4 - Safeguarding Flashcards
What are some signs that a child may be being abused or neglected?
- Children who are concerned for younger siblings without explaining why
- Children who talk about running away
- Children who shy away from being touched or flinch at sudden movements
- Bed wetting

What is physical abuse and some signs of this in children?
- Physically hurting a child, e.g shaking, biting, poisoning, fabricating illness
- Happens more often in toxic triad families and families with disabled children

What is emotional abuse and some signs of this in children?
Persistent emotional maltreatment of a child, e.g telling a child they are unloved and worthless, not giving the child opportunities or making fun of them
Online bullying can also be classed as emotional abuse

What is sexual abuse and some signs of this in children?
Any sexual activity with a child, e.g rape, maturbation, kissing, sexul images, making them watch sexual activity
Many children do not identify themselves as victims

What is sexual exploitation and some signs of this in children?
Form of sexual abuse where children are sexually exploited for money, power or status

What is neglect and some signs of this in children?
Failing to provide a child’s basic needs, e.g food, clothing, hygeine, supervision, shelter.
This is likely to impair the childs health and development

What are the key steps to identifying and responding to possible abuse and/or neglect?
- If a child is in immediate danger you should refer to the police or social care after gathering the facts, whilst recording all information and your concerns
- Try to speak to the child alone and make it clear you cannot keep complete confidentiality

What is the structure of the safeguarding team in a GP surgery?
- Named doctor, nurse, and midwife if available for safeguatding
- Should also be a deputy lead
- GPs should be giving regular training

What happens after a referral has been make to children’s social care?
- Social worker will respond withing one working day with their action plan
- You may be asked to take part in a early help assessment through a children in need assessment, or a child protection enquiry
- If the social worker thinks the child is suffering the local authority will hold a strategy discussion
- If concerns are proven then an initial child protection conference will take place to make decisions about the child’s future safety
- Conference will decide the core group of practioners and family members who will develop and implement the child protection plan. The group have to meet within 10 working days of the conference
How to do an assessment on a child for possible abuse as a healthcare worker?
- Observe child including their relationship with parents/carers
- Communicate directly with the child without their parent present with parental consent
- Explore in a non leading way
- Adress both strengths and weaknesses with parents, carers and wider family
- Focus attention on male and female carers equally
- Gather information about significant people in the child’s care environment e.g siblings, friends

If you think parents could be at risk of abusing their child in the future what can you do?
- Weekly home visiting programme lasting for at least 6 months
- Consider a parenting programme for 12 weeks, triple p programme if mother has anger difficulties

What are the 10 steps to making a child safeguarding referral?

As a GP what should you offer to a child that has been sexually abused?
- If they show symptoms of anxiety, sexualised behaviour or PTSD offer them over 12 to 16 sessions of trauma focused CBT
- Provide separate CBT for the non-abusing parent/carer
What is the common assessment framework triangle?
Useful to use when practitioners are filling out a safeguarding referral form

What are all of the safeguarding laws in place for children?

What should be recorded in a child’s notes if they do not attend a healthcare appointment?
Was not brought not DNA
Safeguarding alert if child misses a appointment
What does a child need to be in order to fulfill Gillick’s competence?

What consitutes a good safeguarding policy?

What happens at a case conference for safeguarding a child?
- Held by a member of the safeguarding unit and includes social worker, police, child’s GP, possibly the health visitor/teacher/school nurse and the parent/carer (with support like a friend)
- A report containing the issues will be given to the parent and the parent can raise any concerns or correct information
- If the board deem the child is at risk a child protection plan will be put into place, with a key social worker and core group produced
- Core group will meet once a month to discuss the details of the child protection plan and after 3 months a review should take place to discuss progress
What is the role of a GP in a case conference for a child?
The GP has to gather information for all people in the child’s household as they have all of their records, e.g mental health history of parents, how frequently child attends
They then collate this information and remove any information not relevant to the case or what other family members might not be comfortable with sharing, then they generate a report.
The GP will also include any incidents that have raised concerns for them e.g intoxicated parent bringing child, or anything that makes the child more difficult to care for e.g disabilities