4 Development Processes and Component Development Flashcards
Leichtigkeit mit der sich
- Korrektur von Fehlern
- Verbesserungen der externen Software-QUalität
- Anpassungen an Änderungen der Umgebung, der ANforderungen oder der funktionalen Spezifikation
Def nach ISO/IEC: The degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which the product can be modified
Wartbarkeit nach ISO/IEC
Analysierbarkeit Modularität Wiederverwendbarkeit Modifizierbarkeit Testbarkeit
Types of Comp Based Develop.
COTS-based dev
- cots = commercial-off-the-shelf or comp-off-the-shelf
- comps developed by some orgs to be marketed
- other orgs use comps available on marketplaces
- no direct influence on comp providers
Product-line dev
-single org develops comps for internal reuse in severl products
Architecture-driven comp dev
- comps developed as result of topdown sys design
- not primarily intended for reuse
- comp-based design here
- -enforces well modularized system, allows benefits from standard services of comp tech
Bottom-up /top-down
- comps are developed independently of each other and independently of application
- applics are created by assembling comps
- framework and software apps with explicit plugin extension mechanisms are developed
- plugins are developed to fill these applications, eg browser, photoshop, eclipse
EIne Menge von Programmvarianeten (Sftwr-Produkten)
teilen eine gemeinsame Menge v. Merkmalen (Features)
die auf eine gemeinsames Marktsegment (Domain) zgeschnitten sind
mit dem Ziel der Wiederverwendung von gemeinsamen Software-Artefakten
zB Datenbank Prduktlinie für embedded systems
Product Line Frameworks
Software reference architecture
-a software architecture that defines entities concrete architectures have to reference to
Software product line
- a set of software products that share considerable parts
- a product line approach allows the planned, architecture-centric and intra-organisational reuse of software artefacts
A framework is the half finished software implementation for a defines application area
- it can be specialised to executable software by filling variation points with code
- -Component framework: comps needed for specialisatn
- -Object framework: subclasses are needed for spclstn
Application with plugins
-an executable aypplication that can be specialised by plugins during deployment or run-time
but also runnable without plugin
A product line caputres variability through variation points
-variation points delay design decisions
Visible property or behaviour of the system
can be optional to the system
features represent commonality and differences btw. systems
Features vs Varianten
Features sind grundbausteine einer Produktlinie (zb implementiert durch comps, packages etc)
feature-kombinationen bilden individuelle produkte