4: PNS receptors and spinal cord white matter Flashcards
Where is the origin of the PSCT?
Clarke’s nucleus (aka Posterior thoracic nucleus) in Lamina VII; T1-L2.
p.99 BRS
What type of information do all of the spinocerebellar tracts carry? Receptors?
All divisions project information about body position and motion to the cerebellum. Receptors: Muscle spindles and Golgi tendon organs. #39
What are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order neurons of the ALS? Termination?
1st: DRG
2nd: Dorsal (posterior) horn; then crosses midline in spinal cord (anterior white commissure). Ascending via posterolateral (Lissauer’s) tract.
3rd: VPL nucleus in thalamus.
Terminates in the somatosensory cortex via the internal capsule.
#64, p.106 BRS
What does the PCML receive input from (4)?
Pacinian, Meissner, spindles, and Golgi tendon organs.
p.104 BRS
At what levels does the anterior spinocerebellar (ASCT) tract exist?
L3 and below #47
Which two parts of CSF circulation are outside of the brain?
Subarachnoid space and arachnoid granulations.
L3a #61
What is the upper trunk and limb equivalent of the PSCT?
Cuneocerebellar tract; #44
Describe (1) the main receptors and (2) fibers of the ALS.
1.) Main receptors are FREE NERVE ENDINGS, i.e. lack specializations or CT capsule; non-specific.
-High threshold receptors (i.e. require strong stimulus for threshold/to elicit pain).
2.) Sensation conveyed via Aδ (thinly myelinated) or C unmyelinated fibers.
What is the role of the ASCT?
Concerned with coordinated movement and posture of the entire lower extremity.
p.109 BRS
- ) Where in the ventricular system is most CSF produced?
2. ) Where is it NOT produced?
1.) IV foramen, body and inferior horns of lateral ventricles.
-But also in the 3rd and 4th.
2.) Anterior or posterior horns.
L3a #59
What parts of the cerebrum to the following portions of ventricle correspond to?
- ) Anterior and posterior horn
- ) Inferior horn
- ) occipital lobe
2. ) temporal lobe
The cuneocerebellar tract is the equivalent of _______ for incoming information _____ ________.
Equivalent of the PSCT for incoming information above T4. #45
List the four mechanoreceptors, their receptive fields, their stimulus, and their stimulus response (i.e. phasic or tonic). Indicate if capsule or no capsule.
1.) Meissner’s corpuscle: Small, sharp borders. Tap, flutter. Phasic. Encapsulated.
2.) Merkel’s disc: Small, sharp borders. Touch, pressure. Tonic. No capsule.
3.) Pacinian corpuscles: Large, vague borders. Vibration. Phasic. Encapsulated.
4.) Ruffini’s ending: Large, vague borders. Skin stretch. Tonic. Encapsulated.
What are the 1st and 2nd order neurons of the ASCT? Termination?
1st: DRG; synapses on spinal border cells (Vidal says dorsal horn???).
2nd: Lateral (accessory) cuneate nucleus in the caudal medulla. Gives rise to axons that project IPSILATERALLY to the cerebellum via the inferior cerebellar peduncle.
#47, p.109 BRS, p238 text
What type of fibers carry information in the PCML? What senses are carried (3).
SA fibers —> Stereognosis, proprioception, kinesthesia. #4