4.2.1 Flashcards
What is a habitat biodiversity?
Number of different habitats found in an area
What is species richness?
Number of different species in a particular area
What is species evenness?
Number of individuals of each species living in the community
What is genetic biodiversity how does it happen and what does it lead to?
Variety of genes
Happens due to different versions (alleles)
Lead to different characteristics that allow for better adaptation
What is sampling?
What does sampling tell you?
- Measurement of a limited number of individual organisms present in a particular area
- are used to estimate the number of organisms/And number of individuals of the species (abundance)in an area without counting them
What are the three forms of nonrandom sampling?
- Opportunistic
- stratified
- systematic
What is opportunistic sampling?
It is organisms that are conveniently available (very weak)
What is stratified sampling?
Population is divided into strata (subgroups) based on characteristics then a random sample is taken from each one
What is systematic sampling?
Sample separately carried out using a line or a belt transect
What is the reliability of sampling?
They could be sampling bias
Unfortunate chance that the sample may not be representative of the population
Therefore the larger the sample the more reliable it is
What is a poorer?
Catches small insects
Sucking insects by mouthpiece into holding chamber
What are sweep nets?
Catch insects in areas of long grass
What are pitfall traps?
Small insects fall and cannot crawl out of a hole
What is tree beating?
Cloth is stretched under tree
Tree is shaken or hit and the cloth catches only falling animals/insects
What It is kick sampling?
Riverbank is kicked and the net is placed downstream catches any insects
How are plants sampled?
What is a point quadrat?
Horizontal bar
Each species of plants that the pin touches is recorded
What It is a frame quadrat?
Type and number of species in each small square is recorded
How is species richness measured?
A list of the number of species recorded in a specific area
How do you measure species evenness?
How close the numbers of the population of each species in the environment is
What can you measure using frame quadrat?
- Density
- frequency
- percentage cover
How do you estimate animal population size?
Capture mark release recapture
The greater the number of marked individuals recaptured The smaller the population