4. From war to Civil War 1945-46 Flashcards
Why was Manchuria an important province?
Bordering the USSR, Manchuria was rich in coal and mineral deposits, and was one of China’s most
industrial areas. It also had lots of fertile land, with thick forests and was very mountainous.
By August 1945, what territories did Japan hold?
Northern China, most of central China, much of the coastline and many of the cities. However, they were
waiting to surrender.
By August 1945, what territories did the GMD hold?
A larger area of southern and western China from their base in Chongqing, recognised as the legitimate Chinese government
By August 1945, what territories did the CCP hold?
Much of the northern and north-eastern countryside from their base in Yan’an.
What advantage did the GMD hold over the CCP at the time of Japanese surrender?
The GMD were recognised as the legitimate government of China, and therefore had the right to take the
surrender of Japanese forces, who they used in fighting against the CCP.
How did the USA help the GMD in taking territory?
US aircrafts transported 500,000 GMD troops to northern China to fight the communists.
How did the CCP respond to the GMD taking more territory?
They began moving into Manchuria.
Which foreign powers wanted to avoid a civil war and how did they attempt to do so?
Both the USA and the USSR. The USA pressured Jiang and the USSR pressured Mao to hold peace talks in
October 1945 in Chongqing.
What did the CCP and the GMD agree in principle to (October 1945) (4 factors)?
1) A democratic political system with free elections and personal freedoms.
2) The release of political prisoners.
3) A unified military force.
4) Elections for a national assembly.
Why did the October 1945 agreement fail?
Mao was not prepared to relinquish control of CCP controlled areas, and Jiang wanted control. Neither could
agree on who would control the unified military force. Jiang then invaded Manchuria to fight the CCP.
What was Stalin’s policy towards China after 1945 and why?
Stalin had no faith in the CCP in defeating the GMD, and did not want involvement in a civil war whilst
expanding in eastern Europe. However, as long as the CCP-GMD conflict continued, China would remain
weak to foreign intervention, which was to the advantage of the USSR.
How did Stalin help the GMD in Manchuria?
Stalin ordered the CCP to hand the GMD all Manchurian cities.
How did Stalin help the CCP in Manchuria (2 factors)?
1) Stalin ordered that the huge stockpiles of weapons and ammunition taken from the Japanese by the Red
Army in Manchuria be handed over to the CCP.
2) He delayed the Soviet withdrawal from Manchuria to April 1946, giving the CCP time to establish a strong
presence in the countryside.
Who was General George Marshall?
The US Chief of Staff in WW2, and later became Secretary of State under President Truman after the
Marshall Mission.
What was the Marshall Mission?
In December 1945, President Truman sent George Marshall to China to mediate, and in January 1946,
Marshall had a ceasefire and pressured Jiang into calling a political conference. At this conference, all of
China’s main political parties agreed upon a constitution.
Why did fighting resume almost immediately after the constitution was signed (1946)?
Jiang tried to change the constitution, providing him and the GMD with autocratic power, causing the other
parties to withdraw their cooperation. The GMD drafted a new constitution on their own, and by Spring of
1946, fighting had resumed in Manchuria and had spread to central China as well.
How did Marshall force a ceasefire?
After the development of a battle for Harbin, the last CCP controlled Manchurian city, Marshall threatened
the withdrawal of US aid from the GMD, forcing Jiang to agree to a ceasefire.
Why was the ceasefire helpful for the CCP?
Although only 15 days, the CCP gained respite from GMD attacks, halting their advance in Manchuria,
allowing CCP forces to regroup.
Why did the USA not want a civil war?
They did not want the USSR, their ideological enemy, exploiting China to their own benefit.
How was US policy towards China inconsistent?
The USA wanted to prevent a civil war, however supplied Jiang with weapons in order to prevent a CCP victory
When did the Civil War in China ‘begin’.
July 1946.
What was the size of the GMD army (August 1945)?
4.3 million men, with 6,000 artillery weapons.
What was the size of the CCP army (August 1945)?
880,000 men, with 600 artillery weapons.
What were the 5 military features of the GMD in 1945?
1) Experience in conventional warfare.
2) They were a large, well-equipped force, with an air force (provided by the USA), and artillery weapons.
3) Control over large areas of China.
4) The NRA were ill-disciplined, poorly trained and lacked the will to fight.
5) Many GMD commanders were tactically weak.
What were the 6 military features of the CCP in 1945?
1) Experience in guerrilla warfare.
2) A small, but tight-knit, force.
3) Gained large quantities of weapons from the USSR in Manchuria.
4) Controlled a small area.
5) Troops were highly motivated and believed in their cause.
6) CCP commanders were tactically competent.
What were the 5 political features of the GMD in 1945?
1) Claimed to be the one true party of China.
2) Had control of the central government.
3) GMD possessed factional rivalry and divisions.
4) The GMD were corrupt and inefficient.
5) The GMD had still not fulfilled the ‘Three Principles’ laid out by Sun Yat-Sen.
What were the 6 political features of the CCP in 1945?
1) Claimed to be the party of the people.
2) Claimed to be patriotic in fighting the Japanese.
3) CCP were united behind Mao.
4) Involved peasants in local government in CCP controlled areas.
5) Reached out to the ‘national bourgeoise’ to join their revolution.
6) CCP troops spread propaganda in their areas.
How many bases did the CCP have in 1945?
19 bases.
What was the Chinese population in 1945?
Around 600 million.
How many people did the CCP rule over in 1945?
Around 90 million
Strengths of the CCP in 1946 (5)
1) gained 100,000 guns and many thousands of pieces of artillery from the Japanese stock-pile, made available from the USSR’s withdrawing from Manchuria
2) Although fewer in number, the CCP troops were far more disciplined, committed and motivated - 6 Main points of attention helped this (focused on troops paying for anything they damaged + avoiding the rape and pillage of Chinese communities)
3) Used a “rectification of conduct” campaigns to weed out enemies and establish loyalty
4) the CCP had 19 bases covering 95.5 million Chinese
5) Mao trusted his Generals like Lin Biao and delegated effectively
Weaknesses of the CCP in 1946 (3)
1) Lacked heavy military equipment - only had 600 artillery pieces, no air force
2) Only 900,000 troops (GMD had 2.7 million)
3) Even though 19 bases - this is still narrow by Chinese standards + they were limited the North of the Yangtze River and don’t include any urban centres
Strengths of the GMD 1946 (7)
1) Seen by the world as the legitimate rulers of China - given a permanent seat on the UN Security Council (1 of 5!) - strong international standing
2) Won back Taiwan (as a result of WW2) from the Japanese
3) Treaty of Friendship with USSR
4) US Aid - General Wedemeyer enabled America to airlift 110,000 troops in vital spots being surrendered by the Japanese
5) 10x as much artillery than the CCP
6) 2.7 Million soldiers - including 39 divisions newly trained and armed by the US
7) Tax collection methods of local officers were brutal - sometimes collecting it 10 years ahead.
Weaknesses of the GMD in 1946
1) Tax collection failed to reach central government - restricted GMD’s funds
2) Corruption in military officers - kept dead soldiers on the registers to get their wages + took over surrendered Japanese territory for their personal gain
3) Support reliant upon middle and upper classes in urban areas - alienated majority of the population (peasants in rural areas)
4) Troops were poorly trained + disciplined + raped + pillaged the Chinese populations to the extent that women blackened their faces and cut their hair to appear as men and avoid this