400 question knowledge Flashcards
Normal IVRT
Normal E/A ratio
Normal E wave decel time
Increase frame rate by…
decreasing depth, reducing sector angle, decrease line density.
Continuity equation is based on
Law of Conservation of Mass
Near Field Zone Length formula
Transducer diameter squared / wavelength x 4
Attenuation is greater at _____ frequencies due to _____ wavelength.
- Higher
2. Shorter
Attenuation is greatest in ____, and next greatest in ____
- Air
2. Bone
Half Intensity depth
Depth at which energy is reduced by half.
Measure of attenuation.
Calculate PRF
77,000/depth in cm
3 ways to increase lateral resolution:
- Increase transducer diameter.
- Increase frequency.
- Focusing.
Increasing frequency will ______ axial resolution.
Duty Factor
Pulse Duration/PRP
Process of keeping prior frames on the console. Smooths the image.
Nyquist Limit
You can increase the aliasing velocity by…
Increasing the frequency of the beam.
Where does mirror artifact occur?
Occurs deeper than the structure.
Sound travels faster in a medium with ________ density and ______ stiffness.
- Low
2. High
Doppler Shift Equation
Fd= (2 x Fo x V x cos theta) / C
Fd= Doppler Shift (Hz) Fo= Frequency (Hz) V= velocity (m/s) C= speed of sound in medium (1540m/s)
Attenuation Coefficient
How do you find the attenuation?
Attenuation = attenuation coefficient x depth
Impedance = density x propagation speed
Measured in rayls
With respect to amplitude, intensity is…
Amplitude squared
Volumetric flow rate decreases with… (3 things)
- Decreased pressure gradient
- Decreased vessel radius
- Increased viscosity
The Bernoulli Equation employs what law?
Law of conservation of ENERGY.
Severe MR jet area cut off
> = 40%
Severe MR jet to LA area ratio
> = 4
Severe MR vena contracta
Diameter of >= 0.7 cm
Severe MR ERO
> = 0.4 cm squared
Pulmonary vein sign of severe MR
Systolic flow reversal
3 ways to increase lateral resolution:
- Increase transducer diameter.
- Increase frequency.
- Focusing.
Increasing frequency will ______ axial resolution.
Duty Factor
Pulse Duration/PRP
Process of keeping prior frames on the console. Smooths the image.
Nyquist Limit
You can increase the aliasing velocity by…
Increasing the frequency of the beam.
Acute severe MR jet will have this shape…
AVA via continuity equation
AVA = (LVOT area x LVOT velocity)/Ao velocity
0.785 x Dsquared
Gorlin equation will ______ AVA, compared to continuity
Formula for peak flow rate from PISA
2 (pi) (r squared) x aliasing velocity (cm/s)
ERO formula
[2 (pi) (r squared) x aliasing velocity (cm/s)] / regurgitant velocity
MR ERO cut offs
mild < 0.2, mod 0.2-0.4, severe >0.4
When given angle of inlet, how do you account for that in peak flow calculations with PISA?
You change formula to be:
[2 (pi) (r squared)] x [angle of inlet/180] x aliasing velocity
ERO (using PISA)
ERO = peak flow rate / peak inflow velocity
Regurgitant Volume (using PISA)
Reg Vol = ERO x MR VTI
ERO (when given volumes and VTI’s)
ERO = Regurgitant volume / regurgitant VTI
AI ERO cut offs
mild < 0.1, mod 0.1-0.29, Severe > 0.3
Regurgitant Fraction
Reg Fraction = Regurgitant Volume / total flow
Pulmonary Hypertension severity
Mild mPAP 25-40
Mod mPAP 41-55
Severe mPAP >55
Stroke Volume
Sinus Venosus ASD is associated with…
anomalous return of Right upper pulmonary vein into the Right Atrium
Primum ASD is associated with…
Cleft anterior leaflet of the mitral valve.
Normal Pressure Half Time in prosthetic valve
Prosthetic Valve AI with PHT < 200ms is c/w
Severe AI
Elevated E:A ratio is c/w
elevated LA pressures.
Best view to evaluate paravalvular leak in mechanical MVR
Most common benign tumor in the heart is…
Papillary Fibroelastoma
Most common metastatic malignant tumor of the heart is…
Most common primary malignant tumor of heart is…
Features of Tetralogy of Fallot
- RVOT obstruction / pulmonary stenosis
- Overriding Aorta
Pentalogy of Fallot
Tet plus an ASD
Most common location for accessory pathway in Ebstein’s anomaly is…
Right Lateral.
In pLAX, a defect in the basal anteroseptum is c/w
Outlet Muscular VSD
In pLAX, a defect in the mid anteroseptum is c/w
Travecular VSD
In SAX @ level of aortic valve, a defect in the area around the valve/LVOT from 9o’clock to 12 o’clock would be a …
Membranous VSD
In SAX @ level of aortic valve, a defect in the area around the valve/LVOT from 12:00 to 3:00 would be a …
Outlet Muscular VSD
In SAX @ level of MV, a mid septal defect would be a…
Inlet Muscular VSD
In SAX @ level of MV, a anteroseptal defect would be a …
Trabecular VSD
In SAX @ level of pap muscles a septal defect would be a
Trabecular VSD
In Apical 4, a basal inferoseptal defect would be a …
Inlet VSD
In Apical 4 a mid to distal Inferoseptal defect would be a…
Trabecular VSD
In Apical 5 a basal anteroseptal defect would be a …
Membranous VSD
In Apical 5 a mid anteroseptal defect would be a
Trabecular VSD
Outlet VSD are associated with…
Severe progressive AI, should be surgically corrected.
Another name for an Outlet VSD is…
Supracristal VSD
The only ASD that can be closed percutaneously is…
Largest Secundum that can be closed by a device…
Secundum ASD’s are associated with…
Mitral Valve Prolapse
Primum ASD’s are associated with…
AV valve abnormalities (cleft MV most commonly)
Left Axis Deviation
LVOT obstruction
Unroofed CS is associated with…
Persistent Left SVC.
Indications for VSD closure:
- Qp/Qs > or = 2
- clinical evidence of LV volume overload
- h/o IE
Pulmonary Vein tracing S1 wave is determined by…
atrial relaxation
D wave deceleration time in pulmonary vein tracings should be…
Reduced D wave decel time (pulmonary veins) means…
High left atrial pressures
Prolonged D wave decel time (pulmonary veins) means…
Mitral stenosis
Normal E wave propagation velocity by color M mode inside the LV is
> 50cm/s
Increased tau is c/w
LV diastolic dysfunction, stiffness, slow relaxation
Ventricular Asynchrony is measured by…
Time delay between ventricles measured as delay from Q wave to flow at PA or Ao, then take difference between ventricles.
Features of Partial AV Canal Defect
- Primum ASD
- Cleft MV
- Widened antero-septal tricuspid commisure
Features of Complete AV Canal Defect
- Primum ASD
- Cleft MV
- Widened antero-septal tricuspid commisure
- Inlet VSD
Cutoffs for SEVERE MR pneumonic
Jet Area, ERO, Reg Fx, Reg Vol, VC
Jet Area cutoff Severe MR
Jet Area > 40%
ERO cutoff Severe MR
ERO > or = 0.4 cm squared
Regurgitant Fraction cutoff Severe MR
Reg Fx > or = 50%
Regurgitant Volume cutoff Severe MR
Reg Vol > or = 60 cc/bt
Vena Contracta cutoff Severe MR
VC > or = 0.7 cm
Cutoffs for Mild MR pneumonic
Jet Area, ERO, Reg Fx, Reg Vol, VC
Jet Area cutoff Mild MR
Jet Area < 20%
ERO cutoff Mild MR
ERO < 0.2 cm squared
Regurgitant Fraction cutoff Mild MR
Reg Fx < 30%
Regugitant Volume cutoff Mild MR
Reg Vol < 30 cc/bt
Vena Contracta cutoff Mild MR
VC < 0.3 cm
Pressure Half Time in AI, mild/mod/severe
mild AI PHT > 500ms
mod AI PHT < 300ms
sev AI PHT < 193 ms
Regurgitant Fraction formula
RF = Reg Vol / stroke volume or foward flow volume
ERO formula
ERO = Regurgitant volume / VTI of regurgitant jet
Jet Area cutoff Severe AI
Jet Area > or = 65%
ERO cutoff Severe AI
> or = 0.3 cm
Regurgitant fraction cutoff Severe AI
Reg Fx > or = 50%
Regurgitant Volume cutoff Severe AI
Reg Vol > 60 cc/bt
Vena Contract cutoff Severe AI
VC > or = 0.6 cm
Mild AI cutoffs in order of pneumonic
25, 0.1, 30, 30, 0.3
Jet Area cutoff mild AI
< 25%
ERO cutoff mild AI
< 0.1 cm squared
Regurgitant Fraction cutoff mild AI
Reg Fx < 30%
Regurgitant Volume cutoff mild AI
Reg Vol < 30 cc/bt
VC cutoff mild AI
0.3 cm
severe AI cutoff in order of pneumonic
65, 0.3, 50, 60, 0.6
Fractional Shortening formula
VCF (velocity of circumferential shortening) formula
VCF = Fractional Shortening / Ejection Time
Wall stress formula
WS = (end systolic pressure x radius)/wall thickness
In pulmonary venous flow tracing, S1 is related to
Left Atrial relaxation
In pulmonary venous flow tracing, S2 is related to
RV ejection and mitral annular descent.
Tachycardia ______ LV relaxation.
In abnormal LV relaxation, LA pressures are normally _____, and LVEDP is normally __________
- normal
2. High
Incidence of PFO in normal population
With Pulmonary A-V fistulae, as in hepato-pulmonary syndrome, or P-AVMs bubbles appear in the Left Heart in…
3-5 beats.
Restrictive Pattern E/A ratio
E/A > 2
Restrictive Pattern Decel Time
Decel time < 150 ms
Restrictive Pattern IVRT
IVRT < 70 ms
Axial Resolution formula
Axial Resolution = Spatial Pulse Length / 2
Spatial Pulse Length =
SPL = # cycles x wavelength
Wall Motion Score Index codes
Normal = 1 Hypo = 2 Akinesis = 3 Dyskinesis = 4 Aneurysmal = 5
WMSI of ____ is c/w severe LV dysfunction
> or = 2
Intensity =
Intensity = Power / Area
Power =
Power = Amplitude squared
Turbulent Flow is proportional to…(3 things)
- Denisty
- Vessel Diameter
- Velocity
Turbulent Flow is inversely proportional to (1 thing)
Viscosity (Less viscous -> more turbulent)
L-TGA can be associated with (3 things)
- PS
- Heart Block
Dimensionless Index Severe AS
< 0.25
Formula of dimensionless index in AS
DI = LVOT velocity / AV velocity
Austin Flint murmur
Diastolic rumble at the apex, assoc. with AI hitting anterior leaflet of MV. Causes fluttering of the anterior leaflet of the MV.
Normal LA volume
22ml +/- 6
Mild LA dilation
29-33 ml
Moderate LA dilation
34-39 ml
Severe LA enlargement
> 40 ml
Ideal thickness of matching layer
V pacing and LBBB create this wall motion abnormality.
Apical septal abnormality.
Near field length formula
Near Field Length =
Transducer diameter squared (mm) x frequency (MHz) / 6
Percentage of chronic A fib pts with clot in LAA
Things that cause diastolic MR
Long PR
Restrictive pattern
- E wave (high or low V)
- A wave (high or low V)
- Decel time
- IVRT is short.
- E wave is high/tall
- A wave is low/small
- Decel time is short
What is bandwidth.
The range of frequencies a transducer can operate over.
Center frequency
The frequency in the middle of the bandwidth. So bandwidth from 2-4 MHz? Center freq = 3
Fractional Bandwidth formula
Bandwidth/center frequency
Uhl’s anomaly
Parchment of the RV. Thinning. Dilated RV
Down’s syndrome congenital cardiac defect
Complete AV canal
Noonan’s syndrome congenital cardiac defect
Pulmonary Stenosis
Holt Oram congenital cardiac defect
Fetal Alcohol cardiac defect
Turner’s congenital cardiac defect
Coarctation of the Aorta
Most common primary cardiac malignancy
most common primary cardiac malignancy
usually in RA
presents with pericardial eff/tamponade
Doppler shift equation
Fd= [2Fo x velocity x cos theta] / propagation speed
Fo in Hz, velocities in m/s
PRP formula
PRP = (13 microseconds/cm) x depth cm
Frame time formula
Frame Time = PRP x # lines in sector
Frame Rate
Frame Rate = 1/Frame time
Worst case penetration is…
200 wavelengths
Max depth penetration is equal to
200 x wavelength
Wavelength =
Wavelength = velocity / frequency
Lipomatous Hypertrophy of Atrial Septum (LHAS)
LHAS is infiltration of fat into interatrial septum > 2cm
Dimensionless Index
Severe AI Dimensionless Index
< 0.25
= [z2-z1]squared / [Z2 + Z1]squared
Class I recommendations for AVR in AS… (3)
- Severe AS undergoing CABG
- Symptomatic severe AS
- Severe AS undergoing other valve or aortic surgery
M mode sign of constriction.
Early and late diastolic notching of the septum.
MPI formula
MPI = [IVCT + IVRT] / Ejection Time
Resistance Formula
Resistance = (8 x length x viscosity) / (pi x r to the 4th)
Cosine 0
Cosine 30
Cosine 60
Cosine 90
Mean Gradient (from peak gradient measurement)
Mean Gradien = 0.7 x peak gradient
Relative Wall Thickness formula
RWT = (2 x posterior wall thickness) / LVEDd
TAPSE cut off for RV dysfxn
< 1.6 cm
Strain formula
change in length / initial length
Normal Strain
E to E prime ratio
< 8 normal
>15 ~ PCWP >20
Indications for surgery in MS
Any degree of LV dysfunction ( EF < 60% or LVESD > 40mm)
TS gradients
Normal < 2 mmHg, Severe > or = 7 mmHg
TVA (using PHT)
TVA = 190 / PHT
PHT > 190 c/w severe TS
Mean PV gradient when should go for valvuloplasty
30-40 mmHg
Duke’s Major Criteria
- positive BCx’s
- typical organism for IE in 2 Cx’s
- echo e/o valve issue (veg, new reg, dehiscience)
- Abscess
EROAi > 0.85 = no PPM
EROAi 0.66 -0.85 = moderate PPM
EROAi < 0.65 = severe PPM
PPM vs Obstructed prosthesis
Both have increased velocity, increased mean gradients and low dimensionless index (< 0.25)
But… Obstructed prosthesis has prolonged acceleration time (>100ms) and rounded contour while PPM has low accel time (< 100 ms) and triangular contour.
MPI numbers
< 0.4 normal
mild LV dysfxn 0.4-0.5
mod LV dysfxn 0.6-0.9
Severe LV dysfxn >1
Normal Dp/Dt
> 1200
Indications for Aortic aneurysm repair
Asc. Ao 5.5 cm or 5 cm in Marfan’s or bicuspid valve
enlarging by > 1 cm / yr
traumatic or infxs
or if going for Ao valve surgery and asc ao is > 4.5cm
Shone’s Syndrome
- Supravalvular membrane (mitral valve)
- Parachute MV
- Subaortic valvular stenosis
- Coarctation of the aorta
Focal length
(Transducer diameter squared x frequency) / 6
6 ways to get rid of aliasing
- Shift the nyquist scale
- Use a lower frequency transducer
- Select a new view with a shallower sample volume.
- Switch to CW
- Select a new view with angle closer to 90 degrees
- Move the baseline.