4: Human pop. genetics Flashcards
Describe human and chimpanzees relationship
Humans and chimpanzees diverged ~5-7 mill yrs ago, we differ about 1% of nucleotides
- So on average ~9 differences per gene humans compared to chimps
Describe the Australopithecines
Important group: hominids that arose ~4.2 MYA (looked more like humans than chimps) → thought to be ancestors of genus Homo
Australopithecus afarensis ~3.0-3.9 MYA
Most famous fossil of this species called “lucy”, footprints found nearby suggest they were bipedal
Describe Homo erectus
~2.5 MYA. found in all continents, we think they arose in Africa first
Earliest hominid outside Africa ~1.6-1.9 MYA in Java
Describe Homo heidelbergensis
~ 1 MYA
Descended from H. erectus in Africa
Describe Homo neanderthalensis
~ 28.250 KYA
Descended from Homo heidelbergensis
What are the 2 theories about when and where modern humans arose?
Multiregional model VS Out-of-Africa
Describe the multiregional model
Humans evolved independently from H.erectus on diff continents.
- Gene flow between pop.s so high genetic diversity
- No prediction that diversity should be greather on certain continents
- TMRCA should be ~1-2 MYA
Define the Out-of-Africa model
Asian and European pop.s extinct, and H. sapiens evolved only in Africa 200KYA and then spread to the rest of the world (replacing other hominids e.g H. erectus)
- pop. size small so low genetic diversity
- African pop.s should have highest gen diversity
- TMRCA < 200 kya
Describe whether genetic diversity differs between human pop.s
Which model does this support?
- Data shows the more distant the pop. is from East Africa, the less genetic diversity they have
- Also, for most genetic markers, African pop.s are more diverse
= Supports the Out-Of-Africa model
describe how and why we would calibrate a molecular clock?
- To look at the most recent common ancestor
- We can measure genetic distance between chimps and humans and we know they diverged 5-7 MYA
= By comparing the genetic distance between humans with the human-chimp distance we can estimate the TMRCA of all humans
The first attempts at TMRCAs used which non-recombining molcules?
Mitochondrial DNA
Y chromosome DNA
Could humans and other hominids have interbred?
Head louse study:
- ancient lineages of louse diverged, one worldwide other only New World, one human host, other diff hominid
= Suggest humans and hominids weren’t interbreeding for a long time
Neanderthal DNA study:
- sequences analysed, neanderthals distinct from modern humans
= no interbreeding
Give some examples of adaptive genetic variance in humans
- Adaptive melanism to changes in climate
- Adaption to diet (lactase)
- Adaption to disease (CF)
Describe the role of melanin in humans
Most important skin pigment in relation to colour
Eumelanin synthesis → associated with black/brown pigments
Phaeomelanin synthesis → associated with red/yellow pigments
What caused such a strong selection for dark skin?
The negative effects of UV radiation:
- Long term exposure can cause skin/eye cancers
- Nutrient photodegradation e.g Flavins, carotenoids and folate degraded
- Folate deficiency can cause neural tube defects (e.g spina bifida)
Dark skin helps protect from UV
Why is light skin, adaptivley necessary in Europe?
Light skin necessary for vit D production, especially as high grain diet is vit D poor
UV levels are lower
Describe how lactase persistence is an adaptation
- In most pop.s the ability to digest lactose decreases after weaning (lactose intolerance)
Lactase persistance (most prevalent in Northern Europe and Central Africa), why? - Lactose (food), additional water (important inn arid regions), calcium
- Lactase persistence inherited as an autosomal dominant Mendelian trait
- Persistence allele (LCTP) is dominant to lactose intolerance allele (LCTR)