4 Flashcards
It attempts to study things people and events in their natural setting as they unfold naturally in a non-manipulative and non-controlling environment
Naturalistic inquiry
It focuses on the personal subjective and experimental basis of knowledge and practices capturing an understanding of the human experience and gathering a better understanding of people’s thoughts attitudes and behaviors
Its purpose is to paint the larger picture by seeking the meaning of behaviors and ways of doing things each context
Holistic perspective
It aims to explain what they see and hear in a specific context rather than to merely describe them
It focuses on discovery and understanding
Participants are randomly selected in a purposive manner using only those who can provide the richest insights into the phenomenon of interest which increases its accuracy
Purposeful selection of participant
It seeks to find answers as to why a certain thing occurs to the subject
Case study
Involves the study of a group to understand its organizational setup internal operation and lifestyle
Refers to the study of how people find their experiences meaningful
Focuses on the substance of the mode of communication
Content or discourse analysis
Examines primary documents to find the connection of past events to the present or future time
Historical analysis
Reveals a discovery of a new theory at the data collection and analysis
Grounded theory
Presents events which happened in the past through a logical progression
Narrative report
An individual’s life struggles and their relation to societal themes
Biography studies
Seeks transformative changes to solve existing problems
Action research