3A Flashcards
Hold the floor It worse that comes to worst It was supposed Self steem Until further notice
Talkative Don't let the other people to talk بدتر ازين نميشد قرار بود خودباوري تا اطلاع بيشتر
Hand out food Stuntman Jaw-dropping Closing credit Strick while the iron is hot
Free food that bring to u, for example in moharram بدلكار تعجب انگيز تيتراژ پاياني تا تنور داغ بچسبون
Pull s.b's leg Pep talk It takes two to tango Be more catholic than pop Vicious circle
سر به سر گذاشتن سخنراني انگيزشي دو طرف مقصر هستن كاسه داغتر از اش دور باطل
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
علف بايد به دهن بزي خوش بياد
تخليه كردن
Stand on ceremony
Leave no stone unturned = don’t give up
تو رو دروايسي افتادن
نا اميد نشو
Action speak louder than words. Barking dog, seldom bite. Catch sb red handed Be green with envy Escaped by the skin of your teeth To carry coal to newcastle
از عمل كار برايد نه به سخن - مچ كسي رو به موقع گرفتن از حسودي سبز شده خطر از بيخ گوشش گذشت زيره به كرمان بردن
Inferiority complex
Identity crisis
عقده حقارت
بحران هويت
Mama's boy Trash talk Stereotypes Look on bright side Joking aside = joking apart Seed
بچه ننه كل كل باور عمومي جنبه مثبت رو ديدن فارغ از شوخي كاشتن
Like wise
Filthy mind
به همچنين
سبقت گرفتن
ذهن خراب
Shine up to someone
Half of loaf is better than nothing
Go on sulk
Butter s.o up
خود رو براي كسي عزيز كردن
كاچي به از هيچي
قهر كردن
پاچه خواري كردن
Chime in
Dos and donts
وارد بحث شدن participate in
بايدها و نبايدها
Lash out
At the same time
Shout at sb
Broken relation with girl
As matter of course
In the course of time
Put value on s.th
As usual
As the time goes by
S.th is important
Go through
Act up
Out standing- better than other
Experience of bad situation
برداشتن. كنار كشيدن
بازي درمياره. خوب عمل نميكنه
Back stabber
High turnout
زيراب زن
حضور گسترده