4.1.1 Economic Methodology and the economic Problem Flashcards
Positive economic statements
Objective statements
Can be tested against facts to find if true or false
Normative economic statements
Subjective opinions
Cannot be tested against facts
Economic policy rests on…
normative judgements
A need is…
Something humans require to survive
A want is…
Something not essential for survival but which people feel improves standard of living
Economic welfare refers to…
the standard of living, or general well-being of individuals in society
Real gross domestic product is…
GDP per capita
Four factors of production are…
Capital is…
Physical equipment to make other goods and services
Enterprise means…
Entrepreneurs who are taking a business risk by combining three other factors of production to produce a good or service
Land is…
All naturally occurring resources
Can be further divided into renewables and non-renewables
Labour is…
People involved in production known as human capital
Basic economic problem is…
Economic resources are…
Limited relative to society’s wants
So choices must be made on how to allocate these resources
Consumer goods are…
Goods that give satisfaction to customers