4. Inhalation Induction Flashcards
1 Indications
- Parent / Patient request
Needle phobia / repeated procedures - Poor / difficult venous access (chubby hands / feet)
- ?Potential difficult airway / anticipated difficult manual ventilation
- Foreign Body Larynx / tracheobronchial tree
- Contraindications
1 MH
2 Uncooperative parent / patient
(ethically tricky age range
urgent vs postpone w/ adequate prep)
3 Severe CV compromise
- Severe hypovolaemia / Fixed CO state / Cardiac failure / R->l Shunt
Describe technique for performing Paediatric inhalational induction
- Pre assess
- explain + consent
- appropriate to child’s age - Emergency drugs
(Sux1-2mg/kg & Atropine 10-20mcg/kg) prepped
3 Position - Trolley or parents lap
4 Sitting lap:
Correct position parent child prior start - ease + rapidity transfer when unconscious
- Scented facemask - hide odour of anaes
- Some dont use mask - cup hand around tubing close to mouth/nose in younger
- Warn parents invol movements during induction
Inhalation is with volatile such as sevo (some use halothane)
with air or N2O depending on prefrence
Sevo can be slowly increased or start high
Halothane should be increased slowly - avoid distress
Once unconscious
Transferred supporting head neck and body to trolley
Parents escorted from theatre by paed nurse
Now standard aagbi monitoring placed (pulse ox NIBP ECG)
Airway supported (OPA prn)
ventilated if appropriate
Venous access if sufficiently deep
Remembering decrease levels FiAnaes
when adequately anaesthetised - avoid resp/ cvs depression
Drugs given airway devices inserted