4.1 - globalisation Flashcards
importance of economic growth
- when growing - increase in demand - increase in output, which is beneficial for the economy.
- greater output = more jobs = more people out of poverty.
-ppl start earning money = positive income elasticity will increase.
-increase sales
-foreign business may start operating parts of their businesses in growing economies- reduces cost + cheaper labour.
ex) apple services in india.
MINT countries
Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkey
specialisation help international trade
-competitive advantage.
-competitive market.
-specialising in something.
ex) Norway wit fish oil.
P: increase efficiency cuz workers are skilled.
N: losing profit if the product has a decrease in sales + cost money to have specialized workers.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Investment made by a foreign company in the economy of another country.
ex)apple producing their phones in china.
- there is horizontal + vertical FDI
-when a firm invest in a business that is at the same stage of production process as the business in their own country.
ex)toyota build a car production plant in the UK.
-when a business invests in a business that is at a different place in the supply chain.
Causes of globalisation
- more people able to work
-more people more likely to migrate
-investing more in foreign countries
-increase in global companies
-transport and communication is cheaper.
protection to boost globalisation
-tariffs - tax to paid when importing products.
-Quotas - restrictions for the volume of import.
-government legislation - bans = trade more difficult and can restrict a countries development.
-domestic subsidies - sum of money given by the government to domestic firms in certain industries.
trading bloc
a group of countries that have reduced or even eliminated tariffs, allowing for the free flow of goods among the member nations = trade liberation.
Ex) EU union.
trading bloc P+N
-removes trade barriers = surge in demand
-skilled workers = efficiency + quality
-expanding markets = larger market - increased sale volume for lower cost cuz scales of economies.
-greater competition = competitive prices.
-expensive to import = cost increase
-small firms may be forced out cuz of competition.
the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.
-allows them to make strategic decisions about where to get raw materials from.
Gross Domestic Product- the total market value of all final goods and services produced annually in an economy
Indicators of economic growth
-literacy rate,health,the human development index.
-means that the population are healthy and are educated, allowing them to be able to work.
HDI- measures how developed the humans of a country are, based on life expectancy,average number of year of schooling and average income.
BRICS countries
Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
- products bought from overseas.
-can be cheaper than domestically produced ones.
-increase in the variety of goods/services
-causes money to flow out of an economy.
-products and Services sold to other countries
-causes money to flow into an economy.
-way of expanding = increase market size.
FDI positives and negatives
- allows business to grow and increase sales.
-access to new markets, reduces cost in a foreign country.
-knowledge about the national legal system.
Trade Liberalization
the process of reducing barriers to trade, which are things that make trade more expensive . the process of removing is called liberalisation.
P: cheaper cost of raw materials, exporting goods is easier, increased competition = products will be cheaper.
N:reduces the cost of import= domestic businesses can be forced out if they are not competitive enough = increased unemployment.
Causes of globalisation : political change
- restrictions to international trade put in place by one government might be removed if the political system changes.
Causes of globalisation : structural change in economy
the structure of economy depends on the diff industries it contains:
primary : obtaining raw materials, agriculture and mining.
secondary : industries that manufacture raw materials.
Tertiary: industries that are services, healthcare, finance
Quaternary : industries with knowledge based services, IT + research.
- specialised workers - skilled staff
-trade internationally obtain market share - maximising market share.