3rd Grade Words Flashcards
gusto (3rd)
(noun) enthusiastic enjoyment or delight
marlin (3rd)
(noun) a big fish that lives in the ocean and that people catch for sport.
o’clock (3rd)
(adverb) according to the clock
upshot (3rd)
(noun) outcome
barter (3rd)
(verb) to trade goods or services for other things rather than using money.
hefty (3rd)
(adjective) impressively large
glimmer (3rd)
(noun) a small amount or degree: a faint trace
jackpot (3rd)
(noun) an unexpected success or reward
warning (3rd)
(noun) a notice, bulletin or signal that serves to caution of the approach of danger
sonar (3rd)
(noun) a device used for finding underwater objects bu using reflected sound waves.
garlic (3rd)
(noun) the bulb of a plant related to the onion that has a strong smell and taste, is composed of smaller bulbs called cloves, and is used in cooking.
forum (3rd)
(noun) a place where open discussion can happen.
plaza (3rd)
(noun) a public square in a city or town.
silent (3rd)
(adjective) not making noise: completely quiet
domino (3rd)
(noun) a flat rectangular block the face of which is divided into two equal parts that are blank or bear from one to six dots, and that is used to play a game.
naysayer (3rd)
(noun) one who denies, refuses or opposes
around (3rd)
(adverb) approximately, about
glance (3rd)
(noun) a quick look.
curries (3rd)
(plural noun) foods that are seasoned with a blend of ground spices.
layover (3rd)
(noun) a temporary stop in a journey.
splendid (3rd)
(adjective) excellent, praiseworthy.
random (3rd)
(adjective) lacking or seeming to lack a regular plan, purpose or pattern.
zinger (3rd)
(noun) a quick and witty comment that criticizes or insults someone.
Band-Aid (3rd)
(trademark) a small bandage.
eyebrow (3rd)
(noun) the arch or ridge over the eye, or the covering of hair growing on it.
atomic (3rd)
(adjective) of or relating to the smallest particles of an element.
native (3rd)
(adjective) born in a particular place or country
watchdog (3rd)
(noun) a dog that is trained to guard property
dearly (3rd)
(adverb) with affection : fondly.
clutch (3rd)
(verb) to hold onto something tightly with your hand.
polar (3rd)
(adjective) of, relating to or near the north pole or the south pole.
imposter or impostor (3rd)
(noun) a person who tricks others by pretending to be someone else.
tirade (3rd)
(noun) a long speech marked by harsh language: rant
field (3rd)
(noun) an area, category or division of work or study.
postpone (3rd)
(verb) to hold back to a later time: defer, delay
ocean (3rd)
(noun) the salt water that covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the earth.
parade (3rd)
(noun) a public procession: the movement of people or things in order.
coward (3rd)
(noun) someone who is easily intimidated or frightened.
error (3rd)
(noun) an act or statement that is not correct
owlishly (3rd)
(adverb) in a manner resembling or suggesting an owl.