4 - Virtual Relationships In Social Media Flashcards
Define virtual relationships
Relationships that take place electronically/online, where the partners never meet face to face
What type of language do virtual relationships lack?
Define paralanguage
Added extras to the way in which you speak (tone, body language, etc)
Define self-disclosure
The process of revealing personal info in a relationship, that causes the relationship to become intimate and progress
What are the two theories about virtual relationships?
- Reduced cues theory
- Hyper-personal model
What is the Reduced Cues Theory?
- Virtual relationships are LESS PERSONAL
- Virtual relationships are less effective + personal than face to face ones, as it is hard to self-disclose and grow close to somebody
What reasons does Reduced Cues Theory give for virtual relationships having less self-disclosure + so less closeness?
Less cues in speech (paralanguage)
- Causes less sense of individual identity (de-individuation)
- De-individuation leads to disinhibition (less control/niceties)
- Communication becomes blunt + aggressive, so self-disclosure stops and the partners don’t become close
Who proposed the Reduced Cues Theory?
Sproull + Kiesler
What is the Hyper-Personal Model?
- Virtual relationships are MORE PERSONAL
- Theory that virtual relationships can involve greater self-disclosure and become more personal more quickly than face to face
Who proposed the Hyper-Personal Model?
What reasons does Hyper-Personal Model give for virtual relationships having more self-disclosure + so more closeness?
Have anonymity
- People feel comfortable that they won’t receive judgement because they have anonymity (hard to get in real life)
- (Strangers on a train effect)
What is the ‘Strangers on a Train Effect’?
Found that you are willing to disclose more to a stranger on a train than the closest people in their lives, because they don’t fear judgement
Is self-disclosure truthful in the Hyper-Personal Model?
(Presenting intensely truthful info)
More likely to be HYPERDISHONEST
(Selective self-presentation: presenting yourself in an idealised way which is false + not representative of our real self)
Define selective self-presentation
Presenting yourself in an idealised way which is false + not representative of our real self
What is reinforcement of selective self-presentation?
Receiver gains positive impression of sender who is selectively self-presenting themselves - this encourages them to continue lying
Define a ‘gate’
Any feature/obstacle that could interfere with the development of a relationship
What is the theory about virtual relationships and gating
There is an absence of gating in virtual relationships (no gating)
Define NVC
Non-verbal communication
Define CMC
Computer-mediated communication
Who proposed absence of gating?
McKenna + Bargh
Are face-to-face relationships ‘gated’?
Why are face-to-face relationships gated?
Gates include: physical in attractiveness, weight, social anxiety, shyness, lack of geographical proximity
What is the impact of the absence of gating in social relationships?
Gates are absent, allowing the relationship to begin and self-disclosure to start, without the distraction of superficial features
(Relationships form easier)
What is a benefit of absence of gating?
Individuals are free to be themselves + form relationships without boundaries that may usually prohibit this (e.g. unattractiveness)
What is a drawback of absence of gating?
Individuals are more able to be deceiving about their true identity - can lie about appearance, personality etc - relationship formed on lies
Gove 2 positive evaluation points for virtual relationships
Virtual relationships provide an option for individuals who may otherwise not form relationships
- People may struggle to form face to face relationships if they: have social anxiety, geographical isolation
- Absence of gating + ability to self-disclose without judgement allows relationships to form for these individuals
E.g. Peter et al
- Self-report on 493 adolescents
- Measured introversion/extroversion + face to face/virtual relationships
- Found correlation between introversion + virtual relationships
- Concluded virtual relationships are a key option for introverts
- So, virtual relationships are essential for some individuals in the real world who may otherwise not form relationships
Research support for absence of gating (part of theory)
- Research has supported removal of gates in virtual relationships
E.g. McKenna + Bargh
- Looked at removal of social anxiety gate, allowing relationship formation
- 71% virtual relationships formed by shy people lasted over 2 years (primary research)
- 49% face to face relationships formed by shy people lasted over 2 years (secondary)
- Concluded relationships have better chance of survival virtually due to absence of gating (avoiding social anxiety gate)
- So, absence of gating appears to exist, with virtual relationships having to overcome fewer obstacles
Give 2 negative evaluation points for Virtual Relationships
Argument against virtual relationships having reduced cues
- Theory suggests that virtual relationships have reduced cues (ie lack of paralanguage) + that this may lead to less self-disclosure + intimacy virtually
- However, this may be incorrect
- Instead of reduced cues, cues may just be different online
- E.g. Timing between responses (can convey mood), acronyms (Can convey tone), emojis (can convey mood + tone)
- So, virtual relationships may just have different cues - so there is a flaw in the theory + the reduced cues theory is devalued
Contrasting research on the Hyperpersonal Model
- Hyperpersonal Model suggests virtual involve quicker, intenser self-disclosure
Whitty + Joinson: support Hyperpersonal Model
- Summarised difference between self-disclosure virtually + FtF
- Found: more ‘small talk’ FtF
- Found: more direct questions virtually, with hyperhonesty/dishonesty in answers
Ruppel et al: refutes Hyperpersonal Model
- Meta analysis of 25 studies
- Found: self-report of frequent, in depth self-disclosure more common in FtF relationships
- So, research cannot agree on the existence of the Hyperpersonal Model, reducing the validity of the conclusion as the results aren’t always replicable