单元4词语s Flashcards
自卑 (zi bei)
低估自己的能力,觉得自己各方面不如人 low self-esteem
毅力 (yi li)
坚强,持久的意志 willpower; perseverance
羡慕 (xian mu)
因喜爱他人有某种长处、好处就优越 admire; envy
诱惑 (you huo)
吸引 entice; attract
茫然 (mang ran)
不知所措的样子 blankly; at a loss
魂不守舍 (hun bu shou she)
preoccupied; frightened out of one’s mind
闪烁其词 (shan shuo qi ci)
说话吞吞吐吐、躲躲闪闪,不肯说出真相和要害 beat around the bush
霸道 (ba dao)
strong; potent (of liquor, medicine)
怄气 (ou qi)
生闷气,心怀不满 sullen; sulk
符合 (fu he)
accord with
委婉 (wei wan)
文词、声音等婉转曲折 tactful
熄灯 (xi deng)
熄灭灯火 turn off light; lights out
恐怖 (kong bu)
由于生命受到威胁或残害而恐惧 terrible; frightening; terror
惊悚 (jing song)
惊慌恐惧 frightening; horrifying
反驳 (fan bo)
说出自己的理由,否定别人的意见 refute/retort
诡异 (gui yi)
奇异;奇特 strange; abnormal
憋 (bie)
restrain; hold back; hold (in)
彻底 (che di)
thorough; complete
凝固 (ning gu)
freeze; solidify
瑟瑟发抖 (se se fa dou)
蜷缩 (quan suo)
curl/ huddle up
通宵 (tong xiao)
all night
独来独往 (du lai du wang)
coming and going alone; unsociable
掩饰 (yan shi)
cover up; conceal
缺陷 (que xian)
deflect; flaw
谷底 (gu di)
all-time low
拘束 (ju shu)
restrain; restrict
嘈杂 (cao za)
沮丧 (ju sang)
dejected; dismayed
睿智 (rui zhi)
wise; farsighted
姿势 (zi tai)
attitude; posture; stance