4.1 Introduction to Water Systems Flashcards
Turnover Time
The time taken for a water molecule to enter and leave part of the hydrological system.
The horizontal movement of water in the atmosphere, in vapor, liquid or solid states in air masses - that is, wind - blown movement.
Hydrological Cycle
The natural sequence through which water passes into the atmosphere as water vapor, precipitates to Earth in liquid or solid form, and ultimately returns to the atmosphere through evaporation.
The process of water in a liquid state changing to a gaseous state (water vapor) due to an increase in temperature.
The process by which plants absorb water through the roots and transport it to the leaves from where it is lost as water vapor.
The sum of evaporation, sublimation and transpiration from land and ocean surfaces to the atmosphere.
The process of changing from a solid to a gas without a liquid phase.
The process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.
Water that falls to Earth from the atmosphere (e.g. rain, snow, sleet, hail, dew and frost).
Green Water
The proportion of total precipitation absorbed by soil and plants, then released back into the air.
Blue Water
The proportion of precipitation that collects in water courses (in rivers, lakes, wetlands and as groundwater) and is available for human consumption.
Surface Runoff
The soil is unable to take in any more water, therefore the rain flows on the surface under the influence of gravity.
Water flowing through the soil.
The passage of water into the soil.
The downward vertical movement of water within a soil or rock.
A graph showing the rate of flow (discharge) over a certain period past a specific point in a river. The rate of flow is expressed in cubic meters per second.
Flash Flood
A flood caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period, generally less than six hours. Raging torrents of water can rip through river beds, urban streets or mountain canyons, sweeping everything before them. They can occur after minutes or a few hours of excessive rainfall.
Winds blowing across the ocean surface often push water away from an area. When this occurs, water rises up from beneath the surface to replace the diverging surface water.