4 Valvular/Peripheral Disorders Flashcards
What are general symptoms of Cardiac Valcular Disease?
- Easy Fatigue
- Dyspnea
- Palpitations
- Murmur
- Chest Pain
- Putting Edema
- Orthopnea
- Dizziness
What is congenital valvular disease?
- Genetic
- down syndrome
- Maternal Exposure
- development in fetus
What is acuired valvular disease?
- Rheumatic Fever
- Endocarditis
- Gradual Fibrosis
What is Mitral Stenosis? Main Cause?
Valve leaflets dont open easily or completely
- decreasees area and increases reistance to flow between A-V (losing output in L ventricle because lose preload from atrial kick) - narrowing
- Main Cause: Rheumatic heart disease - Autoimmue disorder that affects the valves
- More common in females
What occurs during Mitral Stenosis?
- Pressure Overload
- LA hypertrophy, Limited LV filling
- LA thrombus, A FIB, Pulomnary congestion/HTN
- LA hypertrophy, Limited LV filling
- Upon Exertion
- Dyspnea
- Ausculation
- Opening snap (from stiffness) , Diastolic rumble
What is the medical management of mitral stenosis?
- Anticoagulants
- Antiarrhythmics
- Surgery
What is Mitral Regurgitation/Incompetence?
- When the MV does not close completely during systole (incompetence)
- creates backflow (regurgitation)
- IncreaseSV to compensate for back flow
- Upsteam champer (LA) dialtes out
- Eccentric hypertrophy to accomodate for increased volume
Patients OK with exericse (asymptomatic)
What is mitral valve prolapse?
- Valve snaps open during sytole
- Mostly asymptomatic (turbulent flow)
- Similar to regurgitation
What is Aortic Stenosis?
- Mild thickeningm calcification, or both of a tri leaflet aortic valve without restricted leaflet motion
Calcific Aortic Stenosis
Congenital bicuspid aortic valve stenosis
*Common with age
What would you expect with Aortic Stenosis?
- Volume Overload
- LV dilates out, LVH
- Upon Exertion
- Dyspnea - backflow into lungs impairs diffusion of gas in membrain = SOB
- Auscultation
- Diastolic murmur “blowing”
What are the causes of Aortic Regurgitation/Incompetence?
- Congenital, Rheumatic, endocarditis, Deterioration with age as wella s long standing HTN
Rarer Conditions: Marfan syndrome, anklying spondylitism certain STDs
What do you expect from Aortic Regurgitation/Incompetence?
- Volume Overload
- LV dilates out
- Upon Exertion
- Dyspnea
- Auscultation
- Diastolic murmur “blowing”
Eccentric Hypertrophy
No Pulmonary symptoms until advanced stages
Describe the exericise condisderstions for valvular stenosis?
- RPE monitoring
- Low muscle perfusion may limit exercise
- Suppressed BP response to exercise
- Low CO
- Patients with symptomatic stenosis clients are typically not candidates for exercise programs
- Angina may be symptom