4 Pit Falls a Member can Face Flashcards
A way to overcome over-confidence and prevent arrogance is?
Feedback is necessary and must be bi-directional, meaning members must not only give feedback but be willing to receive it as well. Feedback can be?
Positive feedback is not only the easiest to give and receive but is also necessary for a persons?
Emotional well-being
Should be given out liberally.
The pitfall of positive feedback comes when the giver is providing the positive feedback because they believe it is what the person or persons want to hear. Doing this is lying to placate someone else and can?
Build resentment within the organization
Cause the organization to crumble from the inside out.
Negative feedback or critiquing someone or something must be done with the idea that?
Those giving the feedback are doing so in a professional manner with the intent of improving the outcomes and not to simply berate the other person or their ideas.
Neutral feedback can give the receiver a sense of apathy on the party of the sender. With neutral feedback it can be?
Negative feedback is the most difficult to give and receive. When giving negative feedback ensure its for the right reason and not just to dismiss the other person for ulterior motives. Negative feedback and critiques should be?
Directed at solving the issues at hand
A solution to the problem.
Past Practices take on many faces such as?
Cultural past
Prior treatment.
Traditions in the Fire Service are firmly entrenched in the culture and viewed as a good thing except when a tradition comes up against?
Current issues
Rules within society.
Some past practices should be left in the past. Just because we’ve always done something did not make it?
Right then and if it was wrong then it is definitely wrong today.
Remember the citizens are the voters who?
Decide at the polls what they want us to have and the work they want us to do.
Egos are one pitfall that tie into the other three. Most good leaders have an ego which is not a bad quality. Ego is Latin for self esteem or self importance. Egos get in our way when they don’t allow us to?
Accept criticism Advice Orders Assignments Or other things from people because we feel more qualified or better then those giving the directions or instructions.
Humbling one’s self is the easiest way to?
Live within an organization and a profession.
Over-confidence, Feedback, Past practices and Egos are some pitfalls that can cause a member and organization to?
Slowly become irrelevant.
Each member of the PFD should strive to be?
Respectful Embrace personal growth Safe Professional Team players.
Over-confidence is one pitfall and can be perceived as?
Arrogant and acting as if you have “arrived”
Failure to continue learning and become stagnant
Destructive to yourself and the Department.