4.1-4.2 OVERVIEW Flashcards
- What are the two parts of the pericardium
a. Fibrous and serous
- Two layers of the serous
a. Parietal
b. visceral
- Which pericardium layer is tough and anchors down
a. Fibrous?
- What side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs
a. Right ventricle
- What side of the heart pumps blood to the heart
a. Left ventricle
- Lubricating fluid that prevents friction between the heart and something else is located where
a. Pericardial cavity
- Heart is made up of what three layers
a. Endo, myo, and epicardium
- Heart is composed of four chambers, what are they
a. R/L Ventricles and atrium
- Which chamber is the thickest and wide
a. L ventricle. It has to pump to the rest of the body
- The four valves respond to what two mechanisms
a. AV-electrical, Semilunar- pressure???
- AV valves
a. Tricuspid and mitral
- Semilunar valves
a. Pulmonic and aortic
- Which valve has 3 cusps and 2 cusps
a. 3-tricuspid/2-mitral
b. Does semilunar have 3 valves too?
- What are the parachute thingamabobs thaqrst attach to the valves
a. Coradae tendanae
- Deox blood-drains into the r atrium-what are the three main vessels
a. Sup/inf vena cava and coronary sinus
- Know the electrical structure of the heart
a. SA node-bachman bundle-AV node-bundle of HIS-bundle branches-purkinje fibers
- P wave represents
a. Atrial depolar
a. Ventricalur depolarization
b. Atrial repolarization (masked by the ventricular depolarization)
- T
a. Ventricular repolarization
- Three phase of cardiac cycle
a. Relaxation, atrial systole, and ventricular systole
- Relaxation-what % of blood is in ventricle
a. 75%?
- Wheres the rest of the blood (25%)
a. Atrial systole
- CO
a. Stroke volume x heart rate
- 5 types of blood vessels in the body
a. Arteries, artioles, capillaries, venules, veins
- Three layer blood vessels
Va. Arteries, veins
- Blood pressure is highest in which vessel and why
a. Ascending aorta-bc its right off the l ventricle
- Autoregulation in your own words
a. The ability to constrict and dilate due to wahy
- Typical amount of L of blood in body
a. 5L
- Volume of blood loss is life threatening
a. 10%
- Factors that regulat blood flow and bp
a. Vasoconst
b. Weight gain
c. Viscosity
- Med oblong-hormonal FB-three types of receptors
a. Propiorec-joints and muscles
b. Chemorec-carotid bodies and aorta arch
c. Barorec-aorta and carotid
- 2 main Circulation pathways
a. Systemic and pl,omary
- Where does gas exchange happen
a. Alveoli capillaries
- Arterial circulation-4 prinicpal branchs of the aorta
a. Ascending- r and l coronary arteries
b. Arch-r brachiocephalic, L common carotid, l subclvian
c. Descending thoracic
d. Descending abdominal
- Ext carotid feeds what structures
a. Skull
- Int carotid
a. Eyes ears brain
- Sup phrenic arteries feed what structure
a. Diaphragm
- Sup renal arteries feed what structure
a. Adrenal
- Gonadal arteries
a. Testicular and ovarian arteries
- Transporting blood back to heart via pressure, 3 mechanisms
a. Contraction of heart
b. Skeletal muscle pump
c. Resp pump
- Resp pump?
a. Inhale- decreases thoracic pressure and increases abdominal pressure, enhancing blood to flow heart
b. Exhale- refilling of abdominal veins, which is then pumped to the thoracic veins and to the heart
- Aprox blood pressure in the r atriums
a. 0mmHg
hree main veins that drain blood away from the head
a. Int/ext jugular and vertebral veins
- Basilic vein
a. Superficial
- Ulnar
a. Deep
- Axillary
a. Deep
- Basilic vein
a. Superficial
- Brachial
a. Deep
- Median antecubital
a. Superficial
- Assessing pulse-how long do you hold finger on their pulse
a. 1min
- Common arteries for pulse assessment
a. Carotid radial periapical popliteal and brachial??
- Def of bradycardia
a. Bpm below 60
- Tachy
a. Bpm above 100
- Normal systolic
a. 120mmhg and below
- Normal diastole
a. 80mmHg and below. Less than 80s gravy
- Benefits of exercise
a. Reduce of BP and heart rate and fibrolytic clots and reduces depression