402 Flashcards
Name and describe three main records needed to build a flowsheet?
Rows (the smallest pieces of the flowsheet) Groups (collections of rows) Flowsheet Templates (the record of the flowsheet itself)
Name at least two different row types?
Data, Flowsheet Group, Custom Formula
Name at least five different value types?
Blood pressure, category, custom list, date, numeric, patient height,
Explain the difference between listing a preferred group in a row record and linking a row record to a group in the group record?
Preferred group determines where the row appears if you add it individually to a flowsheet. Opening the group record and attaching records in the Rows field. on the other hand, creates a permanent link between the group and the row, whenever you add that group to a flowhseet template, it appears with all its attached rows.
Why should you use the value type of “Patient Weight” instead of “Weight”
“Patient Weight” allows for age-based min/max values and units “weight” requires you to pick configuration for all patients.
What does “Charting to a definition” mean and how does it apply to assessment flowsheets?
Charting to a definition is a method of clinicial documentation in which providers record only the walues lying outside the facilities defined normal limits. In the case of assessment flowshets, charting to a definition means that providers can enter “WDL” for normal systems and need to document in cascading flowsheet rows only if the patient has an assessment that does not meet the defined limits.
True or False? Cascading flowsheets are useful only for facilities that choose to chart to a definition?
True or False? Cascading rows always appear in the order they are attached to the flowsheet template record, regardless of how the end user cascades them on the flowsheet.
True. Both automatic cascades and the cascading groups/rows window respect the order of records attached to the flowsheet template, even if they start removed.
True or False? Cascading rows always appear in the order they are attached to the flowsheet template record, regardless of how the end user cascades them onto the flowsheet?
When building a cascading flowsheet trigger row, what difference does it make to enter “Prompt User” versus “Add without prompting users” in the method field?
Prompt users causes the cascading groups/rows window to appear where users can pick which rows and groups they would like to add to the flowsheet, Add without triggers an automatic cascade that does not give users a choice of what to add.
To create a custom formula row, the administrator needs to the tell the system which rows to calculate. The correct format for the formula is …..
How do you associate a numerical value with the choices in a custom row?
Enter a number in the Abbreviation for the custom value list
When building a row that files a charge, in which field can you specify how often the charge should be filed?
Charge Trigger Type
True or False? If you list everything as Start Removed in a flowsheet template, only the first group will appear?
False. nothing will appear
When building out a Required Documentation rule, should you build out your rule first or your flowsheet row records first
The flowsheet row records need to be build first so they can be linked to the rule
Describe the differences between a warning time and due time in Required Doc.
A warning time will give an end user a yellow circle for documentation that should be completed soon. A due time will give an end user a red circle for documentation that is past due.
Which record do you list the specific flowsheet template when building a new navigator?
In the configuration record.
True or False? A default flowsheet set in the profile record can never be overrriden
You can set flowsheet template tabs in,,,,,
Profile records contain the “Template Order” of tabs
True or False? A preference list must e marked as released in order for an end user to see it?
False A preference list does not need to be released it needs to be linked to an appropriate record fo ran end user to see it.
Other than within a Profile record, name the three records in which a preference list can be attached?
Preference lists can also be attached to location, service area and facility records
Briefly state the purpose of the I/O activity. Can end users document info in this activity
No they cant document info its a read only report. It displays all the patients I/O activity
Suppose you have a flowsheet row for documenting how many mL of urine a patient passes every shift. As an administrator, what setting must you make in that row record to cause any information charted in that row to appear in the correct category of the I/O activity?
Change the output type to Urine in the row record
Which setting must you make in maintenance or medication IV group record to allow a patient to have more than one maintenance or medication IV
you must make the group record duplicable
Dr. Carrot orders a gentamycin IV or Lucy. When nurse Orange opens Lucy’s chart and looks at the Flowsheet activity, a new group called “Gentamycin IV Intake” is already on her flowsheet template. What record caused the flowsheet group to automatically appear when the order was placed?
A task template record with instructions to add the flowsheet group to a specific flowsheet template must have been attached to the gentamycin medication record
True or False? You want all Ambulate Patient tasks to appear on the work list regardless of their frequency (Q4H, Qshift, etc) therefore you need to create a task and task template for each order
False, you only need to create one task template and in the display name field enter . The task then assumes the order name and frequency. Link this task to a task template and the task template to each order that you want to appear on the worklist
True or False? Your end users want to e able to jump to the I/O flowsheet in the flowsheets activity for their I/O tasks. To do so you just need to make sure you list the Doc Type as Flowsheet
False. Yo uneed to list the I/O flowsheet in the Flowsheet Template field
True or False? Tasks with a Documentation type of “Procedure Result” can be documented directly from the work list?
False. Tasks with the documentation type of procedure Result are completed by entering values into the Enter/Edit results activity. Users do not have a doc button for these type of tasks
Unlike most medication insulin is typically kept on the floor in a bulk bottle. and nurses draw the needed dose right there on the floor. To ensure that the correct dose is drawn and given your organization wants to require dual signoff anytime a nurse documents administering insulin. Where would you set up this requirement?
In the individual medication (ERX) records for the insulin orders
You are working at a teaching hospital that hosts a large number of nursing students. Nursing students can give medications, but need a license nurse to sign off on all their administrations, How could you set that up?
Create a profile for nursing students and set it to require dual sinoff
Almost all of the nursing units in your organization work on three 8 hour shifts. A handful of units work on 12 our shifts. How can you set that up.
In the system def, you can set up the standard three 8 hour shifts. You can override this in the department records for the specific departments that have 12 hour shifts
Your nursing advisory group has expressed concern that the yellow color used to indicate that a medication order hasn’t started at a given time is confusing to the end users. Instead of yellow, they want “future’ times to be black. Can that be configured? Where? Could you “pilot” this new color scheme in just one of your multiple hospitals?
The color change can be done in systems defs. Unfortunately the change is system wide, so you could NOT pilot it in a particular unit.
You are rolling out MAR barcoding and all of the nurses working in the hospital are expected to start using barcode scans to confirm the ID of their patients and the medications they are giving. They said, your respiratory therapist all use portable tablet PC’s and don’t have barcode scanners attached. The TY’s should therefore not be expected to do barcode scanning. How could you set this up?
In the nurses profile (or possibly the systems def profile) indicate that a reason is required for giving a medication without scanning the patient or the medication. In the RT’s profile indicate that these reasons are NOT required.
How many smart texts can you attach to a basic goal record?
Only one
What setting in which master file controls who can document in the care plan activity?
Discipline which is set in the provider master file controls whaet goals a clinician can document on
True or False? Flowsheet rows are attached to intervention template and goal templates?
False. Flowsheet rows are attached to basic interventions or goal records in Clin Admin
Suppose you want to build a care plan template. Which should you build first, the interventions in Clin Admin, or the interventions in templates in Hyperspace.
You must build the basic Intervention records in Clin Admin first, because they must be attached to the intervention template records
How many variances can an administrator attach to an intervention template?
None. Variances are not attached to any other records during the administrative build. End users simply document variances in the Care Plan activity as needed
Name the three difference levels that can be build into an education record?
Topics, titles and points
True or False? All titles must include topics
What are the benefit of using topics in titles?
Topics organize points within a title.
The description of what to teach the patient is set up in the ….. record
At what levels of the education record can an administrator include web links as references for patient and/or problems
Any level of the patient education record can contain reference hyperlinks, titles, topics and points
Name two outcomes that a task template can cause?
Task templates can populate titles, topics, and point onto the patients education record. They fan also cause new rows and groups to appear on flowsheet template or new tasks to appear on the worklist
Once a task template has been create, it can be attached to which record(s)
Order and Care Plan goal
True or False? When building teaching titles in the Education Editor, you must including teaching topics?
True or False? Education topics can be attached to multiple teaching titles?
…. Should be gilled in to prevent nurses from pulling in erroneous rows into a flowsheet template?
Restrict rows
When configuring Required Documentation, which step should you do first?
Plan out your rule configuration on paper
True or False? You can configure a charge row to drop a charge once, or for each time documentation is filed in the row?
Because the doses need to be so precise, anyone working with a patient in the neonatal ICU should get another nurse to double check and sign off on all medication administrations. Where should you set the requirements for dual signoff?
Configure the dual signoff requirement in the neonatal ICU department
Which of the following records is the only place where administrators can require users to give a reason for not using a barcode scanner when administering medications?
Profile record