4. Incentives Flashcards
What is the traditional economic view on how principals motivate agents?
Principals motivate agents through explicit incentive contracts, promotions and other forms of material reward or sanctions
Describe the standard agency model
Worker chooses effort e that costs c(e), disutility of effort is increasing in e and convex. Output x depends on effort e, skills s and luck ø with distribution m(ø). Firms observe x and pay wage w(x)
Describe the set up Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 experiment 1
-50 quiz problems IQ experiment
-160 students receive a show up fee of NIS 60 (roughly £10)
-4 Treatments of payment for a correct answer.
No payment
0.1 NIS
Results of Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 experiment 1
No payment 28.4 Qs
0.1 NIS 23 Qs
1 NIS 34.7 Qs
3 NIS 34.1 Qs
87% of principals chose to match with agents who were paid 0.1 NIS rather than no payment
Set up of Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 experiment 2
-180 high school students in Israel.
-Pairs of subjects go from house to house to collect donations for charities.
-3 treatments; no pay, 1% commission, 10% commission
Results of Gneezy & Rustichini 2000
Experiment 2
No payment 239 NIS
1% 154 NIS
10% 219 NIS
Performance doesn’t increase with pay. Again 77% of principals chose to be with groups with the 1% added incentive compared to no payment
Summary of findings from Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 experiment 1 and 2
- no monotonic relationship between incentive and performance (effort)
- low incentives can crowd out intrinsic motivation to perform a task
- if incentives are large enough the relative price effect dominates crowding out effect and higher payments result in higher effort
Possible reasons for undesired effect of incentives?
- incentives reduce self image motivation
- incentive may serve as a signal of unattractive mess of a task or of a negative implication
- small compensation might be perceived as insulting, people might be afraid to look cheap
- compensation of any amount can be perceived as insulting for particular activities
Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 exp 3 set up
-Field experiment at 10 daycare centres in Haifa.
-Control treatment- no fine for lateness.
-Fine treatment- w1-4 no fine, w5-16 fine, w17-20 no fine.
-Fine was $2.5 per child for being 10 or more mins late
Results of Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 exp 3
-In phase 1, no difference between groups.
-In phase 2, Fine group increases in late coming to 2x as high as before and of control group.
-Late comings remain high after fine is removed.
Explanation for results of Gneezy & Rustichini 2000 exp 3
-Change of perception.
-Before fine- looking after children after contracted time is a generous non market activity.
-After fine- service has a price and can be bought as needed “a fine is a price”
Examples of incentives being too high in field evidence
-Paserman 2010- grand slam tennis players could increase probability of winning by 25-30% if they could avoid choking.
-Apesteguia & Palacios Huerta 2010- team who shoot first in penalties win 60.5% of the time
-Dohmen Et al 2008 no evidence of choking on pens
Design of Ariely Et al 2009
-87 subjects played 6 games requiring different skills
-3 treatments of low(4), medium(40), high(400), rupees per game based on performance
-full payment for very good performance, half payment for good performance, nothing for poor performance
-Very good performance earns an amount equivalent to half of the mean yearly consumer expenditure in the village in high treatment
Results of Ariely Et al 2009
-No significant difference between low and mid (except for labyrinth)
-performance always lowest in high
-no difference of among categories (creativity, memory or motor skills)
-so yes people choke big time
What do standard Neoclassical models say about higher wages on labour supply?
It assumes forward looking subjects max discounted lifetime utility. So predicts workers should work more hours when wage is high ie positive wage elasticities
What is the empirical evidence from cabdriver studies on wage elasticities?
-Cab drivers can freely choose their hours.
-Wages vary across days due to demand shocks.
-High demand= less time searching for customers.
-Wages tend to be correlated within days and uncorrelated across days. All studies find negative elasticities
What is an explanation for the cab driver results?
-Reference dependent preferences.
-Workers have a daily target income and evaluate outcomes as losses and gains relative to this reference point.
-They are loss averse and have diminishing sensitivity.
-Alternatively quiet days could just be less stressful
Fehr & Goette 2007 experiment set up
-Randomised field experiment with bicycle messengers in Zurich.
-Bicycle messengers deliver parcels and are paid on commission.
-Treatments- 4 week increase in commission rate by 25%. Lab experiment measuring loss aversion of same workers used in tandem
Results of Fehr & Goette 2007
-Workers sign up for more shifts but pay increase causes a decrease in revenue/effort per shift by 6%.
-Net effect is still positive
-Those with higher degree of loss aversion have stronger negative impact of wage increase in effort per shift
-Those who weren’t loss averse in lottery choice task don’t show a significant effort reduction
Falk & Ichino 2006 experiment set up
-24 high school students in Switzerland prepare mailing of a questionnaire conducted by uni of Zurich.
-4 hrs for £60. Single treatment- each subject works alone, pair treatment- two subjects work in the same room
Results of Falk & Ichino 2006
-Positive peer effects.
-Standard deviation is significantly smaller than between pairs.
-Average output is 16.3% higher in pair treatment.
-Less productive workers show stronger reaction than high productivity worker (“bad apples” gain from “good apples”)
Mas & Moretti 2009 experiment design
Scanner data from a US supermarket chain. 6 stores over 2 years, data from 370 cashiers. Measured avg number of items scanned over 10 min period
Results of Mas & Moretti 2009
-Significant productivity spill overs- the presence of high productivity workers raises the productivity of other workers especially ones who are less productive.
-The effect manifests itself at the time of entry of more productive co workers and is persistent.
Possible explanations for Mas & Moretti 2009 results
Social pressure - shame reputational concerns, fear of sanctions
Pro-social preferences - altruism, guilt
Data supports social pressure as workers aren’t affected by presence of a highly productive co-worker when the co-worker can’t observe them.
What is the multi-tasking problem?
Workers will put effort only in those activities that are incentivised (Holmstrom & Milgram 1991)