4 - Compressibility Flashcards
What 3 components does ground settlement consist of?
- Consolidation settlement
-Secondary compression settlement - Immediate settlement
What is the total settlement?
The consolidation settlement + secondary compression settlement + immediate settlement
What does consolidation settlement result from?
A decrease in volume of the voids as pore water is squeezed out.
What is the speed at which consolidation settlement occurs a function of?
The permeability.
What does consolidation settlement tend to be associated with?
Clays and silts.
What does secondary compression settlement occur due to?
Particle reorientation, creep and decomposition of organic materials.
Does secondary compression settlement occur quickly or slowly?
Very slowly, and can only be considered to start after the primary consolidation is completed
When does secondary compression settlement tend to be important?
When dealing with soft clays and organic soils.
What us immediate settlement caused by
The elastic deformation of the soil at constant volume, (no change in water).
Does immediate settlement occur quickly or slowly?
Rapidly during the application of applied loading, and is quite small in dense sand/gravels and stiff/hard clays.
Why is settlement of soil unavoidable?
Becuase when you load a material, it is going to deform in some way.
How bad is uniform settlement for a building?
Not too bad, except for utilities under the building.
How bad is tilting with no distortion for a building?
Not great, structure might survive and remediation works used to fix the problem
How bad is distortion for a building?
Disaster for the engineer with a demolish and rebuild required.
What 3 mechanisms is compression of soil due to?
1 - Rearrangement of grains
2 - Fracture and rearrangement of grains
3 - Distortion and rearrangement of grains.
On unloading, what will happen to grain that have been fractured and rearranged?
Grains will no ‘un-arrange’, so volume change on unloading and reloading will be much less than volume change on first loading.
During compression, what are the 2 main properties of soil behaivour?
- Non linear
- Most irrecoverable
Consider a volume (V0) of saturated soil
in equilibrium under a constant total
stress. Initially the total stress is σ0 and
the pore pressure is u0 thus the effective
stress is: σ
0 = σ0 − u0
What happens immediately after loading?
Immediately after loading, the total
stress is increased by ∆σ. If there is
no change in volume then ∆σ
0 = 0.
Therefore ∆σ
0 = ∆σ − ∆u = 0. Hence
∆σ = ∆u. The extra load is (initially) carried by the pore water.
Consider a volume (V0) of saturated soil
in equilibrium under a constant total
stress. Initially the total stress is σ0 and
the pore pressure is u0 thus the effective
stress is: σ
0 = σ0 − u0.
What will happen after intitial loading drainage will occur?
Water will flow out of the soil and the excess pore pressure starts to dissipate, therefore change in stress > change in pore pressure, and the effective stress increases.
Consider a volume (V0) of saturated soil
in equilibrium under a constant total
stress. Initially the total stress is σ0 and
the pore pressure is u0 thus the effective
stress is: σ
0 = σ0 − u0.
What will happen once drainage is compltete?
Change in pore pressure = 0, and u = u0. The effective stress has increased by change in stress, and the volume has decreased by change in volume.
Describe the series of events that happens to an embankment constructured on a soil layer:
1 - On loading, the total stress initially starts to increase, at the same rate as the pore pressure increases, therefore the effective stress remains the same. The volume remains unchanged (UNDRAINED)
2 - After, the total stress remains the same and the effective stress begins to increases at the same rate the pore pressure decreases as water dissipates. The volume begins to decreases as water leaves the pore space. (CONSOLIDATION)
If the rate of drainage is quicker than the rate of loading, what does this mean?
Effective stress and volume chnages occur quickly = drained loading conditions
If the rate of drainage is slower than the rate of change of loading, what does this mean?
The pore pressure increases and the effective stress ad volume remain unchanged = undrained loading conditions.
Under fully drained conditions, what happens to the pore pressure?
It does not change, thus volume changes will occur simultaneously with the increase in loading, and stress.
Under fully undrained conditions, what happens to the pore pressure?
The increase in total stress produces an equal increase in pore pressure, change in effective stress = change in pore pressure.
What is the definition of consolidation?
The dissipation of excess pore pressure, accompanied by volume change.I
If the embankment is wide compared to the depth of the soil layer, what will happen?
Due to the restraining effect of adjacent columns of soil, there will be no horizontal movement, thus there is vertical strain but no horizontal strain.
What is the equation of vertical strain of a wide foundation?
Change in volume / initial volume
Change in H / initial height
= change in voids ratio / (1 + initial void ratio )