4. Sleep Flashcards
fall asleep (fell, fallen)
also: be asleep
start sleeping (засыпать)
wake up
stop sleeping (просыпаться)
get to sleep
start sleeping, often with some difficulty (заставить себя уснуть)
It usually takes me half an hour to get to sleep.
get back to sleep
start sleeping again after you have woken up
It took me a long time to get back to sleep.
be wide awake
be completely awake (полностью проснуться, вообще не спать)
be fast asleep
be completely asleep (крепко спать)
breathe in a noisy way when you are sleeping
have trouble sleeping
find it difficult to sleep well (проблемы со сном)
have insomnia
not be able to get to sleep
take a sleeping pill
take a pill that helps you sleep (принимать снотворное)
have a dream
have stories and pictures in your head while you’re sleeping
have a nightmare
have a frightening dream
be a light sleeper
be someone who wakes up easily (чутко спать)
be a heavy sleeper
be someone who doesn’t wake up easily (крепко спать)
have a nap / take a nap
have a short sleep in the day (вздремнуть)