3rd section for final Flashcards
Repeatability (r95) is internal lab method check.
Which of the following represent the measures of data dispersion?
Standard Deviation
Standard Error
The absolute minimum value of Cp for a capable process is:
Quality Assurance (QA) puts the emphasis on
Quality Assurance (QA) puts the emphasis on the prevention rather than detection.
Actual Colloidal Stability tests measure beer haze
At the end of its shelf life
Protein-polyphenol haze formation is influenced by:
Dissolved oxygen
Predictive shelf life tests measure beer haze at the end of its shelf life
Choose a statement that is not true. Sources of non-biological haze in beer include:
When a gas phase storage cylinder is discharged, the pressure:
Reduces progressively during discharge
Absolute pressure is the total pressure (on the beer), and is the sum of atmospheric
pressure plus any additional applied pressure from dispense gas
The carbonation level in a beer will decrease as the alcohol content increases.
At sea level atmospheric pressure is equal to:
14.7 psi
Gas blenders can provide:
3 blends
Nitrogen is about 120 times less soluble in water than in beer.
False - the same
The carbonation level in a beer will increase as the SG increases.
Chill haze forms at 0°C and re-dissolves at 20°C
Choose a statement that is NOT true. Oxygen radicals react with wort and beer components to produce oxidized
compounds. Some examples include:
Oxidation of SMM and DMS
Quality Control (QC) is a form of inspection involving sampling of part in a mathematical manner to determine
whether or not the entire batch is acceptable.
Reproducibility (R95) is internal lab method check.
FALSE = repeatability is
Which of the following represent different approaches to quality?
Best Practice
Non-biological haze in beer is mostly the result of
protein and polyphenols
Non-biological haze in beer is mostly the result of
Quality Control (QC) is a form of inspection involving sampling of part in a mathematical manner to determine
whether or not the entire batch is acceptable.
Increasing the temperature of the liquid will result in an increase of terminal settling velocity of the solid particle
which is settling under gravity.
Which of the following is a reason why a lot of micro organisms can’t survive and grow in beer?
Low pH
Which of the following removal ratings is best for comparison purposes between different filters?
Beta Rating
Mach the number of PU ranges with the beer style
Wheat beers :5-8
Ales : 20-25
Full Lagers : 15-20
The main objective of pasteurization is achieving colloidal stability of beer
the beta rating test measures the total particle count change across the filter. If there are 1 000 000 of
particles in the filter infeed stream, and 75 000 particles in the filter outfeed stream, the β-rating of the
filter is
!3.33 and the precent removal is 92.5
Choose true statements lenticular filter
Is using a regenerative filter aid
has a enclosed modular design
Particles being filtered are larger than the pore openings between filter fibers
Direct interception
Particles being filtered impact with the fibers in filter where they are retained
affected by membrane thickness
Inertial impaction
Utilizes the random Brownian motion movement of particles
Diffusional Interception
Particles being filtered are attracted by the fibers in filter media with high zeta
Charge effects
ρ ρ
The correct answer is: ω Ⱦ angular velocity, r Ⱦ radius of the axis of particle rotation, ρ Ⱦ particle density, d Ⱦ
particle diameter, v Ⱦ terminal separation velocity, ρ Ⱦ liquid density, η Ⱦ liquid viscosity
Separation of a particle under centrifugal force can be accelerated by:
Increasing the liquid temperature
increasing the angular velocity of a particle
Removal efficiency of sterile filter is defined as the titre reduction. Tr = (No of organisms at inlet/No of organisms
at outlet). If the number of bacteria at inlet is 1 trillion, and the number of bacteria at outlet is 1000, Tr =
Primary cause of colloidal instability is beer is the presence of mineral salts in brewing water.
Which of the following variables should be taken into consideration when deciding upon the level of required PU
a beer should receive?
beer style
beer tubidity
Which of the following factors are contributing to the pressure drop in draft beer lines?
increase internal tube roughness
Increased beer tube lenght
Main reasons for a longer process time (up to 1 hour) in a tunnel pasteurizer are:
Reducing thermal stress on glass bottles
Slowing internal container pressure rise
For a properly adjusted draft system it should take approximately — to fill a 1.89L growler
30 sec
Match the container failure pressure with the small package type.
12 bar - returnable
10 bar - non returnable
6 bars - cans
Which of the following are true statements about nitrogen?
Nitrogen is chemically inert gas,
Nitrogen is less soluble in beer than carbon dioxide,
Nitrogen is less dense than carbon dioxide
‘Lag’ time for heat conduction through a container wall and then through the bottle contents in a tunnel
pasteurizer is about
10 minutes
If the beer travels to a faucet below keg level, the elevation difference used to determine static resistance is
measured from the
the bottom of the keg
Nitrogen is more expensive in terms of cost per unit volume than CO .
It is good practice to use the smallest internal diameter line possible from the keg to the tap.
One of the negative consequences of pasteurization process on the flavour of the final product is alcohol
conversion to
Flash pasteurizer has four sections:
Flash pasteurizer has four sections: Regenerative, Heating, Holding, and Cooling
Three main failure modes that could occur with flash pasteurizer
Three main failure modes that could occur: Temperature drop, Plate failure, Gas breakout
The carbonation level will depend on
The carbonation level will depend on the absolute pressure of the dispense gas
Other sources of non-biological haze include:
Other sources of non-biological haze include: Starch, Non-Starch Polysaccharides, Ca-Oxalate
Forcing Tests are based on forcing
Forcing Tests are based on forcing colloidally sensitive materials out of solution