4-1 [Create and Configure File Systems] Create, Mount, Unmount and Use VFAT, EXT4 and XFS File Systems Flashcards
mkfs.ext /dev/xvdf1
Create VFAT file system at location
mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/location
Mount file system
fsck.vfat /dev/xvdf1
Check for file system consistency on vfat (ext)
mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf1
Create EXT4 file system on device
mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/location
Mount the file system at location
fsck /dev/xvdf1
Check for file system consistency on ext4
dumpe2fs /dev/xvdf1
Get details of file system on ext4, including UUID
tune2fs -L labelname /dev/xvdf1
Label the device on ext4
mkfs.xfs /dev/xvdf1
Create XFS file system on device
mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/location
Mount file system at location
XFS file system must be unmounted
xfs_repair /dev/xvdf1
Check for file system consistency for xfs
xfs_info /dev/xvdf1
Get details of file system for xfs
xfs_admin -L labelname /dev/xdf1
Label the device for xfs
Extension of FAT file system, allowing log file names; often used in SAMBA shares or
when sharing files between Linux and Windows computers
Common among Linux systems; journaling-based file system that can support up to 16TBs on Red Hat and up to 50TB in file system size
Known for parallel processing and high I/O throughput; journaled file system that supports up to 500TB file size on Red Hat 7 with 500TB in file system size
in /etc/fstab
/dev/xvda /mnt/newdirvfat vfat defaults 1 2
/dev/xvda /mnt/newdirext4 ext4 defaults 1 2
/dev/xvda /mnt/newdirxfs xfs defaults 1 2
mount a file system persistently, with dump field 1 and fsck flag as 2
one for vfat
one for ext4
one for xfs
Can fsck run on mounted?
Must be unmounted for fsck to run on
Which file systems is fsck used for?
vfat and ext4