4) The person of Jesus Christ Flashcards
How did Jesus make Christianity distinctive?
- By being “fully God and fully human”
- Took aspects of Jewish faith
- Associated himself with outcasts
- Spoke of a God of love not punishment
What does the term divinity refer to?
The divine nature or status of Jesus Christ
Who were Gentiles?
Non-Jewish people
What are the two arguments on Jesus?
If Jesus is the son of God (not god) or is Jesus the son of God and God (the same as God)
What suggests Jesus was the son of God?
- He was born to the virgin Mary
- He refers to God as father “Abba”
what is transfiguration?
When Jesus revealed himself to his disciples at his resurrection
What suggests Jesus was not God?
- He prayed to God (contradiction if he himself is God)
What suggests Jesus was God?
- In John’s gospel he says “I am”
- Being a miracle worker
What does Jesus’ resurrection suggest?
That Jesus and God were the same, as God had to take the form of a human
Name some of Jesus’ miracles:
- Water to wine
- Walking on water
- Calming the sea
- Speaking at a very young age
- curing the blind
What does David Hume believe about miracles?
There is no empirical evidence for miracles and he doesn’t trust the Bible
What does wisdom mean?
How was Jesus seen as a teacher of Wisdom?
- He taught forgiveness, to not forgive once but continuously
- He taught repentance
What does David Hick argue?
He argued that the teachings given by Jesus can also be found from lead figures from other religions so it doesn’t make him more special
what is a liberator?
Someone who frees others
What three things did Jesus challenge?
*social injustice
*politcal authority
*religious authority
How did Jesus challenge social injustice?
- challenged social conventions
- spoke out against rich over poor
- inclusion of women in his mission
- associated himself with tax collectors
How did Jesus challenge Political authority?
- made tax collectors go against their former lifestyle
- crucified by the roman government as he was a “trouble-maker”
- entered Jerusalem on a peaceful donkey, not a military horse, to spread peace
What were the zealots?
A member of the Jewish political/military movement that fought against Rome
How was Jesus viewed as a political revolutionary?
- The idea that Jesus was a militant, a fighter who fought for political revolutionary group
- Jesus did say “ I did not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34)
What are some arguments against Jesus being a political revolutionary?
- he stopped his disciples from using violence at his arrest
- he emphasised peace
- he spoke of a spiritual rather than a wordly kingdom of God
- That Judas may have betrayed Jesus because he wasn’t militant or radical enough for the zealots
- allowed himself to be sacrificed
How did Jesus challenge religious authority?
- Jesus was accused of not following strict laws relating to the sabbath
- He ate with outcasts
- forgave people of sins
What parable does the ‘Lost son’ told by jesus to his followers entail?
The Lost son, In the parable, a father has two sons. The younger son demands his share of the inheritance and leaves home to squander his wealth. After losing everything, he decides to return to his father, acknowledging his mistakes and unworthiness. The father orders a feast to celebrate his return, and says, “ this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” The elder son, who had remained faithful, becomes resentful of the celebration for his wayward brother. The father explains that rejoicing is appropriate because the lost son has been found.
What did Jesus teach in the sermon on the mount?
Bless lives are those who:
* Do not commit murder
* Do not commit adultery
* love for enemies
* forgiveness
* caring for the poor
What suggests jesus was only a teacher of Wisdom?
*some modern scholars believe he was not divine, as there is little evidence he taught this about himself
*Removing supernatural elements
What suggests Jesus was more than a teacher of wisdom?
*performed miracles
*rose from the dead, which explains his divinity
*started new systems on earth that would last beyond his time such as eucharist
What suggests that political liberation wasn’t the prime focus for Jesus?
- Jesus told his followers to pay taxes
- He did not resist arrests , prevented his followers from using violence
- he emphasises focus on the marginalised
- He escaped when he realised that the people would forcec him to become king
What suggests Jesus’ relationship with God was very special and unique?
- he was a teacher of wisdom, a prophet and a linberator
- took time to pray, putting God at the centre of the decisions people made
- he was a miracle worker
What suggests Jesus as being divine?
- His miraculous birth
- resurrection
- miracle worker
- some believe he is an eternal part of the trinity