4- Trusts Of Land & Co-ownership Flashcards
Express trusts: s53(1)(b) LPA 1925
Express trusts should be manifested in writing
Implied trusts: s53(2) LPA 1925
No formalities are needed for an implied trust and arise when the law considers it appropriate to recognise a trust
Statutory trusts
Arose when 2 or more people co-own land —> formalities are those needed for creation/ transfer of legal estate
Co:ownership of land: S34(2) LPA 1925
Maximum of 4 trustees of legal estate
Joint tenancy: S1(6) LPA 1925
Legal estate can only be held as joint tenancy whereas equitable estate can be held as either joint or TIC
How do you know whether tenants hold equitable interest as joint tenants or tenants in common: 4 tests
(1)Are the four unities present?
The four unities – time, title, interest, possession
(2) Express declaration in the transfer or conveyance to the co-owners
Restriction in the proprietorship register
(3) If the four unities are present but the documents are silent, are there words of severance in the transfer/conveyance?
(4) Or does equity presume a tenancy- in- common?
Business partners, co-lenders, unequal contributions to the purchase price.
—> BUT Goodman v Gallant [1968] Fam 106. express declaration in transfer document overrides inequality of contribution.
If not using 4 tests: equity
Equity follows law
Severance of joint tenancy- Notice: S36(2) LPA 1925
Write notes
Severance of joint tenancy- Alienation by sale, gift, mortgage, bankruptcy: S53(1)(c)LPA 1925
Write up notes
Severance of joint tenancy:p- mutual agreement (express, implied by conduct/ course of sealing): BURGESS V RAWNSLEY
Write up notes
Power of trustees and rights of beneficiaries: S6 TOLATA
Trustees are absolute owner of property —> have rights of absolute owner to sell etc.
Power of trustees and rights of beneficiaries: S11 TOLATA
Trustees must consult with certain beneficiaries if they have lots of interest
Power of trustees and rights of beneficiaries: S12 (&13) TOLATA
Right of beneficiaries to occupy
I’d more than one beneficiary and interests clash then trustee chooses who occupies
Powers of trustees and rights of beneficiaries: S14 (&15) TOLATA
Application to court
If clashes between beneficiaries of whether to sell or not then they can apply to court
NB: S15 covers factors court take into account when deciding
Overreaching: S2 and S27 LPA 1925
Purchase monies should be paid to all trustees
Instead of an interest in the property, the trustees can have an interest in the proceeds of the property
(Ie. Contribution to purchase price)