4 - HEMA Flashcards
neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil
Cytoplasm of monocytes appear like a ___________ due to the tiny granules present
ground glass
those w/ segmented or lobulated nuclei – neutrophil, eosinophil & basophil
Has large purple to black azurophilic granules
Toxic granulation
Altered primary granules
Toxic granulation
A shift to the left in histogram is one of the associated conditions of this wbc cells.
Toxic granulation
Larger than 2 degree granules and stain dark blue black.
Toxic granulation
What enzyme is in the primary granules?
Other name for Amato bodies.
Dohle bodies
Blue, round, or mostly elongated bodies
Dohle bodies or Amato
It represents rRNA and not seen in cytoplasm except for may-hegglin anomaly.
Dohle bodies or Amato
Where is dohle bodies seen in cytoplasm?
May-Hegglin Anomaly
These are aggregates of free ribosomes.
Dohle bodies or Amato
Dohle bodies is seen in this due to increase activity of the cell.
An inherited condition where in the appearance of Amato is permanent.
May-Hegglin Anomaly
What is seen if RNA precipitates and seen as granules inside the WBC?
Amato bodies
Many presence indicates phagocytosis particularly the end stage.
Cytoplasmic vacuolation
What inclusion bodies is seen when there are Presence of many
toxic vacuoles containing the phagocytized material w/ the contents of lysosome or debris of the phagocytized material
Cytoplasmic Vacuolation
It represents end stage of phagocytosis.
Toxic vacuolation
It is describe as large empty areas within the cell.
Toxic vacuolation
Is is associated with more than or equal to 40% of infectious mononucleosis conditions.
Cells show foamy & abundant cytoplasm
This inclusion bodies is seen in kissing disease caused by Epstein barr virus.
Large, coarse blue – black granules in all WBCs
Alder Reilly Granulation
Abnormal polysaccharide granules which are not completely metabolize due to an enzyme deficiency (congenital disorder) which leads to non-
metabolism of mucopolysaccharide & prevents the formation of secondary granules
Alder Reilly Granulation
Alder Reilly Granulation is associated with this condition.
Mucopolysaccharidosis or Gargoylism
Resembles Dohle bodies but are permanently present
May Hegglin Anomaly
Presence of gray – blue spindle shaped inclusions in the cytoplasm of Neutrophils and Monocytes
May-Hegglin Anonamly
Associated conditions are leucopenia, variable thrombocytopenia, giant platelets.
May-Hegglin Anomaly
Squeezing through the circulation via endothelial lining.
Impaired directional motility
Job’s Syndrome
Random movement of phagocytes is normal thus neutrophil may still move elsewhere but directional motility is impaired because cells respond slowly to chemotactic agents thus do not directly proceed to the chemical attractant.
Job’s Syndrome
This cytoplasmic changes gives more time for the bacteria to proliferate or cross the infection.
Job’s Syndrome
Both random and directional movement of the cells are defective thus neutrophil will only stay but the organism will approach the neutrophil thus phagocytosing it
Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome
Cells fail to respond to inflammatory stimuli but have normal phagocytic and bactericidal activity.
Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome
What are the non-malignant but defective in killing of microorganisms.
Chediak-Higashi Anomaly and Chromic Granulomatous Disease
What are the inherited abnormal granulocyte function?
Job’s Syndrome and Lazy Leukocyte Syndrome
Characterized by large, blue to grayish round granules or inclusions in Neutrophils that vary in size and color
Chediak - Higashi Anomaly
Chediak - Higashi Anomaly stains positive with
peroxidase, Sudan black B (SBB) and Acid phosphatase (ACP) stains