387: Week 9 - Family Violence Flashcards
What is domestic abuse?
- present when one person attempts to exercise control over or to exploit another person or their property
- control is exerted through neglect, intimidation, inducing fear, or through inflicting pain
What is violence?
- intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person or against another group or community
- results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation
Abuse can occur across the lifespan
- in childhood/adolescence
- during early adulthood (college -> acquaintance rape)
- during pregnancy
- during older adulthood (caregivers)
What are the 6 types of abuse?
- Physical
- Emotional/Psychological
- Verbal
- Sexual
- Economic
- Spiritual
Who is more likely to report multiple victimizations of violence?
Females are 57% more likely to report compared to men
What gender differences exist with regards to experiencing abuse?
- differences in the types of abuse that are committed
- young girls are more likely to be sexually abused
What groups of individuals are more likely to be abuse?
vulnerable populations such as:
- children
- first nations (women)
- ppl w/ disabilities
- older adults
- common law women
What are the risk factors for abuse?
- substance abuse (of the abuser)
- economic dependence (of the victim)
- social isolation (of the victim/possibly both though)
- extensive stress in the family
- pregnancy (of the victim)
What is the neurological theory of DV?
-frontal lobe damage from trauma impairs ability to make judgments regarding appropriate behavior
What is the Psychosocial theory of DV?
- DV is socially learned through role modelling
- children who have seen DV in the home or who have experienced DV will use violence as adults
What influence does the media have on DV?
glorification of violence against self and others
What are the 3 phases of the Cycle of Domestic Violence?
- Tension building
- Explosion of abuse
- Honeymoon
What are some distinctive characteristics of the Cycle of Domestic Violence?
- the psychological impacts that occur during the honeymoon phase are hugely significant
- the amount of time between abusive episodes reduces as the cycle progresses
- the severity of abuse increases as the cycle progresses
Who is most likely to abuse older adults?
- someone who knows the older adult
- family members (partner, siblings, children, grandchildren)
- caregiver other than family
- friends
- landlord
- health care providers
What are the negative impacts of elder abuse?
- decline in physical and mental health of the older adult
- increased risk for depression
- increased risk for suicide
What is the learned theory of elder abuse?
- Transgenerational violence theory
- violence is a learned behavior
What is the Physical and Mental dependence theory of elder abuse?
-power is misused when an individual is dependent on another (i.e. dependence on partner, children)
What is the Pathologic theory of elder abuse?
caregivers with drug/alcohol addictions and or mental illness are more likely to be abusive to their older adult
What is the stressed caregiver theory of elder abuse?
internal stress and external pressure intermingle to increase likelihood of abusing older adult
How do societal attitudes theorized to impact elder abuse?
negative attitudes and evaluation of older adults & stereotypes that view older adults as frail, incompetent and powerless may increase the likelihood for them to experience abuse