4/11 Flashcards
Mit chut na neco/ neco udelat
Mam chut to udelat.
Nemam chut dnes pracovat.
Nemel jsem chut oslavovat.
Mam chut na slenicku.
Mas chut na dalsi pivo?
To feel like (doing) sth
I feel like doing it.
I don’t feel like. working today.
I didn’t feel like celebrating.
I feel like a drink.
Do you feel like another beer?
Neriskujte, zavolejte jen policii.
Bylo to hrozne riziko.
Bal jsem se riskovat odchod z prace.
Take a risk
Don’t take any risk, just call the police.
It was an awful risk to take.
I was afraid to take the risk of quitting my job.
Mit prestavku
Nemeli byste ridit vice jak 3 hodiny bez prestavky.
Dalsi prestavku si dame v 1hod.
Take a break
We shouldn’t drive for more than three hours without taking a break.
We’ll take another break at 1pm.
Vyuzit/ vyuzivat neceho
Myslel jsem, ze vyuziji tech sportovnich zarizeni kdyz uz jsem tady.
Myslim, ze vyuziva jeho dobre povahy.
Take advantage of sth
I thought I’d take advantage of the sports facilities while I’m here.
I think she takes advantage of his good nature.
Primout opatreni/ podniknout kroky
Musime podniknout kroky k vyreseni problemu drive, nez se rozsiri do dalsich oblasti.
Nedostatek prijatych opatreni byl v nekterych ohledech zklamanim.
Take action
We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas.
The lack of action taken had, in some ways, been a disappointment.
Zblaznit se
Ja si vazne myslim, ze sezblazni, jestli nebude mit brzy dovolenou.
Go crazy
I seriously think she will go crazy if she doesn’t have a holiday soon.
Anton byl prvni z mych pratel, ktry oplesatel.
Proc nekteri muzi plesati, zatimco jini ne?
Go bald
Anton was the first among my friends to go bald.
Why do some man go bald while others don’t?
Zacal sedivet ve svych ctyriceti.
Go/ turn grey
He started go/turn grey in his mid-forties.
Jeho bratr oslepl po neuro operaci.
Go blind
His brother went blind afzer a neuro operation.
(Po)kazit se
Je to mleko porad dobre nebo se zkazilo?
Nekteri lide mohou skoncit v zoufale situaci, kdyz se veci pokazi.
Go bad
Is the milk still good or has it gone bad?
Some people can end up in desperate straits when things go bad.
Nastvany/ Rozlobeny
Je na me opravdu nastvany za to, ze jsem nastval Sophie.
Nechapu kvuli cemu se zlobi.
He is really angry st/with me for upsetting Sophie.
I don’t understand what he is angry about.
Rozvest se
Get divorced
Opit se
Get drunk
Dostat hlad
Get hungry
Zmizet, utratit se
Get lost