4. The hypothalamus-pituitary axis Flashcards
Ducts of endocrine gland?
There are none
Different types of secretion for endocrine glands?
- Some hormones diffuse directly into capillaries to act on distant target organs (endocrine secretion)
- Others are secreted and act more locally (paracrine secretion)
- Still others act on themselves (autocrine secretion)
Discrete endocrine organs?
Endocrine organ associated with other tissues?
Mostly an exocrine organ, but does have some endocrine pockets
Endocrine glands are very vascular via…
fenestrated capillaries
Others endocrine glands are scattered within complex organs e.g.??
Ovary, kidney, gut
Major endocrine glands
Pineal gland
Pituitary glands
Adrenal: Made up of cortex and medulla
Thyroid gland
Pancreas: Insulin and glucagon release as part of endocrine funciton
Ovary and testis: Produce sex steroids e.g. oestrogens, testosterone
Humoral control of endocrine secretion
Humoral: Response of glands to component of blood e.g. electrolyte/metabolite, which control hormone release.
E.g. Low Ca2+ in blood the thyroid gland receptors bind calcium and send signal to parathyroid gland. PTH secreted.
E.g. Diabetes
Neuronal signalling in endocrine secretion control
Neuronal signalling
Release of catecolamines from adrenal medulla due to ACh release from sympathetic nerve
Hormonal control of endocrine secretion?
The hypothalamus secretes hormones that…..
stimulate the ant pituitary gland to secrete hormones that …..
stimulate other endocrine gland to secrete hormones
What are the hormones of the following endocrine glands: • HYPOTHALAMUS-PITUITARY AXIS • ADRENAL CORTEX / MEDULLA • THYROID • PARATHYROIDS • PANCREAS
- HYPOTHALAMUS-PITUITARY AXIS (>20 different endocrine and neuroendocrine hormones)
- ADRENAL CORTEX / MEDULLA (glucocorMcoids, mineralocorticoids, catecholamines)
- THYROID (thyroid hormones, calcitonin)
- PARATHYROIDS (parathyroid hormone, PTH)
- PANCREAS (insulin, glucagon, pancreaticpolypeptide, somatostatin)
What are the hormones of the following endocrine glands: GIT Pineal galnd Thymus Gonads
GIT(CCK, GIP, GLP1&2, glicenMn, gastrin, bombesin, secretin, VIP, subs. P, guanylins)
Pineal (melatonin)
Thymus (thymopoietin)
Gonads (sex steroids, inhibins, activins)
What are the hormones of the following endocrine glands: Heart Liver Kidney Adipose tissue
heart (natriuretic peptides, ANP, BNP)
Liver (insulin-like growth factors, leptin, angiotensinogen)
Kidney (erythropoietin, renin)
Adipose tissue (leptin)
Pituitary gland:
Related to..
Lies posterior to..
Enclosed by the bony
sella turcica of the sphenoid
Related to cavernous sinus and optic chiasmsa
Lies immediately posterior to the optic chiasma and sphenoid sinus
Other name of pituitary gland.