3.b. The pathways and processes which control the cycling of water and carbon vary over time Flashcards
What device is used in order to monitor change
- satellites as they can measure atmospheric temp, sea surface temp and and surface temp
- these can be used on a temporal scale-day to day and epoch to epoch
Durinal changes of climate, temperature, sunlight
- significant changes can occur within 24 hrs in water cycle- evaporation+transpiration lower at night due to temperature drop. Higher prec rate at night as temperature in clouds reach dew point
- high rates of carbon during daya to vegetation. The flux is reversed at night
Seasonal changes of climate, temperature, sunlight- water cycle
-seasons controlled by variations in the intensity of solar radiation- UK solar radiation peaks mid June at 800W/m2. This has impact on evopotranspiration and precipitation rates- impact water cycle
Seasonal changes of climate, temperature, sunlight- carbon cycle
- seasonal variations in carbon cycle shown in month to month variations in net primary productivity due to temp, photoperiod and water availability
- during summer months in norther hemisphere, there is a net global flow of CO2 from atmosphere to biosphere- levels fall to 2ppm. Flow reversed when photosynthesis ends
- seasonal fluctuations explained by concentration of continental land masses in northern hemisphere
- phytoplankton stimulated into photosynethetic activity by rising temp, intense sunlight and lengthening photoperiod. Explosion of microscopic ocean plant life results in algael blooms
Long term changes key facrs
- over the last 1 million years, the global climate has been unstable, with large fluctuations in temepratures occurring at regular intervals
- in past 400,00 years there have been 4 major glacial cycles, with cold glacials followed by warmer interglacials. On much loner time scales, global temperatures have been even more extreme
Impacts of long term climate change on water cycle
- during glacial periods water cycle undergoes changes- main is net transfer of water from ocean reservoir to storage in ice sheets, glaciers and permafrost
- sea level worldwide falls by 100-130m and ice sheets and glaciers expand
- ice sheet advance destroys forest and grassland
- water stored in the biosphere shrinks
- climate becomes drier and deserts+grasslands displace large areas of rainforrest
- lower evapotranspiration rates- reduce exchanges of water
Impacts of glacials on carbon cycle
-reduction of CO2 in atmosphere- at times of glacial maxima C02 concentrations fall to
-changes in oceanic circulation bring nutrients to surface- phytoplankton grow rapidly and fixes co2 in photosynetheis. When they die, the carbon is stored in the deep ocean
-the carbon pool in vegetation shrinks during glacial periods as ice sheets advance and occupy large areas of the continents. Deserts expand, tundra replaces temperate forests and grasslands
-less exchange of carbon between the soil and atmosphere due to ice coverage. Increase in coverage means less vegetation and reduction in carbon fixed by photosynthesis