4 Flashcards
Who said?
Latin verb colere; inhabit, cultivate, protect, honor with
▪ Culture is what we are
Fr. Samuel Agcaracar
Who said?
o Culture is conceived as the way of life of a social group, not of an individual as such.
o It is the way a society copes with its physical, social, and ideational environment.
o In other words, culture is a society’s regularized or standardized design for living.
Fr. Louis Luzbetak
Beliefs, experiences, principles, values and memories are shared as a result of common enculturation; process of how culture is passed on
Who said?
o The process by which culture is passed on and is learned
o “A very long process of growing into the culture to which
he or she belongs”
Nicolas Standaert
is “a partially conscious and partially unconscious learning experience whereby the older generation invited, induces, and compels the younger generation to adopt traditional ways of thinking and behaving.
is primarily based on the control that the older generation
exercises over the means of rewarding and punishing children.” (Harris)
Culture can be discerned in various levels according to Standaert: (4)
- Action
- Symbol
- Always changing
- Subcultures
Such as clothing or means of transport
- Action
- Symbol
- Always changing
- Subcultures
Myth, rites of passage at birth, puberty, marriage,
greeting, etc.
Part of symbol is language
▪ Myth, rites of passage at birth, puberty, marriage,
greeting, etc.
- Action
- Symbol
- Always changing
- Subcultures
Cultures do evolve. Due to demographic development, economic laws, climactic changes, or human technological progress
- Action
- Symbol
- Always changing
- Subcultures
Always changing
Within a culture, there can be several subcultures
- Action
- Symbol
- Always changing
- Subcultures
who said
“Ritual behaviors, religious institutions, and sacred texts find their
wherewithal in the bailiwick of culture.”
Stanley Skreslet
“The deposit of Faith or the truths are one thing and the mannerin which they are enunciated, in the same meaning and understanding, is another.”
- Lumen Gentium, 62
- Ad Gentes , 11
- Lumen Gentium, 62
Adopting culture one is immersed in
- Enculturation
- Inculturation
- Enculturation
Integrating aspects of a new culture to one’s own
o Ex: Hapag ng Pag-Asa by Joey Velasco
- Enculturation
- Inculturation
In this process of inculturation people receives the Word, makes it the principle of their life, values, attitudes and aspirations. In this way they become the Body of Christ in this particular time and place—a local church.
local church.
the way we practice the faith in our own context
without sacrificing the very essence/truth of the Gospel
- Enculturation
- Inculturation
Embody the word of Christ into the ________
local context
is the discovery of the seeds of the Word which lie hidden in the
given cultures and living traditions
- Enculturation
- Inculturation
“In order that they may be able to bear more fruitful witness to
Christ, let them be joined to those men by esteem and love; let them acknowledge themselves to be members of the group of men among whom they live; let them share in cultural and social life by the various undertakings and enterprises of human living; let them be familiar with their national and religious traditions; let them gladly and reverently lay bare the seeds of the Word which lie hidden among their fellows.
o Discover God in a culture through dialogue
- Ad Gentes , 11
- Lumen Gentium, 62
- Ad Gentes , 11
The Gospel, then, has to purify a culture while culture has to enrich the Gospel. There must be a mutual enrichment between the Gospel and culture between faith and culture
Stanley H. Skreslet, Comprehending Mission
- Ad Gentes , 11
- Lumen Gentium, 62
Ad Gentes , 11
_______and _____ is the goal of cultures. Thus, culture not only
could cultivate but also can mediate the Christian faith to others
Human and world flourishing
• “Culture also includes religion as one of its elements.”
• Religion is the animating principle of culture
• Culture is like a body, with religion as its soul
“The work of evangelization carried out by the church is a continuation of the
incarnation, and, therefore, Christianity must assume whatever is good in the
different races and cultures is compatible with the essential message of the
“The spirit sows the ‘seeds of the word’ present in various customs
and cultures, preparing them for full maturity in Christ.”
- Redemptotis Missio, 28
- Ad Gentes , 11
- Lumen Gentium, 62
Redemptotis Missio, 28
“The _______ tells us that God is not afraid of using cultures to
communicate with us”
As mission and evangelization considers cultures, Paul VI has this to say “Evangelization loses much of its force and effectiveness if it does not take into consideration the actual people to whom it is addressed, if it does not use their language, their signs and symbols, if it does not answer the questions they ask, and if it does not have an impact on their concrete life.”
- Redemptotis Missio, 28
- Ad Gentes , 11
- Lumen Gentium, 62
- Evangelii Nunciandi, 63
- Love and accept their culture
- Evangelii Nunciandi, 63
- Love and accept their culture
Successful ______ demands from those involved in the process mature freedom in the Spirit which is characterized by docility and trust in His guidance
Successful inculturation demands from those involved in the process ______ ______ in the Spirit which is characterized by docility and trust in His guidance
mature freedom
Successful inculturation demands from those involved in the process mature
freedom in the Spirit which is characterized by _____, _____ in His guidance
docility and trust
T/f: The Chruch acknowledges that there is God in other cultures
Borders are generally regarded as seedbeds of ____