4 Hypothalamus I & II Flashcards
Big picture: what’s the role of the hypothalamus?
- controls homeostasis
- integrates endocrine, autonomic and somatomotor systems
- also involved w/ affective behavior
define: diencephalon
the thalamus, subthalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus
define: infudibulum
“funnel” = pituitary stalk
tuber cinerum
“Grey swelling” is region on ventral surface of brain that extends from the optic chiasm to the mammilary bodies
median eminence
part of the tuber cinerum that is raised and forms the infundibulum; contains 1° capillary network of the hypophysial portal system
True or False: The neurons of the hypothalamus are nice and neatly ordered?
False, unlike the neat rows of neurons in the hippocampus, the neuronal organization of the hypothalamus is highly heterogeneous.
Describe”the”information”integrated”and”affected”by”the”hypothalamus”(e.g.,”sensory,” affective,”motor;”control”of”temperature,”osmolarity”and”salt”balance,”circadian”rhythms,” reproduction,”stress,”arousal).
Describe the anatomical landmarks of the brain that demarcate the hypothalamus.
- just dorsal to pituitary
- just ventral to thalamus from which it is separated by the hypothalamic sulcus
- makes up floor and lateral walls of 3rd ventricle
- continuous with the pre-optic area anteriorly and the mammillary bodies posteriorly
- medial and rostral to the subthalamic region
Describe”the”MAJOR”afferents (5) of”the”hypothalamus”and”the”type”of”
- mfb* (median forebrain): carry sensory, motor, limbic and autonomic info from the cortex, striatum and septum
- retinohypothalamic: carry sensory/circadian info from the retina
- dlf* (dorsal longitudinal fasiculus): carry motor, sensory and autonomic info from the brainstem and spinal cord
- stria-terminalis*: carries limbic info from amygdala
- fornix: carries info from hippocampus (memory?)
*also contain efferents from hypothalamus
Describe”the”MAJOR”efferents (6) of”the”hypothalamus”and”the”type”of”
- mfb: carry limbic, autonomic and motor info to median forebrain
- tuberoinfundibular tract: endocrine signals to adenohypophysis
- supraopticohypophysial: endocrine signals to neurohypophysis
- dlf: motor, autonomic, etc. to brainstem and spinal cord
- mammillothalamic: limbic info
- stria terminalis: limbic info to amygdala
SO (supraoptic) and PVN (paraventricular) nuclei of hypothalamus project their axons to the neurohypophysis via the supraopticohypophyseal tract.
- -signal with AVP (arginine vasopressin) and oxytocin–two related nonapeptides
- -cell bodies in both the SO and PVN make both hormones; each nuclei has 50/50 breakdown of AVP- and oxytocin-producing neurons
What does AVP do?
acts on the kidney to promote water reabsorption
Lesions of the ant. hypothalamus that disrupt input to the SO and PVN nuclei lead to ?
diabetes insipidus – abnormal production of lots of dilute pee
When is oxytocin released?
released in response to: sexual stim, uterine dilation, nursing and, sometimes stress
What does oxytocin do?
-stimulates uterine contraction
-stimulates milk secretion
Along with AVP, oxytocin is also involved with:
-maternal instincts, pair bonding, love, empathy, trust, eye contact
-aggressive behaviors, too
-oxytocin deficit in autism may be?
Prairie vs. Montaine voles
Have different expression of AVP and oxytocin receptors:
- prairie voles express these receptors in their nucleus acumbens (part of the mesolimbic reward system); they are monogamous and males show aggression towards other males etc.
- montaine voles express these in other areas like the lateral septum and the amydala and do not show these parental, partner-preference, mating for life behaviors