How are wealth and income correlated?
It is likely that an individual with a high income will also have a high wealth because they will be able to purchase more expensive assets and have more money to save
How can national income be measured?
National income can be measured by GDP, GNP and GNI.
How do exports relate to the circular flow of income?
Exports are an injection into the economy, since goods and services are sold to foreign countries and revenue in earned from the sale.
How do firms and households affect the economy?
Firms and households interact and exchange resources in an economy. This makes up the national output
How do imports relate to the circular flow of income?
Imports are a withdrawal from the economy, since money leaves the country when goods and services are bought from abroad.
How do net injections relate to the level of national output?
If there are net injections into the economy, there will be an expansion of national output.
How do net withdrawals relate to the level of national output?
If there are net withdrawals from the economy, there will be a contraction of production, so national output decreases.
How does the multiplier effect link to injections into the circular flow?
When an injection is made into the circular flow, the actual change in the national income is greater than the initial injection, this is called the multiplier effect
How is income different to wealth?
Unlike income which is a flow of money, wealth is a stock concept (stockpile or resources). These resources aren’t currently being used in the circular flow of income, but they could be used at some point
How is saving calculated?
Income - Spending
What are some examples of how savings impact the circular flow of income for specific countries?
In the UK, there is a traditionally low savings rate, especially during periods of high economic growth, and this means that the rate of investment is also low.
In Japan there is a high savings rate and with this comes a high level of investment
What are the leakages in the circular flow also known as?
What do firms supply to households
Firms supply goods and services to households. Consumers pay firms for these
What do households supply firms with?
Households supply firms with the factors of production, such as labour and capital, and in return, they receive wages and dividends.
What does income equal in the circular flow of income?
income = output = expenditure
What does investment refer to in macroeconomics?
Investment refers to physical investment, not financial investment.
What does the circular flow suggest?
That as households keep spending what they earn, and firms keep using their revenues to produce more goods using the same inputs, then national output(and national income) won’t change
What does the size of the multiplier effect in the circular flow depend on?
It depends on the rate at which money leaks from the circular flow e.g. the bigger the leakages, the quicker the money will leave the circular flow and the smaller the multiplier effect will be.
So if lots of money is being spent on imports (or used as savings or tax) then the multiplier effect will actually be quite small because the injection will quickly leak out of the circular flow
What happens if injections to the circular flow are greater than withdrawals?
This means that expenditure is greater than output , so firms will increase output. As a result national output , income and expenditure will all increase
What happens if withdrawals from the circular flow are greater than injections
This means that output is greater than expenditure, so firms will reduce output. As a result national output, income and expenditure will all decrease
What is a withdrawal into the circular flow income?
A withdrawal from the circular flow of income is money which leaves the economy. This can be from taxes, saving and imports.
What is also included in the circular flow of income?
International trade
What is an injection into the circular flow of income?
An injection into the circular flow of income is money which enters the economy. This is in the form of government spending, investment and exports. These go directly to firms
What is full employment income?
Full employment income is the total output of an economy when unemployment is minimised or is at the government target. This accounts for frictional unemployment.
What is it called when households spend the money they get from the national income on the goods and services that firms create?
National expenditure (value of this spending)
What is meant by a monetary flow?
Curved arrows - I.e. the money that pays for the ‘physical things’
What is meant by a physical flow?
Straight arrows - Physical flow of ‘real things’ i.e. goods, services, labour, land and capital
What is national income?
National income is the total value of the goods and services a country produces. It is the output in one year.
What is Nominal income?
Income that is not adjusted for changes in purchasing power (inflation) i.e. nominal wages is the amount of money that people are paid
What is Real income?
Income that takes into account inflation, thereby representing the actual purchasing power of people’s income
What is the circular flow of income?
// Draw diagram
Spending and income circulates around the economy in the circular flow of income, which is represented in the diagram above
What is the money paid to households by firms for the factors of production they provide called?
National income
What is wealth?
The total value of all the assets owned by individuals or firms in an economy
When does an economy reach a state of equilibrium relating to the circular flow?
The economy reaches a state of equilibrium when the rate of withdrawals = the rate of injections.
Which formula shows the circular flow of income?
National output = National income = National expenditure
This formula is only true when a country is operating at full employment. At full employment national income, national output, national expenditure are all equal to the full employment income
Show Economic Growth using a PPF Diagram
A rise in a nation’s productive capaicty causes the PPF to shift out and this allows increased supply both of consumer and capital goods.