400-599 Flashcards
Sake For sb’s sake
the couple moved to the coast for the sake of her health.
I have to make an effort for John’s sake.
For your sake (1)
For the sake of clarity (2)
Pour le bien de qq
Par égard pour qq
Pour l’amour de qq
syn: behalf, consideration, good, interest, profit, regard, respect, welfare, well-being
(1) pour votre bien
(2) par souci de clarté
To scold
She scolded him for being late
Gronder Réprimander
Gronderie Réprimande
To scoff
Don’t scoff, I am serious
I left three pies in the fridge and someone’s scoffed the lot (2)
Se moquer (1)
Bouffer, s’empiffrer (2) = syn: to scarf sth up/down
He could barely disguise his scorn for her
she was the scorn of the whole school
Mépris, dédain
To scorn
countries that scorn human rights…
the first step is to scorn the notion that length is a measure of thoroughness
Scornful Scornfully
He smiled in a scornful way
Dédaigneux, méprisant Avec mépris
syn: arrogant, contemptuous, disdainful, sneering, snooty
anonyms: admiring,gracious, respectful
Derelict (adj) (n)
adj -
a derelict olf building
the derelict vessel leaked diesel oil
it was in a derelict condition after being sunk
derelicts who could fit all their possessions in a paper bag.
adj= Abandonné, délaissé
n= vagabond, clochard (n) = someone who has no money or home and who has to live in the streets
To bemoan
She was bemoaning the fact that they had no money
I bemoan the fact that this initiative ….
1-pleurer, se lamenter
2-déplorer, regretter qquechose
Docteurs have warned against complacency in fighting common diseases.
A feeling of satisfaction with a situation or with what you have achieved so that you stop trying to improve or change things.
syn: contentment, smugness
the nation cannot become complacent about the quality of our schools
we’ve been winning but we’re not going to get complacent
satisfait ou content de soit
pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things
To cuddle
Jenny sat on the couch, cuddling a stuffed toy dog.
He cuddles the baby close.
Se faire un câlin, se câliner
=to hold someone or sth very close to you with your arms around them, especially to show that you love them
Câliner, bercer
to hold fondly, closely
A cuddle
Un câlin
Nuclear deterrence.
The death penalty for murder is a combination of punishment and deterrence.
Dissuasion Force de dissuasion
Deterrent (adj) (n)
The small fines do not act as much of a deterrent. (n)
The deterrent effect of prison sentences. (adj)
Dissuasif (adj) - dissuasion (n)
To deter sb from doing sth
It is not clear wether the death penalty deters crime.
The study may have deterred women from regular checkups.
Doom (n)
I sat there with a sense of imminent doom (=doom that will come very soon)
Thousand of soldiers met their doom (=died) on this field
Destin (malheureux) Sort (tragique) Perte, ruine Mort (death)
Destruction, death or failure that you are unable to avoid.
Jour du jugement dernier
Filth in the streets.
Some of the filth they show on television.
Filthy clothes.
The bathroom was absolutely filthy.
Filthy language.
Crasse Saleté - An extremely dirty substance
Obscénités Grossièretés - Very offensive language, stories, or pictures about sex.
thesaurus: dirty, dusty, muddy, grimy, grubby, greasy, soiled, contaminated, polluted
To fart
I was absolutely flabbergasted by her attitude
Doctors said they were flabbergasted by/at the decision to close the hospital
extremely surprised or shocked
thesaurus: amazement, surprise, astonishment, speechless, to be at loss for words, dumbfounded,
Blatancy (n)
One had only to go to the working-class quarters of the city to be struck by the blatancy of that.
l’évidence, le caractère flagrant
A blatant quality or thing
Blatant discrimination.
Blatant lies.
At first, I tried ignoring his blatant sexual hints
évident, flagrant, Manifeste
A bewilderment of smoke, noise and pushing people
The kids seemed bewildered and scared after the accident
perplexe, dérouté, déconcerté
totally confused
thesaurus: bemused, mixed-up, puzzled, baffled, perplexed, mystified
A bewildering number of options
Confusing, especially because there are too many choices or things happening at the same time.
To bewilder
To confuse someone.
These shifting attitudes bewilder me.
Déconcerter, rendre perplexe
De manière déconcertante, déroutante
To bloom
éclore Fleurir
to blossom,
a blossom
The apple trees are just beginning to blossom
The cherry trees are just coming into blossom
The chestnut trees are in full blossom
éclore, fleurir
a blunder
She stopped finally aware of the terrible blunder she had made.
Une bourde, gaffe, impair
thesaurus: indiscretion, to put your foot in it, faux pas, gaffe, to make a mistake, to get sth wrong, to go wrong, to slip up
To blunder
Police admitted that they blundered when they let Wyllie go.
Just pray that he doesn’t blunder again and get the names wrong.
Without my glasses I blundered into the wrong room.
Faire une gaffe ou un impair
To put it bluntly, the situation has gotten much worse.
Carrément Franchement
I didn’t have to get up until 11 - it was sheer bliss
Bonheur, contentement
Perfect happiness or enjoyment
Meurtri, blessé
A few cuts and bruises
Bleu, contusion Meurtrissures
A purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc.
thesaurus: black mark, blemish, contusion, injury, swelling, wound
To bruise
Contusionner, blesser
One of the most difficult conundrums for the experts
Devinette, énigme
a confusing and difficult problem
thesaurus: puzzle, brain-teaser, enigma, mystery, mystification, problem, riddle, puzzlement
To thrive, thrived/throve, thriven
Concerned about their baby daughter’s failure to thrive.
These traditions continue to thrive
The plant needs direct sunlight to thrive
Business thirved in the freedom of the 1920s
Playing music helped my daughter to thrive
Pousser (plant) Grandir (child) Se porter bien, respirer la santé (adult)
The country is on the threshold of a new era.
He stood on the threshold of Kim’s bedroom.
She was on the threshold of a dazzling career.
Seuil, pas de porte
Le seuil d’une époque, siècle
La limite, seuil financier
syn doorstep
I was thwarted in my attempts to leave the country
Efforts to clean up the oil spill have been thwarted by storms
Contrecarrer, contrarier (plan) Déjouer (a plot) Contrarier les efforts (person)
I was thrilled with the new chairs
We’re thrilled with the results
The were thrilled that you came.
I am thrilled to be here
The teeming city streets.
Every garden is teeming with wildlife.
Grouillant de monde (streets) Grouillant, fourmillant (crowds, shoppers) Grouillant (insects, ants)
To swathe
to be swathed in something
his hands were swathed in bandages
Envelopper Emmailloter
To swagger
He swaggered along the corridor
Se vanter, Se pavaner
to walk in a relaxed way, taking large steps, in a way that shows you are extremely confident.
A swagger
He entered the room with a swagger
Air arrogant (manner) Démarche arrogante (walk)
A way of talking or behaving that shows you are very confident
She’s as stubborn as a mule.
Tétu, obstiné Récalcitrant
thesaurus: obstinate, unyielding
adamant, balky, bullheaded, dogged, inflexible,mulish, perservering, pigheaded,single-minded, tenacious, willful
antonyms= broad-minded, complacent, compliant,giving, willing, yielding
She’s always asking such dumb questions.
I just did the dumbest thing back there, I forgot my briefcase.
She was born dumb and deaf.
1-Muet (unable or unwilling to speak) : mute
2- Stupide (that was a dumb thing to do)
The burglars fled empty-handed.
Les mains vides
Minor encroachments on our individiual liberties
Empiètement (on land, rights) Envahissement (by sea)
To encroach on / upon
The sea is encroaching on the land.
Urban development is encroaching on rural land.
Gang members who encroach on other gangs’ territory.
Empiéter sur
The nation’s flagging economy
Qui baisse (strenght, enthusiasm)
=becoming tired, weaker or less interested
To flag
By the end of the day her enthusiasm had begun to flag.
Faiblir (strenght, energy, enthusiasm, interest …)
To flaunt
She’s always flaunting her hewelry.
If you’ve got it, flaunt it (spoken, humorous)=used to tel so not to hide their beauty, wealth or abilities
étaler, faire étalage (wealth, knowledge, jewellery…) Afficher (bad manners, ignorance)
To downplay
She downplays the seriousness of her health problems.
Minimiser l’importance Dédramatiser
The major drawback of being famous is the lack of privacy.
Inconvénient, désavantage
To embroil
To embroil sb in sth
To get embroiled in sth
She is embroiled in a child custody battle with her ex-husband.
The organization is currently embroiled in running battles with pressure groups.
Mêler, impliquer
To entangle
The bird was entangled in the net.
They were suspiciois of becoming entangled ina civil war.
Empêtrer, enchevêtrer Emmêler (hair, threads) Impliquer (envolve)
These events marked an epoch in their history.
Their victory was a bit of a fluke.
We wanted to show that the win was not just a fluke.
Coup de bol Hasard
thesaurus: chance, occurence
blessing, fortuiy, fortunate, fortune, good fortune, good luck, odd chance, quirk
The room smelled damp.
The rain had made the walls damp.
Our clothes got a little damp.
Humide Moite
Leave him alone, you big bully !
The school bully
Brute, tyran
To bully
He used to bully the younger kids.
Taxes are a disincentive to expansion
Facteur décourageant
To incent= to incentivize
The government should incentivize the private sector to create jobs
to give incentives to
Low prices give the farmers little incentive.
The high-tech industry was lured here by tax incentives.
Motivation Incitation
She was a small, wiry woman.
His wiry black hair
1 -Sec et musclé Nerveux
2- wiry hair is stiff and curly
An old man of great wisdom.
Wisdom tooth.
To wiggle
To wiggle one’s hips
Remuer, Se remuer
thesaurus: to shake back and forth
jerk, jiggle, squirm, twist, wave, worm, wriggle, writhe
prostitute, harlot
To go whoring
Se prostituer Fréquenter les prostituées
Maison close
thesaurus: brothel
bawdy house, call house, cathouse, house of ill fame, house of ill repute, house of prostitution, massage parlor, red-light district
A person who has dealings with prostitutes, especially a sexually promiscuous man
A compelling speaker.
There is no logically compelling argument to support their claims.
His eyes were strangely compelling.
1 - Convaincant
2 - Envoûtant (film, book)
To compel
The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.
Harris felt compelled to resign.
His performance compels attention.
Contraindre, obliger (force) Imposer, forcer
thesaurus: to force, to act
coerce, constrain, enforce, drive, impel, make necessary, oblige, squeeze
To enforce
The police are strict about enforcing the speed limit.
The difficulties of enforcing discipline.
she enforced strict order on her children.
Mettre en oeuvre, appliquer: policy, décision Mettre en vigueur: law Faire exécuter Faire respecter
Enforceable judgement
The strict enforcement of environmental regulations.
Mise en oeuvre: policy, decision Application, execution: law Execution: contrat
No one’s job is safe. Everyone is expendable.
Superflu (equipment, workforce)
Qui peut être sacrifié (troops, spies)
thesaurus: not important
dispensablle, disposable, nonessentiel, replaceable, superfluous, unimportant
He was fated never to return.
Achilles was fated to die after Hector.
Destiné (destined) Voué au malheur (doomed)
The spiritual realm.
Ne discoveries in the realm of science.
The real of applied chemistry
Domaine, apanage
By my reckoning, you own £50.
Calcul, compte Estimation Avis opinion
Licenciement (layoff) Chomage
Licenciement (layoff) Chomage
Redundant (adj)
Licencié, au chômage Redondant
Blurred vision
The blurred distincttions between childhood and adulthood.
To blur
His novels tends to blur the distinctions between reality and fantasy.
Estomper, effacer Brouiller
thesaurus: to cloud, fog
becloud, befog, blind, darken, daze, dim, glare, make hazy, make indistinct, make vague, mask, obscure, shade
antonyms=clear, uncloud, unsmudge
An eerie silence.…
I had the eerie feeling that sb was watching me.
Inquiétant, sinistre
D’une manière peu solide
Légèreté Fragilité Faiblesse
A flimsy summer dress.
A flimsy argument.
The evidence against him is very flimsy.
Fin, léger Fragile
To flip out
The guy just flipped out and started shooting.
Exploser, piquer une crise (to get angry) Craquer (under effects of stress)
An embarassed flip-flop on the goovernment’s domestic policy.
Tong (sandal)
Volte-face, revirement (in attitude, policy…)
To foreclose
The mortgage company has threatened to foreclose on their home
Saisir un bien hypothéqué
Saisie (juridique)
The port cities relied on their immediate rural hinterlands for foods.
Arrière pays
To indict - for/on sth
Two men were indicted on fraud charges.
Three men were indicted for kidnapping
Inculper, mettre en examen
An indictment for murder.
Owners of the city’s biggest casino are under indictment (=charged with a crime)
Inculpation, mise en examen Acte d’accusation
To avenge
He avenged his brother’s death.
Avenger (n) Avenging (adj)
Aftermath The aftermath of war
Séquelles, suites (of event) Regain
To defuse
To defuse a situation/crisis
A joke can often defuse the situation.
Diplomats are trying to defuse the situation.
Explosive specialists tried to defuse the grenade.
Désamorcer une situation ou une bombe
thesaurus: to disarm, smooth over
deactivate, alleviate, disable, mollify, soften, soothe, subdue.
To disentangle
It was difficult to disentangle fact from fiction.
The president was eager to disentangle himself from the scandal.
Démêler (string, mistery)
Manque d’assurance ou de confiance en soi Timidité
thesaurus: hesitancy, lack of confidence
backwardess, bashfulness, constraint, doubt, fear, reluctance, reserve, shyness, timidness, timorousness, unassertiveness
antonyms: boldness, confidence
To castigate
In his speechn he castigated the president for being soft onb drugs.
Corriger, punir, réprimander Critiquer sévèrement,
To scold
She scolded the boys for taking the candy whout permission.
Our parents were strict and we were frequently scolded for our bad behaviour.
Gronder, réprimander
to rebuke, reprimand
Betty got a severe scoding and had to apologize.
Gronderie, réprimande
Dusk - At dusk
A flurry of activity.
After his statement, he received a flurry of phone calls.
A few flurries are expected tonight.
Rafale (snow, wind) Un branle bas de combat
To flurry
The waiter flurried between them.
Gusts of snow flurried through the door.
verb used with object
to put a person into a flurry
verb used without object:
1-(of snow) to fall or be flawn in a flurry
2-to move in an excited or agitated manner
To work yourself in a frenzy.
Doreen worked herself into a frenzy of rage.
There are just two minutes to go of this game, and the crowd is in an absolute frenzy.
People were in a frenzy when this shop opened.
A frenzied applause
Frénétique Forcené Déchainé
Wildly excited or uncontrolled.
Grief ☝️faux ami
The man’s grief over /at the death of his wife.
She was overcome with grief.
Frank always gives me grief about my sloppy handwriting.
Good grief ! (an expression of surprise or alarm)
Chagrin, peine, tristesse
To grieve
We are still grieving the death of our mother.
It grievs me to see him wasting his talent like that.
Peiner, chagriner Avoir de la peine, du chagrin
Smith has a legitimate grievance against the company.
One woman filed a grievance (=officially complained) after she was refused a promotion.
A deep sense of grievance.
Grief, sujet de plainte
Rancune, ressentiment Injustice, tort Mécontentement
Grieved To be deeply grieved at something
The whole community is deeply grieved by her tragic death.
Peiné, chagriné Etre chagriné de quelque chose
A grevious error.
A grevious wound or pain is severe and hurts a lot.
Affreux, cruel, atroce Grave, sérieux
Gravement, sérieusement
A craving for chocolate.
After a week without smoking , the craving began to disappear.
The symptoms include a craving for sweet foods.
Envie impérieuse ou irresistible Besoin impérieux
thesaurus: lust, appetite, temptation, compulsion, urge, whim, impulse
To crave
I always craved love and acceptance
The review gave Picasso a taste of the recogition he craved.
Avoir terriblement envie de Cigarette, drink, affection, love
Climbing Everest is a daunting challenge for any montaineer.
I was faced with the daunting task of learning the wole script in 24hours
If sth is daunting, it seems almost impossible and the idea of doing it makes you feel nervous