3Chapter4-6 Flashcards
Bounderby takes the law into own hands after his marriage fails and makes up for his lack of evidence with his abundance of power in excess, what does he do?
he has posters placed all over town demanding the apprehension of Blackpool and offering a reward
How does Slackbridge use Blackpools diasspearnce and alleged crime?
as further evidence that the dissenter was a true traitor and a true theif
How much had Stephan previously taken from Louisa?
only 2 pounds
There is an allusion to the Roman goddess of love, Venus, describing Boundary’s new found love, what?
the bank as a replacement, rebirth and redirection of the love he was incapable of sustaining in his marital union
What can be said about the fact that there is an allusion to the Roman goddess of love, Venus, describing Boudnerby’s new found love for his bank as replacement, rebirth and re-direction of the love he was incapable of sustaining in his marital union. How is this image corrupted?
for just as the love of a bank is a dirtier idea than marital bliss, Venus’s birth out of the sea foam of Cypher is likened to Boudnerby’s birth out of the mud. Symbolically, this re-birth is not true birth and what is lost (Bounderbys should) will remain that way
The motif of cleanliness and dirt extends the theme of _______ and _______.
fidelity and honesty.
Dickens returns to the issue of the Hands’ unionisation through slack bridge and suggests that unionisation does not in fact unite individuals, but does what?
turns one another against each other
While slack bridge addresses the Hands as “fellow countrymen” and and “fellow brothers” he ironically encourages them to exclude Stephen from their fellowship. How does Rachel sum up Stephen’s predicament?
“the masters against him on the one hand, the men against him on the other”
“can a man have no soul of his own, no mind of his own?”
What does Rachel say which mirrors Dickens’ own critique of the unionisation?
“can a man have no should of his own, no mind of his own?”
In his unfailing integrity (“perfect integrity”) and his desire for peace, Stephan becomes a martyr. How does he suffer?
for anothers crime
The narrator demonstrates his omniscience and moral authority by assigning futures in accordance with those who are good and bad. How is Bounderby given a bad ending?
his fraud is exposed
Slack bridge capitalises on what?
Blackpools “disgrace”
Where did Stephan fall?
Old Hell Shaft
How is Miss Pegler describes upon Mrs.Sparsit dragging her to Bounderby?
“mysterious old woman”
How does Mrs.Pegler address Bounderby?
as “my dear Josiah”
Where had Bounderby claimed he lived?
“in the gutter”
What is chapter 6 called, the chapter in which Stephan dies?
the Starlight
the name Blackpool seems to have foreshadowed his fall into the ditch. There is a upfliting contrast in the starlight that appears at the end of the chapter, what does this do?
this redeems and restores his good name; despite his bad luck, he has remained a pure person and the symbol of the starlight is as heavenly as the Old Hell Shaft is not
Which biblical figure does Stephan compare to?
to St.Stephan, the first Christian martyr who was similarly disparaged by his enemies only to be vindicated later
The novelists’ social commentary seems more focused on the affairs of this world than the supernatural and so Dicken’s phrase the “God of the poor” is not religious sentimentally but is instead what?
a very pointed phrase which exposes the irrelgious and hypocritical life of the wealthy and noble individuals who presume themselves to be moral superiors to the poor and also challenged the God of the poor, as even the poor further this doom