3rd test - Ist semester final Flashcards
Prepare short and essay questions for the final.
What is the role of the prophets in the historical books?
- theological spokesperson
- problem solvers
- Fore-tellers and Forth tellers
4 Limited nature in comparison to ANE
How is a prophet a theological spokesperson?
They deliver divinely sent messages
- Primarily interpret events from a divine perspective
- Especially prominent in the DtrH
- Condemn sin (Bathsheba, idols)
They also give commentary on the historically kingly narrative:
- Reevaluating war - Yahweh is always victorious
- Offer hope and restoration in future
How is a prophet a problem solver?
Consulted to answer problems (see 1 Sam. 9:6)
How is a prophet a fore-teller?
Isaiah predicts deliverance of Jerusalem (2 Kings 19)
How do prophets relate to the monarchy?
a. Occasionally lived in the royal establishment – occasionally sought out
b. King makers/ King breakers
c. Demonstrate the power of God
d. Condemn immoral activity
What is the difference between biblical prophets and others in the ANE?
Ancients had many ways of ascertaining the will of the god(s), and prophesy was one of them
How do the priorities of DtrH shape 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings?
i. Explain exile
ii. One God, One Cultic Center, One People
iii. Themes are:
1. No Idols/YHWH alone is God
2. Centralization of Cult
3. Obedience = Blessing / Disobedience = Curses
How do the views of DtrH shape 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings?
i. As we have learned, there are a variety of sources that contribute to the books of 1 and 2 Samuel especially.
1. Rise of Saul/Rise of David/Ascension Narrative
2. Ark Narrative
ii. These become even more obvious in the doublets
1. i.e. Saul’s rise (1 Sam. 9:1-10:16, 10:17-27, 10:27-11:15)
2. i.e. David’s introduction to Saul (1 Sam. 16:14 vs. 17:55)
iii. However, there is a clear presence of the DtrH
1. See 1 Sam. 8:8, 8:18, 12:14-15 (obedience/disobedience)
iv. Therefore, DtrH uses these sources to serve his own ideologies in Samuel
1. One God,
a. 1 Samuel 8:7 –rejection of YHWH as king
2. One People
a. Not really sure what this means? Except maybe negative appraisal of division?
i. David does not usurp the throne?
3. One Cultic Center
a. Ark Narrative represents one cultic center until temple is built
4. Obedience vs. Disobedience
a. Saul’s sin leads to rejection as King
i. David is framed in a positive light over Saul
v. Likewise 1-2 Kings represents these themes throughout the narrative
1. One God -Blame Division of Kingdom on Solomon’s apostasy
2. One People -Division of Kingdom?
3. One Cultic Center -Building of the Temple
4. Obedience vs. Disobedience
a. Success of Hezekiah attributed to faithfulness
b. Apostasy of North leads to exile (2 Kings 17)
c. Sins of Manasseh leads to exile (2 Kings 24)
vi. Overall Thesis: Using history as theology, taking the sources that say what happened and adding commentary to explain exile.
How do the views and priorities of the chronicler shape 1-2 Chronicles to be distinct from the earlier histories?
- The goal of Chronicler was to focus on the temple (as opposed to DtrH which sought to explain exile)
a. Completely positive view of David and Solomon - David and Solomon are responsible for the planning of the temple and its maintenance
b. Hezekiah’s reforms centered around purifying of the temple - Fall of Jerusalem attributed to the people who rejected God in that generation
- Manasseh’s repentance?
How is David characterized by different sources and why is he characterized differently? Are these depictions positive, negative or mixed? How do the positive or negative depictions work towards the goals of different authors or compilers?
- Rounded character
a. Flawless in his early life
i. probably result of “Ascension Narrative”
b. “man of blood”
i. killer of enemies, not Israelites
c. Worshiper
i. Positive, but in the manner of women (dancing)
d. Failed Father
i. Cannot control house
ii. Subordinate to Bathsheba in end
Chronicler - starts with David being anointed as king over all Israel. Never mentions divided kingdom. - does not mention Hebron; includes David’s heros; omits succession narrative- David is an ideal king without flaws. Talks about how David made preparations for the building of the temple because Solomon was inexperienced.
How is Saul characterized by different sources and why is he characterized differently? Are these depictions positive, negative or mixed? How do the positive or negative depictions work towards the goals of different authors or compilers?
- Tragic Figure
a. Once received Spirit of God – ends with Evil Spirit
b. Obsessive
i. Devotes life to killing David, not kingship
ii. Kills Priests in order to get after David
c. Rejected
i. Fails to protect Israel
ii. Fails to serve God
How is Samuel characterized by different sources and why is he characterized differently? Are these depictions positive, negative or mixed? How do the positive or negative depictions work towards the goals of different authors or compilers?
- Priest, Prophet, Judge
a. Grows in aggressiveness
b. King maker + king breaker - Overall a positive, essential figure
Chronicler ???????????????
How is Manassah characterized by different sources and why is he characterized differently? Are these depictions positive, negative or mixed? How do the positive or negative depictions work towards the goals of different authors or compilers?
- Worst of all the kings
a. Reason for Judah’s exile
Chronicler: taken to Babylon as a prisoner and repented of his worship of other gods, returned to Jerusalem and became a model ruler. Tried to justify the length of his reign.
How does archeological evidence of Babylon (specific writings and images found in archaeological contexts) parallel, clarify and/or contradict the biblical accounts of the monarchies and the rise and fall of Israel/Judah?
“Babylonian Chronicles” – cuneiform tablets that give annalistic accounts of the reigns of Babylonian rulers in the late seventh and sixth centuries
i. reign of Nebuchadrezzar describes attack on Jerusalem in 597 ii. compare 2 Kings 24 b. Broken tablets found in Nebuchadrezzar’s palace i. list Jehoichin as one of many captives under house arrest ii. compare 2 Kings 25 c. Seal of Yehoyishma daughter of Shawash-sar-utsuz i. Confirms transition to YHWH worship in Babylon ii. Shows exile wasn’t as oppressive as portrayed
How does archeological evidence of Egypt (specific writings and images found in archaeological contexts) parallel, clarify and/or contradict the biblical accounts of the monarchies and the rise and fall of Israel/Judah?
The Merneptah Stele
i. Israel is included in the list of conquered peoples by the Egyptians.
ii. No reference is made within the Biblical account