40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 50 + Small Claims & Sum Pro Flashcards
What is the rule on appeal re: MTC Cadastral Cases
Generally, an appeal from a judgement or final order of the MTC may be taken to the RTC exercising JD over the area to which the former pertains
The Exception, the MTC is granted delegated JD in Cadastral & Land Registration cases such that its decision is appealable in the same manner as decisions of the RTC [hence] the appeal shall be taken to the CA
LB: BP 129 Sec. (34)
Enumerate those not subject to appeal [and] their other modes/remedies (mandamus, prohibition, etc.)
- Interlocutory Orders
- Certiorari R65 - Denial of MR/NT
- Certiorari R65 - Denial of Petition for Relief
- Certiorari R65 - Orders of Execution
- Certiorari R65 - Orders Disallowing/Dismissing Appeal
- Certiorari R65 - Orders Denying Injunction
- Certiorari R65 -
Orders in Summary Proceedings
- Certiorari R65, Prohibition, or Mandamus
Knowledge check: what falls under the JD of MTC on recovery of ownership of real property amounting to
- 300k
MTC has JD over these money claims governed by __
This isnt money claim its a Real Action
A.M.-08-8-7-SC - Money Claims Not Exceeding 1,000,000.00
What are the Cases that fall under Small Claims?
[A] Money owed under any of the ff:
- C. of Lease
- C. of Loan
- C. of Service
- C. of Sale
- C. of Mortgage
[B] Damages arising from any of the ff:
- Faut or Negligence
- Quasi-contract; or
- Contract
[C] Enforcement of Brgy. Amicable Settlement [or] an Arbitration Award involving a money claim (less than P1M) provided that ni execution has been enforced by the brgy within 6 months from the date of settlement or date of receipt of award or from the date of obligation stipulated or adjudged in the arbitration award becomes due and demandable [apple]
LB: Sec. (4) A.M. 08-8-7-SC
R40 S1
An appeal from a judgment [or] final order of a MTC may be taken to the RTC exercising JD over the area to which the former pertains.
The title of the case shall remain as it was in the court of origin, but the party appealing the case shall be further referred to as the appellant and the adverse party appellee
R40 S2
An appeal may be taken w/in 15 days [after] notice to the appellant of the judgment or final order appealed from (want to challenge thru appeal)
Where a record on appeal is required, the appellant shall file a noticed of appeal [and] a record on appeal within 30 days [after] notice of judgment or final order
R40 S3
The appeal is taken by filing a notice of appeal with the court that rendered the judgment or final order appealed from. The NoA shall indicate:
1. the parties to the appeal
2. the judgment or final order or part thereof appealed from, and
3. state the material dates showing the timeliness of the appeal
(par. 2)
a RoA shall be required [only] in special proceedings [and] in other cases of multiple or separate appeals
(par. 3)
The form [and] contents of the RoA shall be as provided in Sec. 6 R41
(par. 4)
Copies of NoA [and] RoA where required, shall be served on the adverse party
R40 S4
add the provision in sec 9 rile 41
The perfection of the appeal [and] effect shall be governed by the provisions of Sec. 9 Rule 41
R40 S5
onclude the section subtitle sa answer
W/in the period of taking an appeal, the appellant shall pay to the CoC which rendered the judgment or final order appealed from the [full] amount of the appellate court docket [and] other lawful fees.
Proof of payment thereof shall be transmitted to the appellate court together with the original record [or] record on appeal
R40 S6
W/in (15) days from the perfection of the appeal, the CoC [or] Br. CoC of the lower court transmit:
- the original record [or] RoA
- tog. w/ the transcripts [and] exhibits
- which he shall certify as complete,
to the proper RTC.
A COPY of his letter of transmittal of the records to the appellate court shall be furnished the [parties]
R40 S7
[par. A]
Upon receipt of the complete record [or] RoA, the CoC of the RTC shall notify the parties of such fact.
[par. B]
W/in 15 days from such notice, it shall be the duty of the appellant to submit a MEMORANDUM which shall briefly discuss the errors imputed to the lower court, a copy of which shall be furnished by him to the adverse party.
W/in 15 days from receipt of the appellant’s memorandum, the appellee may file his memorandum
- Failure of the appellant to file a memorandum shall be a ground for dismissal of the appeal
[par. C]
Upon filing of the memorandum of the appellee, [or] the expiration of the period to do so, the case shall be submitted for DECISION.
the RTC shall decide the case in the basis of the entire record of the proceedings had in the court of origin [and] such memoranda as are filed
R40 S8
Appeal from orders dismissing case without trial; lack of JD
— If an appeal is taken from an order of the LOWER court dismissing the case W/O a trial on the merits, the RTC [may] affirm {or} reverse it. as the case may be.
In case of AFFIRMANCE [and] ground is lack of JD over SM, the RTC, if it has JD thereover, shall try the case on the merits [AS IF] the case was originally filed with it.
In case of REVERSAL, the case shall be remanded for further proceedings
IF THE CASE WAS TRIED on the merits by the lower court w/o JD over the SM, the RTC on appeal shall NOT dismiss the case IF IT HAS original JD thereof, but shall decide the case in accordance with the preceding section, [without prejudice] to the ADMISSION OF:
- amended pleadings (and)
- additional evidence in the interest of justice.
R40 S9
Applicability of Rule 41
— The other provisions of Rule 41 shall apply to appeals provided herein insofar as they are not inconsistent with [or] may serve to supplement the provisions of this Rule.
Filed in MTC > dismissed > filed in RTC under R65 > denied > raised pure questions of LAW
What would be next course of action?
If the case involves pure questions of law after the denial of the petition under Rule 65 in the RTC, the next proper course of action would be to file a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45SC
Rule 45 is specifically for cases involving pure questions of law, which means no factual issues are involved, and the issue concerns the correct interpretation or application of law.
focus also on the dismissal without prejudice exception to the rule: no jurisdiction over the subject matter under rule 40 section 8
deyeet this
What if the money claim is 1,500,000.00?
check on the RA 11576 of 1,000,001-2M is governed now by simmaey procedure
The JD falls under the first-level courts, but will no longer be governed by small claims proceedings outlined in AM-08-8-7-SC but on the Revised Rules on Summary Procedure
RA 11576 - 2,000,000.00 (JD amount cognizable by 1st level courts for civil actions monetary claims)
R40 Sections:
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
1 - Where to A
2 - When to A
3 - How to A
4 - Perfection of A; effect thereof
5 - Appellate court docket and other lawful fees
6 - Duty of clerk of court
7 - procedure in RTC
8 - appeal from orders dismissing case w/o trial; lack of JD
9 -applicability of Rule 41
Insofar as Real Property is concerned, which court has JD over real property valued at
- 400k >
- < 400k
BP 129
RTC — 400k> Sec. 19(2)
MTC — <400k Sec. 33(3)
Filed in MTC > dismissed > Filed RTC under R65 > denied > raising pure questions of LAW
next course of action?
Here, the decision of the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction is appealed to the Court of Appeals by filing a petition for review under r45, not just by a mere notice of appeal or a record on appeal, [on questions of fact, or even purely of law, or mixed questions of fact and law]
Conversely, even if decision rendered by the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction is to be reviewed on pure question of law, the remedy is petition for review with the Court of Appeals under Rule 42 of the Rules of Court, not petition for review on certiorari with the Supreme Court under Rule 45, as this later remedy, as applied to decision of the Regional Trial Court, is only applicable where what is to reviewed on pure question of law is a decision rendered by the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction (Almendras vs. South Davao Dev’t. Corp., Inc., G.R. No. 198209, March 22, 2017);
Filed in MTC > dismissed > Filed RTC petition under R65 > denied > raising pure questions of FACT
what is the correct course of action?
this situation means RTC dismissed a wrong appeal(?)
The RTC, exercising its appellate JD is appealed to the CA by filing a petition for review under Rule 42 involving question of act, [or] even purely of law [or] mixed question of fact & law
In what cases is the right to appeal demandable as a matter of right / where Congress cannot take away the remedy of appeal?
- Sec. 5, par. 2(d) Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution
- All criminal cases in which the penalty imposed is RP or higher (PP v. Mateo) - Sec. 5 par. 2(e)
- All cases in which ONLY an error [or] ONLY a question of law is involved
Why is judgment by compromise NOT appealable?
It is immediately executory
An action for recovery of a real property with an assessed value of 1M was filed in the MTC. The defendant sought the dismissal of the case of lack of JD
a. Does MTC have JD?
b. What is the threshold (assessed value) for real actions
c. Is the dismissal without prejudice
d. Can the dismissal without prejudice on the ground of lack of JD be appealed?
- No
- <400k for real actions to be cognizable in the MTC
- Yes bc the dismissal on the ground trial court has no JD over SM is one without prejudice as the party can file it in the proper court which is why it is NOT appealable
- Yes (R40 S8[?]), upon appeal from the MTC w/o trial , RTC may [affirm or reverse] the order of dismissal
- [AFFIRMED] - RTC may take over the case if it has JD over it
- [REVERSED] - Case remanded to MTC
A real action where property’s assessed value is 1M was filed in the MTC > d
- does MTC have no JD?
- MTC dismiss case on ground of lack of JD, can dismissal be appealed?
- No JD
- Yes, R40 S8
Real Action > 300k > RTC > RTC have JD?
- If case dismissed for lack of JD, can this be appealed in the CA?
- What is the proper remedy if any?
- No
- NO, Sec. 8 R40 only applied to cases filed originally with the MTC.
- Proper remedy is to refile the real action in the proper court; MTC
Real Action > 1M > MTC > Dismissed > Lack of JD over SM > Plaintiff Appealed RTC
- How would you Rule, RTC?
- RTC renders decision > remedy of aggrieved party?
Affirm the dismissal of the case, try the case as if it was originally filed therein.
- **Ordinary Appeal, Rule 41 because the RTC is exercising its Original JD
Real Action > 1M > MTC > Rendered Judgment (presupposes trial) > Appealed to RTC
- How would you rule, RTC?
- RTC renders decision > Remedy of Agrvd?
Do not dismiss the case. > Assume JD over the case as if the case was originally filed with it. > Review the evidence on record w/o need for conducting trial de novo > without prejudice to admission of:
- amended pleadings, and
- additional evidence in the interest of justice
- Ordinary Appeal, R41 as the RTC was exercising original JD
Real Action > 300k > MTC > (no trial) Dismissed on ground of lack of JD > Appealed to RTC
How will you rule, RTC?
What is the remedy for the Agrvd?
Why is such the remedy?
- Reverse dismissal & remand to the MTC
Certiorari & Injunctive Relief
R65 requires:
- no other [psa] plain, speedy, adequate remedy
- grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack of JD [or] excess of JD - ## Appeal of an interlocutory order is prohibited (bc any order it would be impractical to appeal several orders which explains why an appeal is done on the judgment or final order to assail them all at once)
Real Action > 200k > MTC rendered Judgment >
Remedy of Agrvd?
- Ordinary Appeal R40
- MR (R37)
Real Action > 200k > MTC rendered Judgment >
Remedy of Agrvd?
- Is the filing of an MR a condition sine qua non (essential) before appeal may be had?
- where to file notice of appeal?
- No
- MTC which is the court of origin
knowledge check: which court has JD over an Ejectment Case with a property valued at:
- 2.5M
- 250K
Ejectment Case regardless of assessed property involved [and] amount of rentals demanded falls under the exclusive JD of the MTC
Ejectment Case > MTC rendered decision
- Remedy of Agrvd
- Is MR a remedy?
- Notice of Appeal (R40)
- NO ejectment.case falls under the Rules of Summary Procedure where MR is prohibited
Real Action > 200k > MTC rendered judgment > Appeal to RTC > decision affirmed in toto (in total) of the MTC
- Remedy of agrvd?
- Where to file such remedy?
- If questions raised on appeal are pure questions of LAW, what is proper remedy?
- Petition for Review (R42)
- CA (i thot in RTC still but as the name suggests, it is asking for review so it should be to the higher court)
- Petition for review (R42) and NOT ~appeal by certiorari (r45)~ because the latter requires the RTC to exercise it’s OG JD (insofar as pure questions of law is concerned**
Ejectment > MTC > Appealed to RTC > RTC renders decision
can you appeal?
final and executory na ang decision by RTC
OCA 69-2022
Real Action > 300k > Agrvd Party received copy of adverse Ruling on Aug. 1 (assume work day)
- When will be the last day of the period to appeal?
- What if an MR was filed on Aug 10 & denial of MR was on Aug 16, when is last day to file a notice of appeal?
- Aug. 16 (assume work day)
- Aug. 31 (Fresh period rule)
period - [pppprddss]
45 - OG parties w/ petitioner as appellant and respondent as the adverse w/o impleading lower court or judge
65 -
tribunal, board, officer, judicial or quasi-judicial function is impleaded as PRIMARY respondent [with] adverse party in the lower court as PRIVATE respondent
- [tboq.j] - ‘tibuok jd’
45 - continuation of appellate process over original case
65 - original action & not a mode of appeal
45 - SC
65 - SC, CA, SB, RTC (observing Hierarchy of Courts)
45 - (15) from notice of jdgmnt/ordr appealed from [or] denial of MR/NT
65 - not later than (60) days
45 - only questions of LAW
65 - question of JD
[DIRECTED Against]
45 - review final jdgmnt/orders
65 - directed against interlocutory orders [or] where no appeal or plain, speedy, inadequate remedy is available
45 - [SC] motu propio deny on the ground that appeal is:
- without merit
- prosecuted manifestly for delay
- question raised is unsubstantial to require consideration
65 - [courts] same grounds as 45 +
- award respondent treble costs solidarily against petitioner & counsel
- ADMINISTRATIVE sanctions to counsel
- courts may impose motu propio based on res ipsa loquitur DISCIPLINARY sanctions
[Sine Qua Non] (Condition Precedent)
45 - NOT require MR
65 - REQUIRED MR (w/ exc.)
45 - stays the judgment appeal from
65 - does NOT stay unless enjoined/restrained
Why Rule 45 cannot be availed of in Criminal Cases?
Why must it go thru CA?
- Rule 45 involves question of LAW in civil and special civil cases
- whereas Criminal Cases are questions of FACT
- JD of CA (BP 129 (Sec. 9))
- CA functions as a fact-finding court whereas the SC is not a trier of facts
- Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courts
MTC > recovery of parcel of land > Not Exceeding 400k > appealed > RTC renders judgment
Agrvd Party’s Remedy?
Notice of Appeal (R40)
If you want to appeal from quasi-judicial bodies, what ode of appeal do you use?
Scenario: Civil Service Commission prohibits those who failed the CSC exam by a circular
File a Petition for Review (R43 Sec. 5 in rel’t to Sec. 1)
How would you characterize the NLRC?
NLRC functions as a quasi-judicial agency but the proper remedy is R65 as R43 prohibits decisions from the DOLE or NLRC
such that NLRC’s decisions can be appealed through a petition for review with the CA under R43, similar to other quasi-judicial bodies listed
can you file MR with the Labor Arbiter?
Can you file an MR from the decision of the NLRC, affirming the decision of the LA
No, the proper remedy is to file a
Notice of appeal to the NLRC
No, the proper remedy is to file a petition for review under Rule 43
RTC appeal pure question of law
course of action?
1st answer [WRONG]Petition for Review under Rule 42 as the RTC is exercising its appellate JD
tip: since its pure LAW, remember SC is not a trier of facts
Petition for Review on Certiorari under R45 as it deals with pure question of LAW of the RTC acting in its appellate JD
May you avail of Rule 45 if you are attacking a mere MR?
NO, sec. 1 of the same provides that is directed against a judgment, final order or resolution of the CA, SB, CTA, RTC or other courts
Further, an MR is NOT a final judgment or order but an interlocutory order.
MTC dismiss case > MR denied (presupposing trial) > appeal to RTC. what rule is this ?
Rule 41.
Rule 40, altho speakng of MTC-RTC appeal, R40 governs appeals when MTC dismisses a cases:
1. **without prejudice (no JD) [or] had trial but had no JD over SM
2. before reaching full trial
Rule 41 applies when MTC has rendered decision w/ JD
Assuming a case is decided against you, you go to the CA. what rule does this fall?
It depends
if OG JD of the RTC - R41 filing a Notice of Appeal
if appellate JD - R42 filing a petition for review
Are there cases decided by the MTC which can be appealed directly to the CA, thereby bypassing the hierarchy of courts?
Yes, certain cases decided by the MTC, such as cadastral and land registration cases where the MTC has delegated jurisdiction (under Section 34 of BP 129), can be appealed directly to the CA, bypassing the RTC.
When appealing, the correct procedure is to file a Petition for Review under Rule 42 because the MTC is deemed to have exercised jurisdiction to that of the RTC in these cases.
Are there cases which have been decided by the MTC which cannot be appealed to the RTC?
- Small claims cases
- Judgment by Confession
- Crim Cases imposing fine not exceeding 1k [or] imprisonment not exceeding 6 months
- Small Criminal Cases (Katarungang Pambarangay Law)
TN: AM0887SC provides for appeal for summary procedure cases
You want to question the decision of the RTC on a question of fact or law, where would you go?
From original jurisdiction RTC decisions: Notice of Appeal to CA (Rule 41).
From appellate jurisdiction RTC decisions: Petition for Review to CA (Rule 42).
Purely legal questions from CA or RTC: Petition for Review on Certiorari to the Supreme Court (Rule 45).
What cases are governed under summary procedure?
- forcible entry [and] unlawful detainer cases
- all civil cases not exceeding 2M (exc. probate pro, maritime etc.) excluding __ atty’s fees, damages, interest,
- complaint for damages not exceeding 2M
- cases of enforcement of brgy. amicable settlement agreements [and] arbitration awards where money claim not exceed 1M
LB: AM 08-8-7-SC - revival of judgments for first level courts
- civil aspect of violation of BP 22 if no crim action instituted.
everything else will be governed by regular procedurer
What is the remedy of the aggrieved party from a judgment under the Rule on Small Claims?
gen rule and exc
The decision under Rule on Small Claims shall be final, executory [and] UNAPPEALABLE.
Exc, there may be a general remedy for grave abuse of discretion under R65 of RoC
A.M. 08-8-7-SC - FAQ
how should the judgment of FLC be appealed under the rule on Summary Procedure of The expedited procedures?
any final jdgmnt/ordr/rsltn in a Summary Procedure may be **appealed to the RTC exercising JD over the territory under R40 in civil and R122 in criminal cases
Appeal done by filing a notice of appeal
A.M. 08-8-7-SC: FAQ
What is the remedy for an interlocutory order adverse to you?
- certiorari under rule 65
- MR under rule 37
Remedy when court denies your chosen remedy for an interlocutory order?
Continue with the case and file an appeal assigning as one of the errors the denial of your MR of the interlocutory order
If order is dismissed is w/o prejudice, why is it not subject to appeal?
the party can refile it in the proper court
the exc provided is in R40 sec. 8
instances where the court dismisses the without prejudice
- filed in wrong JD
- non-payment of docket fees
Can you file for writ of execution [and] appeal?
Exception is partial judgment
what should you state in your certificate of non-forum shopping if case was dismissed with prejudice
No appeal may be taken from:
R41 S1
- order denying petition for relief [or] any similar motion seeking relief from judgment (r38) [includes annulment of judgment r47 (?)]
- interlocutory order
- order disallowing/dismissing an appeal
- order denying motion to set aside a judgment by [ccc] confession, consent, compromise on the ground of [fmd] fraud, mistake, duress, [or] *any other ground vitiating consent
- order of execution
- judgement or final order— for [or] against one or more several parties [or] in separate claims, counterclaims, cross-claims & third-party complaints, —while main case is pending, unless the court allows an appeal therefrom
- an order dismissing an action without prejudice
Dismissal without Prejudice
when does a court lose JD over the case in a Notice to Appeal?
will the trial court no longer have any power regarding the appealed case?
- upon perfection of the notice of appeal filed in due time [and] Expiration of time to appeal for other parties
- [Before] transmittal of the original record, the court may:
- issue orders for protection & preservation of rights of parties which do not involve any matter litigated by the appeal
- approve compromises
- permit appeals of indigent litigants
- order the execution pending appeal
- allow withdrawal of the appeal
Ana filed a complaint against Boyet for collection of sum of money before
the Regional Trial Court (RTC). Boyet filed a counterclaim in an amount
not exceeding ₱2,000,000.00 in the same RTC. Was Boyet correct in filing
his counterclaim in the same RTC, or is his counterclaim cognizable by the
First Level Court (FLC)?
Yes, Boyet correctly filed his counterclaim with the RTC under Rule 6 of the RoC.
In an original action before RTC, a counterclaim considered as compulsory shall be filed in the same court regardless of the amount
Suppose Clara applied for Replevin to acquire possession of a motorcycle.
However, she included an alternative prayer for collection of sum of money, in an amount not exceeding ₱2,000,000.00, in case the motorcycle could no
longer be found.
a. Does this case fall under the Rule on Small Claims?
b. does this case fall under summary procedure?
No. Small claims contemplates simple money claims. Replevin involves factual issues that will require trial
Yes, the threshold amount for summary procedure applies
summary pro contemplates ALL actions (exc probate proceedings, admiralty and maritime actions, and small claims
Danny filed a complaint for collection of sum of money with application for
a writ of replevin of a vehicle, claiming the amount of ₱1,500,000.00.
However, the value of the vehicle subject of the replevin does not exceed
₱2,000,000.00. Is Danny’s complaint governed by the Rule on Summary
Procedure, or the regular procedure? Suppose further that the amount of
the vehicle exceeds ₱2,000,000.00, will the Rule on Summary Procedure
The complaint is covered by SumPro regardless of the value of the personal property. What is controlling is the total amount in the complaint which did not exceed 2M
Considering that: (a) the threshold amount for civil cases cognizable by the
FLCs is ₱2,000,000.00; and (b) under Section 1, Rule I(A), Summary
Procedure Cases include “[a]ll civil actions except probate, admiralty,
maritime, and [small claims cases]” where the total amount of the claim does
not exceed ₱2,000,000.00, are cases for Quieting of Title, Recovery of
Ownership cognizable by FLC governed by the Rule on Summary
No. Altho basis for determining JD is the assessed value, it should be stressed that NO TRIAL TAKES PLACE under SumPro so these cases are under regular procedure
Are real actions now covered by the Expedited Procedures?
No, real actions are covered by regular rules (except) **unlawful detainer & forcible entry cases w/ the FLC depending on the assessed value of the real property involved
How should the judgment of the FLC be appealed under the Rule on Summary Procedure of the Expedited Procedures?
judgment in a Sum Pro may be appealed to the appropriate RTC exercising JD over the territory under R40
> Re: appeal in SumPro > What is the remedy of the aggrieved party when the RTC renders a judgment under its appellate jurisdiction?
Rules of SumPro provides that judgment of RTC on the appeal shall be final, executory, and unappealable.
Nonetheless, RTC judgment can be MR, and then Certiorari R65
. Ina owes Jerome ₱1,200,000.00. Considering that Jerome urgently needs
the money, he decided to file a Small Claims case against Ina, praying to be
paid only the amount of ₱1,000,000.00.
a. Can Jerome waive part of the debt in excess of ₱1,000,000.00 so its
recovery will fall under the Rule on Small Claims?
Yes, no prohibition in Expedited Procedures (general term) for waiving part of his claim.
Karen, a contractor, filed a Small Claims case claiming payment for services
rendered under a contract [of service] amounting to a little less than
In her Response, Lauren claimed that the construction was substandard under the contract, hence, no payment is due. Is Karen’s case still covered by the Rule on Small Claims?
No, that claim is not governed by Small Claims.
Small Claims is solely for payment or reimbursement of a sum of money.
The cause of action is a contractual breach,
The local museum in the town of Barrio M proudly displays a small “Niño” or a child Jesus wooden statue dating back to the 19th century. The Marzan family filed a case for recovery of possession of the Niño against said local museum on the ground that it is a treasured family heirloom with great
sentimental value. The Marzan family alleges that the value of the Niño does
not exceed ₱2,000,000.00. Is this still covered by the Rule on Summary
SumPro covers all civil cases except probate, admiralty & maritime, and small claims cases (Rule 1 Expedited Pro)