3F: challenges from pluralism and diversity within a tradition Flashcards
What is religious pluralism?
- pluralism says Chrsitinaurt is not the only source of exclusive truth for everyone
- other religions may be considered equally valid, even if they claim to be exclusively true
- at least some claims of truth by other religions are expressions if a deeper, universal truth
What is exclusivism?
- Christianity is the only way and all other religions are in error. ‘My faith is the only true faith, all the others are wrong’
- the OT clearly states that the covenant that existed between God and Jewish nation is exclusive. He commands that they worship one God only and that they are chosen by him alone. Dire consequences are expected for those who disobey.
What is inclusivism?
- an acceptance that while Christianity is completely true, other religions may hold a partial truth.
‘My faith is the only true faith, but I will include others’
Who was John Hick?
- English philosopher and theologian best known for his advocacy of religious pluralism
- his ideas were challenged by Pope Benedict XVI
What did John Hick challenge?
challenged exclusivist Christian theology that claims:
- God founded Christianity alone
- he requires also humans to enter his faith
- those in the faith are closer to God
- Hick also challenged Christian inclusivism because it retains elements of exclusivism - holds that Christianity is the superior route to God/salvation even if there are truths in other religions
John Hcik - what are common elements to world faiths?
- the central concern of all world faiths is salvation/liberalisation from self-centredness towards an understanding of the Real.
- doctrines from world faiths may conflict but not the experience of a transcendent reality thst lies behind them.
Hick - influenced by Kant:
- Hick claimed that religions are phenomena, while the Real is noumena.
- the noumena is like a white light before it has been refracted into rainbow colours through a glass prism
- different religious traditions have different cultureal conceptions of the Real. They expedite if differently yet correctly
- Jastrow’s Duck/Rabbit picture shows that while one may expericnea duck and another a rabbit, both are correct
Why did Hick support religious pluralism?
- Hick supported religious pluralism.
- this invites a paradigm shift where Christian symbols (e.g. incarnation and Trinity) are interpreted differently:
+ traditional expressions of the incarnation such as the Niceness Creed should be abandoned as they are no longer helpful
+ Jesus is not the only way to salvation; he is a human who achieved a high degree of God-consciousness
- Christianity should be free to explore and borrow from other faiths and scriptures where they are helpful
-Hick believes inclusivism is a dying dogma that should be abandoned.
Who was Karl Rahner?
- German Roman Catholic priest and theologian
- considered to be one of the most influential Roman Catholic theologians of the 20th century
Why does Rahner reject pluralism?
- one of the greatest opponents of Roman Catholivism because it rkercs church authority and has no firm conviction in Christ.
Rahner’s first thesis:
- Christianity is the knee absolute authority concerning salvation
- the historical Christ is the only route to salvation
- God desires salvation for everyone
- salvation was possible before people could know of the historical Christ.
Rahner’s 2nd thesis
- Acts 17:22-27 shows that other elgioejsnare incorrect but may lead people towards Gid
- all religions that lead people to God are lawful religions
- non-Christian religiousness contain cherries, so they are not harmless
- God uses other religions to reach those who cannot truly hear of Christ.
Rahner’s 3rd thesis:
- atheists and other non-Christians who are unable to respond to Christ may be anonymous Christians.
- God is already working within them through Christ even if they do not know or accept it.
- Christian missionaries should recognise this and show respect
- the anonymous Christian exhibits genuine faith through their behaviour and attitudes. They are no consigned to hell, or granted salvation on their own merit without reference to Christ.
Rahner’s 4th thesis:
- conversion to Christianity helps the anonymous Christian compete their journey
- the work of the church is to being people out of implicit faith in Christ and towards explicit faith
- even rejection of the Christian message may not be the rejection of Christ
- not all will be saved. Many may opt out of God’s salvation if they hear or correctly understand.
What are the diffferences between Hick and Rahner?
- Hick is a pluralist whilst Rahner is inclusivist
- Hick: Christianity has no authority over other faiths. Rahner: Christianity is superior
- Hick: all faiths may equally lead to the divine. Rahner: other faiths are lawful but contain a flawed path to the divine
- Hick: all faiths have a cultural interpretation of the Real. Rahner: God uses other faiths, but they are not harmless
- Hick: any work faith can be explored and borrowed from. Rahner: people should be led towards explicit Christian faith
What are the differences between Christian Universalism and pluralistic universal (Hick) - PU?
- salvation and liberalisation are offered in all the world’s religions
- many religions can be the path to salvation/liberalisation without any taking a superior position over others
- all religions understand the Real from their own cultural perspective, all may be equally true
- this is not relativism - religion can be judged by its effectiveness in helping people, not tolerate regardless of any evil it promotes.