3D vocabulary Flashcards
grātia, grātiae, f.
thanks, recompense
auxilium, auxiliī, n.
impedīmentum, impedīmentī, n.
uoluptās, uoluptātis, f.
desire, love, passion
breuis, breue
short, brief
imperō (1) (+ dat.)
I give orders (to), command
obstō (1) (+ dat.)
I stand in the way of, obstruct
operam dō, dare, dedī, datus (+ dat.)
I pay attention to
faueō, fauēre, fāuī, fautum (+ dat.)
I do service to, favor
pāreō, parēre, paruī (+ dat.)
I obey
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus
I hold
licet, licuēre, licuit, licitum est (+ dat.)
it is permitted to x (dat.) to y (infin.)
grātiās agō (+ dat.)
I thank
praesum, praeesse, praefuī, praefutūrus (+ dat.)
I am in charge of, at the head of
he says
I say
you (s.) say
they say
necesse est
it is necessary