4° Full-Length Test Flashcards
What does a sign with a picture of a farm animal crossing indicate?
A) Animal shelter nearby
B) Petting zoo ahead
C) Farm area ahead with potential animal crossings
D) Hunting zone
Answer: C) Farm area ahead with potential animal crossings
What is the meaning of a solid yellow line on the roadway?
A) No passing allowed
B) Passing allowed if safe to do so
C) Passing allowed for vehicles traveling in the opposite direction
D) Passing allowed only during daylight hours
Answer: A) No passing allowed
When must you stop for a school bus with flashing red lights?
A) Only if you are behind the school bus
B) Only if you are approaching the school bus from the opposite direction
C) Only if the school bus is on your side of the road
D) In all directions unless on a divided highway with a barrier
Answer: D) In all directions unless on a divided highway with a barrier
What is the penalty for driving while using a handheld cellphone in California?
A) Fine up to $100
B) Fine up to $250
C) Fine up to $500
D) Fine up to $1000
Answer: C) Fine up to $500
What does a sign with a picture of a fire truck indicate?
A) Fire station ahead
B) No parking zone
C) Emergency vehicle crossing ahead
D) Fire hydrant ahead
Answer: C) Emergency vehicle crossing ahead
What should you do if you approach a roundabout?
A) Slow down and yield to traffic already in the roundabout
B) Speed up to enter the roundabout before other vehicles
C) Drive through without slowing down
D) Honk your horn to signal your presence
Answer: A) Slow down and yield to traffic already in the roundabout
What does a sign with a picture of a hospital indicate?
A) Hospital ahead
B) Emergency vehicle crossing ahead
C) Ambulance station ahead
D) Medical clinic ahead
Answer: A) Hospital ahead
When are you allowed to make a U-turn in a residential district?
A) Only at intersections with traffic signals
B) Only on streets with a center left-turn lane
C) When there are no vehicles approaching from either direction within 200 feet
D) When there are no parked vehicles on either side of the road
Answer: C) When there are no vehicles approaching from either direction within 200 feet
What should you do if you encounter a bicyclist on the road?
A) Honk your horn to warn them of your presence
B) Pass them closely and quickly
C) Slow down and give them at least 3 feet of space when passing
D) Ignore them and continue driving
Answer: C) Slow down and give them at least 3 feet of space when passing
What does a sign with a picture of a person with a flag indicate?
A) Construction zone ahead
B) School zone
C) Pedestrian crossing ahead
D) Flagging area ahead
Answer: D) Flagging area ahead
What should you do if you are driving and a dust storm or blowing sand reduces visibility?
A) Turn on your hazard lights and continue driving at the same speed
B) Slow down, pull off the road as far as possible, and turn off your lights
C) Speed up to get through the storm quickly
D) Turn on your high beam headlights to see better
Answer: B) Slow down, pull off the road as far as possible, and turn off your lights
What should you do if your vehicle’s brakes fail while driving?
A) Pump the brakes to try to restore pressure
B) Downshift to a lower gear and apply the parking brake gradually
C) Turn off the ignition and coast to a stop
D) Sound your horn to warn other drivers
Answer: B) Downshift to a lower gear and apply the parking brake gradually
When is it legal to pass another vehicle on the right?
A) When the vehicle is turning left
B) When the vehicle is moving slower than the posted speed limit
C) When the vehicle is traveling below the speed limit in the left lane
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
What should you do if you are involved in a collision with an unattended vehicle?
A) Leave a note with your contact information on the other vehicle
B) Move the vehicles out of the roadway
C) Call the police and wait for them to arrive
D) Ignore the collision and continue driving
Answer: A) Leave a note with your contact information on the other vehicle
What should you do if you are being tailgated by another driver?
A) Brake suddenly to warn the tailgater
B) Speed up to create more space
C) Slow down gradually and encourage the tailgater to pass
D) Ignore the tailgater and continue driving normally
Answer: C) Slow down gradually and encourage the tailgater to pass
What does a sign with a picture of a bicycle indicate?
A) Bicycle rental shop ahead
B) Bicycle lane ahead
C) Bicycle crossing ahead
D) Bicycle race in progress
Answer: C) Bicycle crossing ahead
When must you dim your high beam headlights when approaching another vehicle?
A) When you are within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle
B) When you are within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle
C) When you are within 100 feet of an oncoming vehicle
D) When you are within 50 feet of an oncoming vehicle
Answer: B) When you are within 200 feet of an oncoming vehicle
What does a sign with a picture of a traffic signal indicate?
A) Traffic signal ahead
B) Stop sign ahead
C) Yield sign ahead
D) Intersection ahead
Answer: D) Intersection ahead
What does a sign with a picture of a pedestrian walking beside a road indicate?
A) Pedestrian crossing ahead
B) Pedestrian walkway ahead
C) Residential area
D) Jogging path ahead
Answer: B) Pedestrian walkway ahead
What should you do if you are involved in a collision and someone is injured?
A) Move the injured person away from the scene
B) Notify law enforcement and render aid to the injured person
C) Exchange information with the other driver(s) involved
D) Leave the scene if you are not at fault
Answer: B) Notify law enforcement and render aid to the injured person
What should you do if your vehicle’s accelerator pedal becomes stuck while driving?
A) Pump the brakes to try to free the pedal
B) Shift into neutral and apply the brakes
C) Turn off the ignition
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
When should you use your headlights during the day?
A) During inclement weather
B) When visibility is less than 1,000 feet
C) When driving in tunnels
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
What should you do if you approach a railroad crossing with flashing lights and ringing bells?
A) Speed up to clear the crossing quickly
B) Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing and the bells stop ringing
C) Slow down and proceed with caution
D) Sound your horn to alert nearby pedestrians
Answer: B) Stop and wait until the lights stop flashing and the bells stop ringing
What is the proper procedure when encountering a funeral procession while driving?
A) Pass the procession quickly to avoid getting caught behind it
B) Yield the right-of-way to the procession and do not interrupt its flow
C) Honk your horn to pay respects to the deceased
D) Join the procession to show solidarity
Answer: B) Yield the right-of-way to the procession and do not interrupt its flow
When is it legal to make a U-turn at a traffic signal?
A) When a “No U-turn” sign is not present
B) When the signal is red and you can make a safe turn
C) When the signal is green and there is no oncoming traffic
D) When a police officer signals you to do so
Answer: A) When a “No U-turn” sign is not present
What does a sign with a picture of a schoolhouse indicate?
A) School zone ahead
B) Playground ahead
C) School bus stop ahead
D) School crossing patrol ahead
Answer: A) School zone ahead
What should you do if you encounter a flashing yellow arrow signal while making a left turn?
A) Stop and wait for the signal to turn solid green before proceeding
B) Yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians, then proceed with caution
C) Speed up to clear the intersection quickly
D) Make the left turn without stopping
Answer: B) Yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians, then proceed with caution
What does a sign with a picture of a truck going downhill indicate?
A) Steep grade ahead
B) Truck stop ahead
C) Truck lane ahead
D) Truck crossing ahead
Answer: A) Steep grade ahead
When driving in foggy conditions, what lights should you use?
A) High beam headlights
B) Low beam headlights
C) Hazard lights
D) Fog lights
Answer: B) Low beam headlights
What should you do if you approach a roundabout with multiple lanes?
A) Enter the roundabout from any lane you choose
B) Use the right lane if you are making a right turn, and the left lane if you are making a left turn or going straight
C) Always use the left lane regardless of your intended direction
D) Always use the right lane regardless of your intended direction
Answer: B) Use the right lane if you are making a right turn, and the left lane if you are making a left turn or going straight
What should you do if you are driving on a freeway and miss your exit?
A) Make a U-turn at the next exit
B) Reverse on the shoulder to go back to the exit
C) Continue to the next exit and find an alternate route
D) Stop in the lane and wait for the next exit to clear
Answer: C) Continue to the next exit and find an alternate route
What does a sign with a picture of a person holding a flag indicate?
A) Construction zone ahead
B) School zone ahead
C) Pedestrian crossing ahead
D) Flagging area ahead
Answer: D) Flagging area ahead
When must you use your headlights in California?
A) Half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise
B) During the daytime if visibility is less than 1000 feet
C) Whenever you are driving in the fog
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
What is the penalty for littering from a vehicle in California?
A) Fine up to $250
B) Fine up to $500
C) Community service
D) License suspension
Answer: A) Fine up to $250
What should you do if you encounter a yellow traffic signal?
A) Speed up to clear the intersection quickly
B) Stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, proceed with caution
C) Stop immediately, regardless of your speed or distance from the intersection
D) Proceed through the intersection without stopping
Answer: B) Stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, proceed with caution
What does a sign with a picture of a bicycle lane indicate?
A) Bicycle lane ahead
B) Bike rental shop ahead
C) No bicycles allowed
D) Share the road with bicycles
Answer: A) Bicycle lane ahead
When is it legal to pass a vehicle on the right?
A) When the vehicle in front of you is turning left
B) When the vehicle is traveling below the speed limit in the left lane
C) When the vehicle is slowing down to make a right turn
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above
What should you do if you are driving on a two-lane road and are being passed by another vehicle?
A) Increase your speed to prevent the pass
B) Speed up to get out of the other driver’s way
C) Slow down and move as far to the right as possible
D) Signal the other driver to pass by waving your hand out the window
Answer: C) Slow down and move as far to the right as possible
What should you do if you are approaching a stop sign at an intersection, but the intersection is blocked by other vehicles?
A) Slow down and proceed through the intersection without stopping
B) Honk your horn to alert the other drivers to move
C) Come to a complete stop before the stop sign and wait until the intersection clears
D) Drive around the vehicles blocking the intersection
Answer: C) Come to a complete stop before the stop sign and wait until the intersection clears
What should you do if you are driving and a tire suddenly blows out?
A) Brake hard to stop quickly
B) Grip the steering wheel firmly and keep the vehicle straight
C) Accelerate to get off the road quickly
D) Pump the brakes to regain control
Answer: B) Grip the steering wheel firmly and keep the vehicle straight
What should you do if you encounter a traffic signal that is not functioning?
A) Treat it as a four-way stop sign
B) Proceed through the intersection without stopping
C) Accelerate to clear the intersection quickly
D) Sound your horn to alert other drivers
Answer: A) Treat it as a four-way stop sign
What does a sign with a picture of a deer indicate?
A) Deer crossing ahead
B) Zoo nearby
C) Hunting zone
D) Animal shelter ahead
Answer: A) Deer crossing ahead
When is it legal to make a left turn on a red traffic light?
A) When turning onto a one-way street from another one-way street
B) When turning onto a two-way street from another two-way street
C) When turning from a one-way street onto a two-way street
D) Never
Answer: A) When turning onto a one-way street from another one-way street
What is the maximum speed limit for vehicles towing trailers on California highways unless otherwise posted?
A) 55 mph
B) 60 mph
C) 65 mph
D) 70 mph
Answer: A) 55 mph
What does a sign with a picture of a pedestrian walking beside a road indicate?
A) Pedestrian crossing ahead
B) Pedestrian walkway ahead
C) Residential area
D) Jogging path ahead
Answer: B) Pedestrian walkway ahead
What is the purpose of a center left turn lane?
A) To provide space for merging onto the highway
B) To provide space for passing slower vehicles
C) To provide space for making left turns from either direction
D) To provide space for emergency vehicles
Answer: C) To provide space for making left turns from either direction