4 - Post-Fordist Restructuring and Change Flashcards
How did UK deindustrialisation occur(1967-76)?
Wave of bankruptcies/mergers/plant closures, >1 million maufacturing jobs disappeared, firm restructures(relocation of production)
How did America’s ‘Rust Belt’ decline?
Decline of industry resulted to decline of surrounding industries - 1970–90: manufacturing went from 50% of total employment to 37% in US Rust Belt, resulted in disinvestment and unemployment
What is Fordism’s virtuous cycle?
Increased production → unions → increased wages → welfare state and state demand → increased demand
What was the implications of a Post-Fordist economy?
Loose monetary policy alongside high rates of inflation led to stagflation and resulted in sever recession, meaning Fordism’s virtuous cycle was broken as it was interrupted by increased unemployment/falling demand.
How was the state restructured?
Moving away from Keynesian welfare state, neoliberalism introduced, changing patterns of consumption, changing politics, decline of private sector unions
Why did the decline of Fordism occur?
Exogenous shocks(e.g. 1973 Oil Crisis - oil prices quadrupled in 1973), foreign competition(British economy’s world makrket share fell from 10% in 1972 to 7% in 1988), breakdown of mass markets(product differentiation)
What is crisis theory?
Boom & bust are natural parts of capitalism - the economy undergoes periodic bouts of crisis as phases of over-accumulation, resulting in a major restructuring of both the labour process and the state
What is regulation theory?
A new regime of accumulation is put in place(e.g. Fordism) → it undergoes crisis → the mode of regulation(e.g. Thatcherism/Reaganomics - rules which coordinate the system) can no longer support it → different policies and strategies put in place → new mode of regulation → new regime of accumulation
What is Polanyi’s Double Movement?
The Great Transformation - the power of the private sector imposing a utopian ideal of the self-regulating market(the first movement) drives a reorganisation to protect society from market forces(the second movement)
What changes did post-Fordism bring?
Production changes - flexibility, outsourcing, subcontratcting; economic changes - vertical disintegration, rise of services, economy more complex/fragmented; labour market changes - increased income inequality, fracturing of labour market(unions weakened, increase in temp workers), more women in teh workplace