4.2 Past Masters Podcast: “The truth is here: UFOs at the National Archives” Flashcards
audio of podcast
fans of sci fi, history, military, podcasts, conspiracy theorists
to inform and entertain, and contribute to the debates regarding the paranormal
“Is the truth in here?”
rhetorical question
- engages the listeners
- pun, reference to a quote from the X Files
“This month we’re looking at one of the strangest sets of records”
- evokes interest in listener
“The British government’s very own X Files”
cultural reference
- appeals and gives familiarity to sci fi fans
“Mysterious lights in the sky, unexplained radar traces”
minor sentence
- pre modifying adjective “mysterious”
- shows her excitement of the topic
“And its secret files on aliens!”
exclamative hyperbole
- pre modifier “secret”
- fronted conjunction “and”
- emphasises her excitement
“I think they’re unexplained aerial phenomena”
- hostility
- disagreement for dramatic purposes
- polysyllabic lexis - “aerial phenomena”
“Where’s the evidence they’re aliens?”
- repeating noun ‘aliens’ to ridicule/mock
Two sets of adjacency pairs
even thought they are disagreeing they are being polite and courteous in speech
“Oh. Okay. World War II.”
back channeling and filler
- hedges to show she’s flustered and frustrated
- cant find any evidence
- emphasises disagreement
- finds it difficult to articulate opinion
“That’s another mystery solved then. I’m getting good at this”
- shows disagreement
- thinks his skepticism wins over Jo
- thinks he has won the discusison
Bob’s voice
cynical, conversational and confident
Jo’s voice
credulous, conversational, defeatist