4) CH1: (TRA) The Impact Of The Crimean War Flashcards


Why did the Crimean war happen?
And what happens during the Crimean war?

The Ottoman (Turkish) Empire stretched from the ……across ……….the and into the……….

Nicholas …… attempts to increase Russian influence there caused the ……..to declare war in October ……..

The British and French, trying to protect their……………… entered the war in defence of Turkey.

The …….,,proved no match for the …..,,and suffered defeats at ………..(October …..) and ……..(November 1854).

………… became Tsar in March 1855. By ………..the fortress of ………..in the Russian……had fallen to its enemies, Russia was……..

The concluding Treaty of ……. (…) added the final humiliation by ………. Russia warships from using the ……….even in ……..


-The Ottoman (Turkish) Empire stretched from the Middle East across the Black Sea Straits and into the Balkans.

Nicholas I’s attempts to increase Russian influence there caused the Turks to declare war in October 1853.

The British and French, to protect their trading interests, entered the war in defence of Turkey.

The Russians proved no match for the West and suffered defeats at Balaclava (October 1854) and Inkerman (November 1854).

Alexander II became Tsar in March 1855. By September, the fortress of Sebastopol, in the Russian Crimea, had fallen to its enemies, Russia was shocked.

The concluding Treaty of Paris (1856) added the final humiliation by preventing Russia warships from using the Black Sea in peacetime.

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The effect of the Crimean war?

The Crimean War had revealed Russia’s …… and ………..inadequacies, including:
• ………. technology
• Poor ……..:
• Inadequate ……..
• The problems of having a ………….

Trade had been ………
……… …….. had escalated
and much of the intelligentsia were appealing for …….. to close the gap between Russia and the West.

Russia’s failure in the Crimean War proved a ‘……’. And 1855 marked the ……. of a new tsar, (……….)and a new ………:.: of ……. minded …..and ….. who would strongly influence his…….


The Crimean War had revealed Russia’s military and administrative inadequacies, including:
• Outdated technology
• Poor transport
• Inadequate leadership
• The problems of having a conscripted army

Trade had been disrupted, peasant uprisings had escalated and much of the intelligentsia were appealing for action to close the gap between Russia and the West.

Russia’s failure in the Crimean War proved a ‘wake up call’. 1855 marked the accession of a new tsar, Alexander II, and a new generation of liberal minded nobles and officials who would strongly influence his reign.

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