning, bag 2 wks.
Pubic lice
= Parasite sexual contact.
S/S: puritis.
Helminthic (worm) infect–list
Pinworms, roundworm, hookworm.
= Helminthic 1-2 mo incubation.
S/S: *rectal itching, anal redness, may see the worms.
= Helminthic live in intestine, females lay eggs in intestine.
S/S: anorexia, n/v.
= Helminthic in soil, enter thru skin, live in intestine.
S/S: asymptomatic until signif infect.
Bact STI= chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas.
Bact (not STI) = bacterial vaginosis, yeast
Viral = genital worts, HSV, HPV (vaccine)
STI ed.
Sexual transmission, CONTAGEOUS but unaware infected.
Bacterial vaginosis
= Bact infect pH imbal d/t sex.
S/S: thin discharge, foul/fishy smell.
Tx: ABX esp if preggers.
= Bact infect pH imbal @ any age.
S/S: thick white discharge, itchy.
= Bact STI.
S/S: GREEN, frothy discharge.