4.1a Supreme Court Flashcards
Describe the role of the judiciary
- Hear criminal/civil disputes
- Interpret law - when meaning/application unclear
- Establish case law - judges decide how law is applied in other cases (judicial precedent)
- Make law by declaring common law - set judicial precedent
- Judicial review
- Hold public inquiries - recommend action to govt and Parliament
When judges declare common law, they set a…
judiical precedent
What is a judicial precedent?
- Legal principle that when a court makes intepretation of law in specific case, should be applied in subsequent cases
- Only a higher court can overturn judicial precedent
Describe the features of the Supreme Court
- Final court of appeal for all civil cases in UK and all criminal cases in UK (bar Scotland)
- Concentrates on cases of greatest public and constitutional interest
- Hears arguable points of law - interpret statue law where not clear (common law)
Describe the role of the Supreme Court
- Check govt through Judicial review
- Determine whtehr public body has acted ‘ultra vires’ (beyond its authority)
- Determine where sovereignty lies in the UK
- Set judicial precedents
Describe the composition of the Supreme Court
- 12 Justices in total
- 1 Pres, 1 Deputy Pres + 10 other justices
- Majority of court cases have 5 judges sitting
- In matters of huge constitutional significance, up to 11 justices will sit
- Current President - Lord Reed
Will always be odd number of justices (to avoid ties)
Describe the appointment process to the Supreme Court
- Vacancy must occur
- Appt based on experience and merit
- Independent panel set up for each vacancy by unbiased and transparent Judiciary Appointments Committee (JAC)
- Lord Chancellor uses royal preogative to approve nomination or ask panel to reconsider (matter of rubber staming)
Describe the selection committee for SC appointments
- 5 person panel
- Lord President of SC, a senior judge and 3 JAC representatives (from England and Wales, Scotland, NI)
- at least 2 members of this panel must be non-lawyers
- Selection committee must have at least 2 years judicial experience or 15 years experience practicising laws
Describe judicial neutrality
- Principle that judges should be neutral and apolitical (cannot belong to political party)
- Should not show bias to any sections of society
- Judgement based purely on principles of law - no prejucies
- Neutrality will uphold rule of law
- ‘Security of Tenure’
Describe how SC judges are apolitical
- Barrister/solictor may be member of party or pursue politicla career
- Judge must abandon all political ambitions and associations once elected
- Do not intefere in policy-making processes
Describe ‘security of tenure’
- Effectively appt for life (until age 70 or 75 depending on when appt)
- Cannot be dismissed on basis of their judgements
- Cannot be dismissed by govt
- Can’t remove judge unless consent given by both chambers (e.g. for breaching neutrality)
Describe judicial independence
Principle that judiciary should be free of political inteference and criticism, esp from executive
Why is judicial independence important?
- Uphold rule of law without external influence
- Hear matters of political importance where they must give neutral judgement
- Protect rights of citizens without fear of retribution from govt
- Check on executive power (judicial review)
How is judicial independence upheld?
- Security of tenure
- Salaries set by independent SSRB (Senior Salary Review Bodies) - cannot be manipulated by govt
- Appt by independent commission
- Duty of govt to protect SC judges from external criticism, esp in media
Criticism after Article 50 decision in 2019
Describe judicial review
- Judges conduct review into government ministers to deem whether actions are ‘compatible’
- Investigate whether government action/decisions are ‘ultra vires’ in SC case
- Often pressure groups bring cases due to their cost
Describe the impact of judicial review
- Ministers generally respect judicial review and make changes to law to satisfy SC ruling
- Exert moral complusion on government to act
How often does government win judicial review case?
- Government regularly wins
- e.g. in series of 2013 anti-HS2 judicial reviews, govt won 9/10
How did the coalition government aim to reduce judicial review?
- 2015
- Aimed to reduce what it deemed to be ‘unmeritious’ claims
- e.g. barred oral hearings for claims judges deemed to lack merit
Describe the positives in Supreme Court membership diversity
- ‘Secret soundings’ removed in 2005
- Transparency of court cases (televised) would clearly show any prejudice in media
- Lord Hale served as President of Supreme Court (2017-20) during constitutionally important brexit years
- Nov 2023, Lady Simler, a Jew, became a justice
Describe the removal of ‘secret soundings’
- Prior to 2005, Lord Chancellor advised PM through ‘secret soundings’ of senior judges
- Arguably led to perpetuation of socially elite judiciary membership
- Judiciary Appointments Committee now selects SC judges on basis of merit, with diversity accounted for
Describe the lack of diversity in the Supreme Court
- Education - 11/12 justices studied at Oxbridge
- Gender - only 2/12 justices are women
- Ethnicity - have never been any black justices
How does a lack of diveristy negatively affect SC rulings?
- Rarefied experiences make them less suited to interpreting contemporary law that reflects whole of society
- Radamacher v Granatino (2010)
What are limits to the argument that a lack of negatively diveristy affects the SC
- SC membership based on merit
- JAC must ensure that judges do not show a bias to any sections of society
Describe ‘sub justice’
- Applies to any member of government or Parliament
- expressing opinion on case while under consideration (‘sub justice’) is said to be in contempt of court
Do justice secretaries need past legal experience?
- No (e.g. Truss) but they often do
- Truss claimed to have not understood independent nomination process upon taking office - dismissed JAC as beaurucratic quango
- 4/11 Justice Secs since 2010 held little prior legal experience
Describe media criticism of the SC
- Eurosceptics attacked in-built liberal tendencies of SC during Brexit years
- Heightened by Miller rulings
- Left-wing media attack elite membership
Describe ‘enemies of the people’
- Daily Mail ran 2016 headline describing 3 High Court justices that ruled that Parliament would have to approve triggering Article 50 as ‘enemies of the people’
- Justice Sec Truss criticsed for not sufficiently defending judges’ independence
- James Slack, headline editor, served as No10 Director of Comms (2021)
Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court operates with sufficient judicial independence
Combine with neutrality card
- ‘Sub justice’ and ‘security of tenure’ restrict ministerial criticism vs growing willingness for ministers to criticise inceasingly active SC (e.g. Miller cases)
- Constitutional Reform Act 2005 led to separation of powers vs Government retains some powers in selection process
Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court operates with sufficient judicial neutrality
- SC increasingly diverse vs SC lacks diversity
- Practice political neutrality vs Media criticism from both political wings
Describe an example of ‘ultra vires’
- Chris Grayling (Justice Sec) amended Legal Aid Act using secondary legilsaiton to introduce ‘residence test’ in 2012
- SC ruled Justice Sec acted ‘ultra vires’
How have 2005 reforms limited the ability to deliver effective government?
- Greater judicial independence has led to increased use of judicial review
- Made ministers fearful of litigation
- Slowed down decision-making
- added costs to public projects (e.g. HS2)
Evaluate the view that the SC exerts significant influence on the executive
- Can effectively quash government actions by declaring ‘ultra vires’ vs Executive can circumvent rulings
- Declare incompatibility on legislation effectively originating from executive vs Can only interpret cases brought before it - focus is on upholding rule of law (UNISON 2017)
- Unaccountable yet have huge impact on policy-making vs judicial restraint - ruling limited to constitutional issues, not political ones (e.g. Budgets)
The increasing judicial independence since 2005 has (…) the number of judicial reviews
Evaluate the view that the Supreme Court limits parliamentary soveriegnty
- Challenge decisions of elected Parliament vs rebalanced power towards Parliament through judicial review (ultra vires)
- Declarations of incomptability suggest higher form of judicial law vs upholds rule of law as legislated by Parliament over creeping Executive (UNISON)
- Not neutral/independent compared with acountable Parliament vs increaisngly neutral/independent since 2005