4.1.3 - assessing validity Flashcards
Criteria used for assessing the validity of food information
- Source
- Purpose
- Context
- Presentation of evidence
- Language used
The person or institution who wrote or published the article + their credentials.
- Academic or specialist in the field = published by reputable institution, validated by peer-reviews, etc.
- Social media post or magazine article = may not contain reference to sources of information.
The aim, focus, or message intended to be conveyed in the information.
- Is intention to provide + share factual information/advice, health clarify a topic/question, promote someone’s personal point of view, or increase sales of a particular product.
The background or setting to a statement or idea so that the reader can understand where the information came from.
- Date of publication.
Presentation of evidence
The method of research as well as data collection + presentation.
- Facts certified (in references, footnotes, bibliography), article illustrated with graphs + tables presenting research data.
Language used
Language used in providing info will/should be presented in a certain style.
- Should be free from bias + not presented using persuasive techniques.
- Clear + informative manner.