400-07 Vehicle Use and Assignment Flashcards
All department vehicles will be assigned with the approval of the Chief of Police based on assignment, operational necessity, or any other criteria determined by the Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police reserves the right to make the final determination of any take-home vehicle location considering evidence such as, but not limited to, driver licenses, voter registration rolls, homestead exemptions, property tax rolls, registered utilities, and mailing addresses.
Certain employees operating takehome vehicles that are phased out due to attrition will not be aSSigned a replacement vehicle.
Vehicles will be allocated based upon documented needs, available resources, and department goals (see General Order 400-20, Vehicle Allocation).
Take-Home Vehicle Committee. At least three assistant chiefs, as appointed by the Chief of Police, will hear, review, and recommend which employees’ job duties are such that take-home vehicles should be assigned to those employees.
The recommendation will be based on a definition of operational necessity. This committee will consider captains’ or their designees’ recommendations prior to the submission of a list of operationally necessary take-home vehicles to the Chief of Police for final approval.
Employees, by nature of job assignments and responsibilities, will be assigned city vehicles at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designee.
No employee has any right or entitlement to the use of a city vehicle.
On an annual basis, the department will obtain and review the driving record of each employee who operates a city vehicle.
Employees may be disqualified from driving on city business if they:
Do not have a valid and current driver license.
b. Have been convicted of a felony involving the use of a motor vehicle.
c. Have, within a period of 36 months prior to review, been convicted of any combination of 3 moving violations or at-fault motor vehicle accidents.
d. Have been convicted of OWl or OUI within 36 months prior to review.
Only the Chief of Police may authorize the assignment of take-home department vehicles. An employee may be denied assignment of or continued use of a city
vehicle if the Chief of Police determines this to be in the best interest of the department.
Employees assigned a take-home vehicle will maintain and update all proper forms related to vehicle usage (e.g., personnel change information, current vehicle information). This information will be maintained in the take-home vehicle database and forwarded to the Chair of the Take-Home Vehicle Committee.
All employees with authorization for takehome vehicles must reside within 30 miles (one way) from Police Headquarters (1200 Travis). A map displaying the 30mile radius will be displayed in the motor pool turn-in area (first floor) at the central police garage. Only the Chief of Police may make an exception to this rule.
If it is questionable whether an employee’s primary household is within the 30-mile radius the employee will prepare correspondence through the chain of command to the Chief of Police describing where the residence is located and the nature of the ambiguity. The Office of the Chief of Police or designee will then notify the employee whether or not the take-home vehicle privilege will be granted.
No employee will park a department vehicle at a non-assigned location and then continue his or her daily commute beyond the 30-mile limit in order to circumvent the intent of this General Order.
Employees will not operate city vehicles for personal use outside the city limits of Houston. Travel directly to and from employees’ permanent work assignments is excluded from this order and is governed by the 30-mile rule.
Classified employees assigned take-home vehicles will maintain radio contact with the department at all times when driving the vehicles. Officers will monitor the radio channel corresponding to the district(s) through which they travel. Officers will serve as a supplementary force to the regular police units, taking appropriate police action when necessary.
Employees assigned take-home vehicles, who will be absent from duty for more than five working days, will ensure their assigned vehicle is available on police property for use by others, as determined by the division commander.
Employees will adhere to any operating rules provided by department policy. Department vehicles
a. May be used only as authorized by department policy.
b. May be driven only by authorized department employees, unless approved by a supervisor or directed by a police employee in an emergency.
c. May only be driven by employees who possess a valid and appropriate Texas driver license. The Chief of Police reserves the right to require defensive driving or any other training on a routine or special basis as necessity dictates. Any employee who causes a motor vehicle accident while on city business regardless of previous DOC attendance will be required to make every reasonable attempt to successfully complete a DOC.
d. Will be parked in a legal manner except during emergency situations.
e. Will not be placed in motion until the driver and all passengers have fastened all available seat restraints (Le., seat belts and shoulder harnesses).
f. Will be inspected by the employee before it is driven and any unsafe condition, disrepair, or damage will be reported to a supervisor immediately.
g. Will be kept clean. The employee will empty the interior of debris and trash after each use.
h. May be subject to additional restrictions regarding operation and use at the discretion of the Chief of Police or designated managers.
i. Will not be modified without prior authorization from the appropriate department official.
j. Will not be used to haul any type of cargo unless the cargo is properly secured, and the height of the cargo is such that it will safely pass under obstructions along the intended route.
k. Are subject to all tolls, parking, or other fees associated with driving a city vehicle and utilizing such services. Employees will be personally liable for any citations or violations of this provision. (Toll and other fees may be reimbursed upon the presentation of appropriate documentation.)
Vehicle abuse includes, but is not limited to:
a. Excessively racing a cold engine.
b. Continuing to operate a vehicle or item of equipment when engine instruments or warning lights indicate malfunctions.
c. Overloading a vehicle or using it for purposes other than those for which it was designed.
d. Failure to ensure that the appropriate preventative maintenance is accomplished.
Employees checking out motor pool vehicles must have an immediate need for those vehicles.
a. Upon returning to the central police complex, employees must turn in their vehicles immediately. Employees of Fleet Management will monitor the police garage and surrounding parking areas to ensure compliance with this policy.
b. Officers may check out vehicles for up to eight hours during their duty time with their division commander’s approval. Approval for civilian employees will be in the form of the division commander’s signature on the vehicle check-out slip.
c. In order to check out motor pool vehicles, employees will properly complete the necessary portions on the motor pool slip and give it to motor pool personnel in the Transportation Office. Employees will retain a copy of the slip until the vehicles are returned.
d. Prior to operation each employee will inspect the assigned vehicle and record the vehicle condition and starting mileage.
Employees may check out a vehicle for overnight use with the approval of an onduty shift commander or higher. A Houston Police Department Overnight Vehicle Use form will be completely filled out. Incident numbers and other factual information necessary to provide adequate justification for the overnight use will be recorded on the form.
All employees will return their motor pool vehicles by parking them in the motor pool turn-in area at the central police garage.
a. All trash and personal property will be removed from the vehicle by the employee returning the vehicle.
b. The employee’s copy of the motor pool slip and the vehicle’s keys will be returned to the Transportation Office or if after hours, to the Motor Pool Office.
c. Employees will record the ending mileage on the appropriate form.
d. Vehicles will be physically inspected by the driver. Any damage detected will be noted on the motor pool return slip and reported orally to motor pool inspection personnel. The driver will sign the motor pool return slip.
e. Motor pool inspection personnel will inspect the vehicle and countersign the motor pool return slip.
Only authorized personnel from Fleet Management may make duplicate keys for any motor pool vehicle.
All department vehicles will receive regular preventative maintenance checks. These will be done on a drive-in basis.
Replacement vehicles will not be provided for take-home vehicles in the shop for 48 hours or less due to regular preventative maintenance or repair.
All drivers of department vehicles will add fuel and engine oil to the vehicles under their control, except for members of the command staff, and persons driving motor pool vehicles.
When a vehicle needs to be serviced or repaired, employees will:
a. Take the vehicle to the Transportation Office.
b. Complete a shop card.
c. Park the vehicle in the appropriate repair lot.
d. Submit the shop card to the garage supervisor.
Employees operating a department vehicle that becomes disabled will notify the dispatcher and remain with the vehicle until it is removed by a department wrecker.