3A - 单元四 - 核心 - 《沟通面面观》 Flashcards
run hua ji
润滑剂 / lubricant;grease
bu sheng mei ju
不胜枚举 / too numerous to mention
e wan
扼腕 / in regret;gnash one’s teeth in sorrow
ti xu
体恤 / solicitude for;emphathize with
qian xu
谦虚 / modest;humble
fen wei
氛围/ atmosphere;ambience
bi yi
裨益 / benefit;advantage
yan jun
严峻 / severe;serious;rigorous
liu yan fei yu
流言蜚语 / unfounded rumour; hearsay
rao luan
扰乱 / disturb; disrupt
shen xiao chen shang
甚嚣尘上 / very noisy
ji chu
基础 / fundamental part
han gai
涵盖 / to cover, to include
闲聊 (meaning)
casual chat / xian liao
维持 (meaning)
to maintain / wei chi
逐渐 (meaning)
gradually / zhu jian
目标 (meaning)
target / mu biao
达成 (meaning)
to achieve / da cheng
彼此 (meaning)
each other / bi ci
职责 (meaning)
responsibility; duty / zhi ze
管道 (meaning)
channel; means / guan dao
领导 (meaning)
leader / ling dao
凝聚力 (meaning)
cohesiveness / ning ju li
稳定 (meaning)
stable / wen ding
意识 (meaning)
awareness / yi shi
制定 (meaning)
to formulate / zhi ding
政策 (meaning)
policies / zheng ce
措施 (meaning)
measure / cuo shi
具体 (meaning)
concrete; definite / ju ti